/bsd: carpXX: ip_output failed: 64

2011-07-26 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   Since I added another physical and carp interface to our firewalls, 
I get strange error messages, and strange behaviour for carp failover.

Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp32: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp34: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp40: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp5: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp11: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp31: ip_output failed: 64
Jul 25 15:00:04 fw2 /bsd: carp: carp31 demoted group carp by 1 to 2\
(> snderrors)

   I'm pretty sure that I had no of that "64" errors before I added 
"carp 40" - the old logfiles show none (though I have only those from a 
few days).

   I googled for the error but didn't find anything helpful.

   Any quick pointers what may be going wrong?


Re: CARP compatibility

2011-04-20 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Router 2
carp1: flags=8803 mtu 1500
lladdr 00:00:00:00:00:00
priority: 0
carp: INIT carpdev none vhid 2 advbase 1 advskew 0
groups: carp

This mightily looks like some other interface is trying to use the same 
IP-address (the 00:00:00:00:00:00 hints at that).

In that case the carp interface naturally remains at INIT.


pf: Load Balancing Outgoing traffic over multiple WAN-connections with something like "sticky address"

2011-04-18 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello list,

   is it possible to make outgoing traffic load-balance in a way that 
connections from the same internal IP to the same external IP always use 
the same WAN-connection (at least until the

   The example under
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/pools.html#outexample
circumvents it by using only one connection. It would be nice if I could 
use something like:

pass in on $int_if from $lan_net \
route-to { ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1), ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) } \
round-robin \

using "round-robin sticky-address" or "source-hash" obviously does not 
work, since there is not a single redirection address but *two*.

Is there any other workaround than hardwiring only one connection?


Just curious: what happens on "tcpdump -nei pfsync0"?

2011-04-13 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   just curious on a strange behaviour of an active/active firewall 

   when I do a "tcpdump -nei pfsync0" to watch what sort of state 
updates are passed and do a "tail -f /var/log/messages" I see that in 
the moment the command is issued the VHID CARP interfaces on that 
firewall are demoted from MASTER to BACKUP, just to go back from BACKUP 
to MASTER a second later.

   When I stop the tcpdump the same behaviour happens.

   Doing the tcpdump on the physical interface does not have such an 

   What am I missing?


Can't get multipath working correctly

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   please forgive if my question turns out to be very hazy and unclear. 
If I could myself clearer I could probably understand what happens ;)

   I have set up a pf firewall with two external NICs and CARP on that 
external IPs. (I think) I followed 

   Now, for example if I sent a ping to, I see that the pf rule 
makes a

pass out on em1: *WAN_IP_1* > icmp: echo request

   however, the first request sometimes goes out on em0, while the echo 
replies and all other echo requests use em1.

   Sometimes something similar happens when a connection comes in 
through an external interface: the first return packet goes out through 
the wrong interface, and is thus blocked (duh!) - though I'm pretty sure 
(and can see it through tcpdump) that I've set a "pass in" rule with 
reply-to *ROUTER_IP*@em1".

   Now I see that "netstat -rn" shows me

Destination Gateway  Flags   Refs  Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
default ROUTER_IP_0  UGSP   2   83 - 8 em0
default ROUTER_IP_1  UGSP   2   92 - 8 em1
*WAN_NET_0*/29  link#1   UC 20 - 4 em0

*WAN_NET_1*/29  link#4   UC 30 - 4 em2

   If I understand correctly, something for WAN_NET_1 is pointing 
wrong. After a reboot I have even seen once that *both* links pointed 
wrong, the *WAN_NET_0* on em0 to the *ROUTER_IP* on em1.

   Now I have three questions:

1) Is this really the error?
2) What can I do to correct it manually?
3) What mistake did I do in the first place in my hostname.em and 
hostname.carp files?


Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 06.04.2011 11:52, schrieb Robert:

On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 11:34:23 +0200
Marcus M|lb|sch  wrote:

# sudo pkg_add -v lion

results in

"Can't find lion"

What am i doing wrong?

They are in ports, not packages:

$ grep -R lion /usr/ports/

So, to actually increase physical security I also need a speaker 
connected to my pf-Firewall?

Okay, a really big speaker with a corresponding big amplifier will 
probably do the trick!

Re: Wildest Africa Tour

2011-04-06 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 04.04.2011 19:09, schrieb Stuart VanZee:

Don't be silly.  While Lions do provide excelent physical security
they don't provide any data security at all.

# sudo pkg_add -v lion

results in

"Can't find lion"

What am i doing wrong?

Re: Firewall sends wrong MAC address per ARP?

