Re: Networking Menu option during boot

2015-11-04 Thread J. Scott Heppler

On Nov 04, 2015: 11:35, Jiri B wrote:

On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 07:08:54AM -0800, J. Scott Heppler wrote:

The bsd.rd install option already pauses the kernel and displays a
network configuration script.  Would it be possible to provide a
similiar option in OpenBSD?

bsd.rd doesn't pause the kernel, installer is called from init,
iiuc it is dot.profile and then based on users input or if there's
autoinstall mode it starts particular mode.

you can put in rc.local whatever you want.


You are right, the bsd.rd install options pauses the boot process.
Still, I think it would be cleaner for those with mobile devices, to
establish their desired connection directly as opposed to establishing
the default, taking it down, clearing keys in the case of wireless, and
bringing it back up.

J. Scott Heppler

Penguin Innovations

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Networking Menu option during boot

2015-11-04 Thread J. Scott Heppler

Prior to selling its soul to systemd, Arch Linux used an /etc/rc.local
entry to configure networking.  One of the options was a "menu" that
would pause booting and display some pre-configured networking options.
In Arch, the networking options were placed in an /etc/ directory.

The options could include open wireless access points and 
static/dynamic NICs.

The bsd.rd install option already pauses the kernel and displays a
network configuration script.  Would it be possible to provide a
similiar option in OpenBSD?

J. Scott Heppler

Syntax errors in 005->007 5.7 patches

2015-05-01 Thread J. Scott Heppler

Just a minor problem with patches 004 -> 007 in 5.7

Apply by doing:
   cd /usr/src
   signify -Vep /etc/signify/ -x 005_httpd.patch.sig
-m - | \
   patch -p0

J. Scott Heppler

mpd.conf libao mixer_control options

2015-01-01 Thread J. Scott Heppler

I utilize the tray-app volume applet in my tint2 system tray and mainly
use mpd as an audio source.  I was wondering if it is possible to
configure mpd.conf so that the displayed audio volume matches the
tray-app volume.  I have been able to do this in FreeBSD by specifying
the mixer_control option
#audio_output {

#   type"oss"
#   name"My OSS Device"
##  device  "/dev/dsp"  # optional
##  mixer_type  "hardware"  # optional
##  mixer_device"/dev/mixer"# optional
##  mixer_control   "PCM"   # optional

Is it possible to specify a mixer_control in OpenBSD
libao and if so what are the available devices/syntax?

## Default libao output:
audio_output {
   name"Libao Audio Device"
   mixer_type  "software"

tray-app volume does not appear to be configurable.


J. Scott Heppler

Version 2 of 007_pfctl.patch.sig missing untrusted

2014-11-18 Thread J. Scott Heppler

Reply-To: "J. Scott Heppler" 
Organization: Innovations

Per subject line
J. Scott Heppler

10 Million in NSF grants for processor security

2014-09-26 Thread J. Scott Heppler

The hardware is just one piece of the puzzle.  There might be grant
money available for the software aspect and the NSF should not be as
touchy about anti-war statements.  Canada should also have an interest
in this.

J. Scott Heppler

Sound - Azalia Codecs

2014-07-23 Thread J. Scott Heppler

The recent change acpi(4) change regarding bogus interrupts allowed me
to install Current on an old Everex Stepnote VA1500V notebook.
Everything works with two small nits regarding the sound.
The more important one is that plugging in headphone to the green
line-out jack mutes the speaker but does not provide and sound.

