Re: Major Surprise with xdm on 3.7

2005-08-11 Thread Justin Reigle
> I now think that there is a security advantage to using xdm to bring up
> KDE - namely, that there is no unprotected console session which can be
> hijacked by someone sitting down at the computer, finding the session
> from which KDE was started, and putting startkde in the background.

Well, what happens when they reboot the box, go in with boot -s,
get the root shell and cause havoc? If you're that concerned about people
sitting down in front of your machine to cause problems, then protect it
with something physical (e.g. caged rack with lock).

Re: Random lladdr to ifconfig for ath0 - cannot connect

2005-08-03 Thread Justin Reigle
> etc and works fine. When we change the MAC to something random with ifconfig
> and then associate, we get nothing.

No surprise here. When you change the lladdr you're only changing
what's sent as the source ethernet address on ethernet-style frames.
This will not affect the 802.11 level station's address. The chip will
still be sending frames with the original MAC as the SA, while the
ethernet frames will be sent with what you specified to ifconfig.

At any rate, any sane AP will drop said packets. If you want to really
do this, then you
need to change the MAC that's programmed onto the card. This will
propagate down to the OBSD generic ethernet code. This differs based
on wifi chip make, so you'll have to figure that one out. I'd be
willing to bet it's a bit of a pain in the butt.


Cisco Aironet MPI350

2005-05-12 Thread Justin Reigle
Hello All,

I recently purchased a Thinkpad T40 which contains the Cisco Aironet
MPI350 minipci
adapter. After an afternoon of research and hacking the various
aironet driver files,
I'm hoping someone can offer some assistance.

If you read this far, I'm sure you already know the MPI350 is
different from the other
Aironet miniPCI cards in that it does DMA in addition to PIO and also
advertises has two
seperate BARs to be mapped for "mem" and "aux mem".

I've used the FreeBSD (primarily) and Linux drivers for reference. So
far, I can get the
card to attach and can read some basic data from the card. It gets through the
generic an_attach without a hitch, an_read_record seems fine so far (e.g. can
read the genconfig, capabilities, etc...). Mac address is printed
properly, so I'm
receiving data from the card. I also printf'd some other things in the
and genconfig structure and verified the results appear valid.

The fun comes inside of an_init, where we set the SSID list. This fails due to
the check (reply.an_status & AM_CMD_QUAL_MASK) (from the FBSD code).

So I'm curious to know if anyone knows anybody who might have access to this
documentation and could help answer a few questions as and when they come?
For instance, what does checking the an_status against the bits in  
AN_CMD_QUAL_MASK reveal? Does it indicate the type of failure?

I've also seen that some records read with an_read_record have a length
mismatch, such that the "record length mismatch" warning is printed.
Is this a fatal
problem? Is there some difference between how records are passed with the
other MiniPCI aironets or have I screwed something up?

Also, is pci_mapreg_map and the related functions documented anywhere
other than /usr/src/sys? Their implementations seem straightforward, but I'm not
sure if there are any underlying subtle semantics I'm missing...

Any insight would be most helpful. I know this probably isn't the most
relevent thing to post to misc, but I'm hoping I can solicit some
assistance from an interested party.

- Justin

Re: 3.7CDs arrived today...

2005-05-06 Thread Justin Reigle
> heh, i got my cd's today too.  which is awsome.  also i finally got
> something special.

I received my CDs yesterday too. Excellent :). Installed two machines, 
upgraded one, rock and roll.

However, the jewel case is screwed up (2 of three mounts are disintigrated),
just like every single time I've ever ordered (since 2.7). I wonder if
it's possible
to use a higher quality triple jewel case? Oh well...

- Justin

Re: Postfix (IBM) license question

2005-05-04 Thread Justin Reigle
> Do you really want to be in the situation where you have to indemnify
> someone who has the desire and the resources to sue IBM?

Why would you indemnify the person suing you? 

Furthermore, why make a warranted commercial distribution if you can't live
up to your claims? What the OpenBSD project produces is not a comercial
distribution since it's given with no warranty whatsoever and you don't have to
pay for it.

Anyone a lawyer or have a lawyer friend who might help decipher this one?

- Justin

Re: Postfix (IBM) license question

2005-05-03 Thread Justin Reigle
> I've been reading that section as meaning "If you sell something with
> with Postfix on it, and what you sell ends up in a lawsuit involving
> part of the Postfix written by others that you changed, YOU carry the
> burden of defending the portion written by others as well as your own
> portion of the defense."

IANAL also

If you read #5 and #6 it should be obvious that there is absolutely no warranty
of any kind whatsoever attached to the piece of software as offered by
the author
and contributors. However, if someone is making a commercial product
that guarantees feature-x or some performance metric and the product
fails to live up
to it's warranted claim, then #4 applies to you.

In this case, I read #4 to mean that if you distribute with no warranty
or liability claimed (e.g. like all of OpenBSD) #4 does not apply.

However, if some schmuck takes the OpenBSD-derived stuff and creates a
commercial product including it, warranting some feature, then #4 requires that
individual to take full responsibility for all shortcomings of their
warranted claims
and also has to indemnify upstream developers from getting screwed.

The net result isn't really too different from someone taking BSD licensed code
written by a 3rd party, and selling it with some commercial terms and guaranteed
warranty that they can't meet. I think the only real purpose of #4 is
to explicity
protect upstream developers.

Anyway, that's my interpretation :). While it's probably benign, I can see why
such a verbose license is rejected by the OpenBSD team.

- Justin

Re: Memory management

2005-05-03 Thread Justin Reigle
> Where can i find information about Memory management in OpenBSD ?
> (Virtual memory, swap, etc)

I'm sure many differences exist by now, but this was the starting point for UVM.

- Justin