2011-03-22 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 22.03.2011 14:42, schrieb Claudio Jeker:

The lladdr is not wrong. It just happens to be the one for the second
vhid. Since you do arp balancing the two lladdrs are split among the
various hosts on the lan. Your carp setup runs with two MACs
00:00:5e:00:01:21 for vid 33 and 00:00:5e:00:01:85 for vid 133.
So the MAC addr your linux box got is not wrong. Does the traffic from
the linux box end up on the FW or is the traffic lost somewhere in

Thanks, that helped a lot. I didn't realize that arp balancing with two 
vhids necessarily creates two MACs.

Switching between ARP and IP balancing and back again I'm now back at 
ARP balancing. The fw advertises now at 00:00:5e:00:01:85 and reacts to 
pings at

Changing the arp table on the linux host to 00:00:5e:00:01:21 with "arp 
-s 00:00:5e:00:01:21" results in the fw reacting to the 
pings correctly, too.

I should have watched the traffic with "tcpdump -e" before, however I 
forgot about the usefulness of that switch when watching physical 
interfaces. Dumb, but these things happen. Now I see that pings arrive 
at the fw and are replied to correctly.

All other traffic through the fw is also routed correctly.

Why it did not work before I cannot say. Something changed, and probably 
it was me who did it, but I cannot say what, how and when. diffing the 
pf.conf files before and afterwards showed nothing.

Thanks to all,


Re: (solved?) Firewall sends wrong MAC address per ARP?

2011-03-22 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 22.03.2011 13:57, schrieb Marcus M|lb|sch:


Now the machine replies with the correct MAC-address:

14:19:01.314759 arp who-has tell
14:19:01.314785 arp reply (01:00:5e:00:01:21) is-at 

I did restart networking again and did restart pf again. However, I feel 
that was unrelated, since the pings started to work sometimes afterwards.

Now I wonder:

Did the FW change its virtual MAC-address sometimes today? Maybe after 
the last netstart, and I didn't notice at first, since I was connected 
via the physical address?

How could that happen? Will it happen again?

Which cache did serve the wrong MAC-Address? Was it the switch?

Is there any way in which I can tell the FW to use a specific virtual 
MAC-address when carping?


Re: Firewall sends wrong MAC address per ARP?

2011-03-22 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

More Info:

- Neither rebooting the FW nor the linux machine did change anything

- changing the load balancing from "arp balancing" to "ip balancing" did 
not change anything.

- At first I thought it might be a problem of the switch and it has an 
"old" virtual IP address cached. However, the log on the FW does show 
that the machgine itself replies to to the arp-request, does it not?

- it happened "suddenly". I did change a pf-rule and restarted pf; 
however I did not restart networking (AFAIK)

- unfortunately I cannot determine whether the "wrong" lladdress was 
used as virtual address before. I did not note it down, before this 


Re: Firewall sends wrong MAC address per ARP?

2011-03-22 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Am 22.03.2011 13:27, schrieb Patrick Lamaiziere:

Le Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:01:48 +0100,
Marcus M|lb|sch  a icrit :


carp3: flags=8843  mtu 1500
 lladdr 00:00:5e:00:01:21
 priority: 0
 carp: carpdev bge0 advbase 1 balancing arp carppeer state MASTER vhid 33 advskew 0
 state MASTER vhid 133 advskew 100

Why do you have two vhid and with different advskew values?

To set up a second FW with active/active configuration as shown here:


That does work when the second FW is up; however for testing purposes 
this machine is now down.


Firewall sends wrong MAC address per ARP?

2011-03-22 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   a linux machine connected to the OpenBSD-FW (which uses CARP) cannot 
connect to the Firewall.

   Somehow it got the worng Mac-Address in its ARP-table. I removed it 
manually, but when pinging again the OpenBSD firewall send the worng 

"tcpdump -nvi bge0 arp" on the OpenBSD machine shows:

> tcpdump: listening on bge0, link-type EN10MB
> 12:47:16.467905 arp who-has tell
> 12:47:16.467939 arp reply is-at 00:00:5e:00:01:85

Whereas "ifconfig carp3" shows the Virtual MAC-address to be:

carp3: flags=8843 mtu 1500
lladdr 00:00:5e:00:01:21
priority: 0
carp: carpdev bge0 advbase 1 balancing arp carppeer
state MASTER vhid 33 advskew 0
state MASTER vhid 133 advskew 100
groups: carp dmz
status: master
inet6 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:121%carp3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x12
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast

No wonder the linux machine again cannot connect.

arp -n

Address  HWtype  HWaddress   Flags MaskIface  ether   00:00:5e:00:01:85   C eth0

Can anybody tell me what went on here?