The mic input jack also does not record anything using aucat - I
rarely record though.  The *wav file is generated for the appropriate
amount of time but has not discernible output on playback.
$ mixerctl -av
record.adc-0:1_mute=off [ off on ]
inputs.mix_source=dac-0:1,mic,dac-4:5 { dac-0:1 mic dac-4:5 }
record.adc-0:1_source=mix [ mix mic ]
inputs.sel2_source= [ ]
outputs.sel2_mute=off [ off on ]
inputs.dac-2:3_mute=off [ off on ]
inputs.dac-4:5_mute=off [ off on ]
outputs.mic_source=dac-2:3 [ dac-2:3 ]
outputs.mic_dir=input-vr50 [ none output input input-vr50 ]
outputs.spkr_source=mix [ mix ]
outputs.spkr_mute=off [ off on ]
outputs.spkr_boost=off [ off on ]
outputs.master.mute=off [ off on ]
outputs.master.slaves=spkr { sel2 dac-2:3 dac-4:5 spkr }
record.volume.mute=off [ off on ]
record.volume.slaves=adc-0:1 { adc-0:1 } 

I do not see any hp or line-out outputs and I am unsure what to make of
the empty sel2_source.

The notebook chipset is Via based
dmesg | grep azalia
azalia0 at pci4 dev 1 function 0 "VIA HD Audio" rev 0x10: apic 1 int 17
azalia0: codecs: VIA/0x1708
audio0 at azalia0 

The Windows drivers for the same notebook use the ALC 655 azalia codec.
The ALC 655 codec appears to be in OpenBSD only under auvia driver
instead of the azalia driver
auvia0 at pci0 dev 17 function 5 "VIA VT8233 AC97" rev 0x60: apic 2 int 22 (irq 
ac97: codec id 0x414c4760 (Avance Logic ALC655 rev 0)
audio0 at auvia0 

I found the codec specs for both the VT1708A and Realtek ALC 655 sound
drivers and can provide those (browser crashed with both 60+ page *pdf's

Is there some way to have either have azalia call up the ALC 655 codec
or change the device code to call up auvia?  In linux/alsa one can tweak
the codec in /etc/modprobe.d.

I debated sending this during the 5.6-beta freeze.  On one hand, it
would be good to fix, but on the other, I can't imagine this is a common

Any additional info, debug outputs and trials of patches I should be
able to provide. 

J. Scott Heppler

Penguin Innovations

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and any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete the message and any attachments from your system.

Simple Desktop

2014-06-12 Thread J. Scott Heppler

This is to let the community know of another OpenBSD desktop option.
The motivation was to have an environment that was free of pulseaudio,
systemd, hal, udev and other linuxisms.  In some ways it is
a throwback as it contains configuration files that I have been fine
tuning for years (example: the midnight commander "ini" file has been updated
openoffice -> libreoffice).  A similar effort is underway as the PC-BSD
"Lumina" desktop.  I envision that a patch of the ini file could be
submitted back to the midnight commander maintainer.

I believe that it could be made into a meta-port although I am on the
learning curve as far as porting goes. I am open to suggestions and will
attempt to incorporate bugfixes and suggestion that are consistent with
the overall goal of the project.

Feel free to do what ever you want with it.  The pieces to build the
desktop are at DaemonForums due to a lack of webspace on my part. 

Scott H.

Mulling 5.3 -> current in view of X vulnerabilites

2013-06-14 Thread J. Scott Heppler

I have several computers all running OpenBSD. After the recent Toronto
Hackathon, current is running extremely well with a long standing
xombrero issue resolved.

I am running
OpenBSD 5.3-current (GENERIC.MP) #10: Thu Jun 13 00:29:17 MDT 2013

Also perusing the recent Xenocara code base, many of the Xorg
vulnerabilites have been addressed in current

The number and extent of the recent xorg vulnerabilities was large
enough to wonder if and how the vulnerabilities would be addressed in
5.3 release (one huge patch and whole xenocara build, multiple small
patches with selective xenocara builds, new x install sets or do nothing
at all). I have seen some comments acknowledging the issue in
openbsd-misc but no discussion on how it will be addressed. There were
no comments in the hackathon or in openbsd-x11

My systems function mostly as desktops so Xorg vulnerabilities carry
some weight.

Anyone have insight as to if the vulnerabilities in 5.3 will be
addressed? I think it counts as the base install. 

Scott H.


2013-06-01 Thread J. Scott Heppler

The latest patch for 5.3 has incomplete instructions
"/usr/src" has previously been "cd /usr/src"
and the patch did not find the file on my i386 install.

