Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-14 Thread Edward A. Gardner
Along with Godwin's law, there must be some rule of flame fests that people 

how it started or fail to note when they make ridiculous statements.

Example, how it started.  Some recent comments:

RMS made statements first.  RMS will pay for his lies.

Nobody here asked for or WANTS his endorsement. He started the

Again, Richard made foul and faulty comments about OpenBSD first.
Richard then came to the OpenBSD mailing lists looking for a fight.

The flame fest began with this thread:

and specifically this message:

Mr. Stallman did not join in until 13 hours later, when he posted this message
starting the current thread:

Example, whether OpenBSD gives a shit.  Some recent comments:

Nobody here asked for or WANTS his endorsement. He started the
thread. We could give a shit about what he thinks. Now it's just

I highly doubt that many OpenBSD developers or users care whether or not 
RMS endorses OpenBSD. I know I don't.

OpenBSD does not, pardon the french, give a shit about RMS' "seal of 

These statements disprove themselves -- if OpenBSD really didn't care, no 
one would be

posting such impassioned messages claiming no one cares.

It's said when the following is one of the more intelligent messages seen 
on misc the

past couple days:

Dearest Partner,

I am Mrs.Rose gomo, From Abidjan Cote'd'ivoire West Africa. I am a widow 
being that I lost my husband a couple of years ago. please can u help me 
invest in your country like Real Estate and Industrial Production??

I need an urgent answer please.

Mrs.Rose .

- Mrs Rose

Re: Via C7 fully supported?

2006-11-03 Thread Edward A. Gardner

At 07:12 31-10-2006, Diana Eichert wrote:

On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Tom Cosgrove wrote:

> Although they're not yet available, Wim is hoping to sell
> soon.
> See
> Thanks
> Tom

look like a more interesting choice than the commell I'm looking at,


The problem or unfortunate feature of both of these is that the only path 
between the NICs and memory is a single shared PCI.  The chipset specs say 
nothing about it other than it is PCI, implying it is 32-bit / 33 Mhz.  In 
other words, the 2 or 4 gigabit NICs share a roughly 100Mbyte/sec path to 
memory, perhaps slightly more.  A single NIC running half-duplex can 
saturate the available IO to memory bandwidth.

Admittedly the price of gigabit NICs has come down to where I'd rather see 
them than 100mbit NICs.  They have advantages even if unable to run at full 
speed.  But running multiple gigabit links full speed, these boards 
won't.  Sigh.

Ed Gardner


2006-10-10 Thread Edward A. Gardner

At 09:38 10-10-2006, Theo de Raadt wrote:

Some of you may have been following the OLPC discussion.  Here is
one place you can read more about it:

Since Jim repeatedly mistates our views, I am making the controversial
move of publishing the entire email archive.

It is in a flat file at


In reading these it seemed obvious that the encumbered IP or microkernel 
that JG talks about is almost certainly ThreadX, produced by Express Logic 
( or  I might mention that I have a lot of 
experience with embedded systems.  JG brags of having started in 1983.  I'd 
already been working for several years on embedded systems (the name hadn't 
been coined back then).

Today ThreadX is almost ubiquitous in devices of a certain size or 
complexity.  A recent press release claims over 300 million devices use 
it.  It is especially dominant in ARM based devices.  The business model is 
interesting.  In terms of code it is little more than a threading package, 
typically only a few KB.  Networking and USB stacks are also available, 
including them expands the code footprint.  The threading package is 
something that any competent coder could toss off in less than a 
week.  What you are really buying is a decent reference manual and that 
they've done the legwork to integrate support into every embedded software 
development platform and every SoC hardware debugging tool on the 
planet.  And just about every experienced embedded firmware engineer you 
interview has already used it.  They price it reasonably enough that you'd 
usually be stupid not to use it.

Pricing is a fixed fee per "project".  Firmware for a chip is a 
project.  Significant enhancements or new versions are a project.  Bug 
fixes are not.  Source is always included.  No royalties.  A large company 
such as Marvel likely buys an unlimited use license that encompasses all 
projects started within a certain time frame.

Marvel should have used ThreadX for this project, it's the only thing out 
there that comes close to what's needed.  It's the only thing that matches 
JG's hints.  Main alternative would be a home brewed kernel, and JG says 
they didn't do that.  Assuming I'm right, it has the following implications:

1.  No restrictions whatsoever on binary firmware distribution, except what 
Marvel chooses to impose.  They could make the binary blob public domain 
and the ThreadX licenses I've seen wouldn't care.  This is one of ThreadX's 
biggest marketing points, prominently featured in their ads.

2.  No restrictions on documentation to write drivers, except what Marvel 
chooses to impose.  Drivers interface with Marvel's firmware, it has no 
relationship with ThreadX.

Note: the above two are what Theo and OpenBSD want.

3.  No restrictions on internal hardware documentation needed to write 
firmware, except what Marvel chooses to impose.  If Marvel decided to 
release documentation describing how to write ARM code to tweak the radio, 
the MAC, the USB interface, etc., they are free to do so.  I don't think 
OpenBSD cares about this, but I for one would love to play with it.

Note: #3 is what someone would need to write their own, from scratch, 
firmware to do mesh networking and release same under a GPL or BSD license.

4.  What Marvel cannot do (without major legal pain) is release their 
existing firmware source code to third parties.  The source code uses 
ThreadX, it is a derivative work of the ThreadX manual and code, it is 
encumbered by the ThreadX licensing restrictions.  Modifying the existing 
firmware for almost anything, especially including a feature such as mesh 
networking, is clearly a new "project".  Whoever received the source code 
would have to purchase a suitable license for ThreadX and agree to abide by 
its terms.

Anyone may forward or cross-post this message anywhere they please, 
provided they don't alter the meaning by quoting excerpts out of context.

Edward A. Gardner   eag at ophidian dot com
Ophidian Designs719 593-8866
1262 Hofstead Terrace
Colorado Springs, CO  80907