On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:17 PM, David Diggles <da...@elven.com.au> wrote:
> Hmmm, ok...  hpn-ssh looks like the go.
> http://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh
> http://www.nren.nasa.gov/hpn_ssh.html
> http://www.hpsc.csiro.au/userguides/faq/ssh.php#hpn-ssh

hpn-ssh is a very good solution

Along with network buffer tweaks, I routinely use it on BSD, Solaris
and Linux hosts
over long haul private gig and 100meg links to approach the speeds one can
achieve with rcp or rsyncd.

It may not solve your CPU pegging, but in practice where such issues do not
exist, it takes a minute for the sending host to prime the pipe.  The settings
I begin setting higher than the defaults are:


There are likely more settings to change and  I'd be interested to see them.


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