J. Scott Heppler

SiS 7018 Audio Codec in current

2013-04-29 Thread J. Scott Heppler

Update to OpenBSD 5.3-current (GENERIC) #146: Thu Apr 25 16:55:16 MDT

results in a dmesg with

ohci1 at pci0 dev 1 function 3 "SiS 5597/5598 USB" rev 0x07: irq 5,
version 1.0, legacy support
autri0 at pci0 dev 1 function 4 "SiS 7018 Audio" rev 0x02: irq 11
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec
autri0: Codec timeout. Busy writing AC97 codec

J. Scott Heppler

Does Pulse Audio in e17 result in a can of worms

2013-01-27 Thread J. Scott Heppler
Background of question

The volume module for enlightenment is alsa or pulseaudio only:

My sense is that pulse audio was grudgingly added to
support gnome development. 

Pulse is disabled in the current Makefile for vlc;content-type=text%2Fplain

mpd uses libao for output.

Question:  Will enlightenment/pulseaudio happily coexist with vlc, mpd,
minitube, Firefox ogg/ogv or would I need to rebuild vlc with pulse
enabled? Will I need to come up with a libao-pulse?  Lastly, where is
the documentation buried for pulse audio setup?

Scott H.

mem address conflict in amd64 current

2013-01-23 Thread J. Scott Heppler
My dmesg show a new mem address conflict error that has persisted
through 3 upgrades.  I am currently at

 5.2 GENERIC.MP#20 amd64

The message shows up in the standard dmesg
acpicpu0 at acpi0: PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: PSS
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature is 65 degC
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
cpu0: PowerNow! K8 2500 MHz: speeds: 2500 2400 2200 2000 1800 1000 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
0:0:0: mem address conflict 0xe000/0x2000
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "ATI RX780 Host" rev 0x00

but does not show up after enabling ukc verbose
Bear$ dmesg | grep mem
>>> probing for spdmem*
>>> spdmem probe returned 0
>>> probing for spdmem*
>>> spdmem probe returned 1
>>> spdmem probe won
spdmem0 at iic0 addr 0x50: 1GB DDR2 SDRAM non-parity PC2-6400CL3
>>> probing for spdmem*
>>> spdmem probe returned 1
>>> spdmem probe won
spdmem1 at iic0 addr 0x52: 1GB DDR2 SDRAM non-parity PC2-6400CL3
Bear$ dmesg | grep pce 
Bear$ dmesg | grep pci 
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
piixpm0 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 "ATI SBx00 SMBus" rev 0x14: SMI
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 1
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
>>> pciide probe won
pciide0 at pci0 dev 20 function 1 "ATI SB600 IDE" rev 0x00: DMA,
channel 0 configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
azalia1 at pci0 dev 20 function 2 "ATI SBx00 HD Audio" rev 0x00: apic 4
int 16
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 1
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
>>> pcib probe won
pcib0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "ATI SB600 ISA" rev 0x00
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
ppb2 at pci0 dev 20 function 4 "ATI SB600 PCI" rev 0x00
>>> probing for pci*
>>> pci probe returned 1
>>> pci probe won
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
pchb1 at pci0 dev 24 function 0 "AMD AMD64 0Fh HyperTransport" rev 0x00
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
pchb2 at pci0 dev 24 function 1 "AMD AMD64 0Fh Address Map" rev 0x00
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
pchb3 at pci0 dev 24 function 2 "AMD AMD64 0Fh DRAM Cfg" rev 0x00
>>> probing for pciide*
>>> pciide probe returned 0
>>> probing for cmpci*
>>> cmpci probe returned 0
>>> probing for pcib*
>>> pcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for amdpcib*
>>> amdpcib probe returned 0
>>> probing for tcpcib*
>>> tcpcib probe returned 0
kate0 at pci0 dev 24 function 3 "AMD AMD64 0Fh Misc Cfg" rev 0x00: core
rev BH-G2 isa0 at pcib0

I booted a Jggimi amd64 live cd and did not get the error message.
Everything is working fine, so far, could the message itself be
J. Scott Heppler