DNS queries through pf firewall takes "forever"

2011-03-10 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch, AS-Infodienste GmbH (Systemadministration)

Hello all,

   I'm struggling with my pf configuration again. Problem is: pinging 
to an IP is as fast as I suspect it to be; pinging to a FQDN is slow.

   From a computer in the DMZ I try to ping to "heise.de" (which 
resolves to

   When looking at pflog I see something like this on port 53 (somewhat 
shortened to avoid line breaks).

r 419 pass in on bge0: .37749 > .53: 40380+[|domain] (DF)
r 380 match in on bge0: .37749 > .53: 40380+[|domain] (DF)
r 345 pass out on em0: .37749 > .53: 40380+[|domain]
r 329 match out on em0: .37749 > .53: 40380+[|domain] (DF)

with bge0 being the DMZ interface and em0 being the external interface

   pfctl -vvsr shows the rules as:

@419 pass in log quick on bge0 inet all flags S/SA keep state tagged 
dmz-ok route-to @em0

@380 match in log on bge0 inet proto udp from  to  port = 
domain tag dmz-ok

@349 pass out log quick on em0 inet proto udp all keep state tagged dmz-ok

@329 match out log on em0 inet proto udp from  to any nat-to 

   tcpdumping at the external interface I see:

.64578 > .53: [udp sum ok] 7399+ A? heise.de. (26) (ttl 64, 
id 14713, len 54)

.53 > .64578: [udp sum ok] 7399 1/0/0 heise.de. A (42) (DF) (ttl 56, id 0, len 70)

.54038 > .53: [udp sum ok] 21898+ PTR? (44) (ttl 64, id 25755, len 72)

.53 > .54038: 21898 1/0/0 
PTR[|domain] (DF) (ttl 56, id 0, len 105)

   I freely admit that I am at my wits end. Everything looks fine to 
me, but still something is wrong.

  Any pointer is highly appreciated.

Marcus M|lb|sch

Re: CARP between 4.7 and 48 possible?

2011-01-19 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch, AS-Infodienste GmbH (Systemadministration)

Am 19.01.2011 12:42, schrieb Alastair Johnson:

We also have a very similar question. I have a pair of CARP'd&  pfsync'd
firewalls of embarrasing vintage and would like to be able to swap them for
new 4.8 machines (new hardware) one at a time. Is this possible?

Note that beginning with 4.7 the syntax has been changed for the 
"match", "rdr-to" and "nat-to". Prepare to make (and test) major changes 
to your pf.conf


Re: CARP between 4.7 and 48 possible?

2011-01-19 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch, AS-Infodienste GmbH (Systemadministration)

So far both machines claim to be master on an active/active
configuration on both assigned VHIDs.

Quick Update: After changing from sending CARP per multicast to
ip-unicast the newer machine is backup on both VHIDs. If the older 
machine goes down, the newer machine gets master on both VHIDs, until 
the older machine gets up again.

tcpdump shows that CARP traffic flows freely

on the 4.8 machine: "hostname.carp3"

inet balancing ip-unicast
carppeer carpdev bge0 pass somepass carpnodes

and on the 4.7 machine: "hostname.carp3"

inet balancing ip-unicast
carppeer carpdev bge0 pass somepass carpnodes


CARP between 4.7 and 48 possible?

2011-01-19 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch, AS-Infodienste GmbH (Systemadministration)
A quick question: Is it possible to make a carp interface between two 
machines if one is running on openBSD 4.7 and the other on openBSD 4.8?

Background: Finally a got a second machine for our Firewall. Since the 
working one runs on 4.7 and I am reluctant to upgrade it before I got 
the second one working I try to CARP the interfaces first, then get the 
new one working, then take the first one of the net and upgrade it to.

So far both machines claim to be master on an active/active 
configuration on both assigned VHIDs. It's entirely possible that I 
misconfigured something, but before I check everything a third (fourth, 
nth) time I'd rather be sure that that has nothing to do with the 
machines being on a different version.


An idea for a very simple port knocking with pf

2010-04-01 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   it occured to me that with a combination of some pass rules and 
adding the address via overload to a sort of "whitelist" tables you can 
implement a simple portknocking; using nothing but pf.

The rules would look like this:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any port $knock1 synproxy 
state (max-src-conn 1 overload )

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from  to any port $knock2 
synproxy state (max-src-conn 1 overload )

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from  to any port $knock3 
synproxy state (max-src-conn 1 overload )

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from  to any port $knock3 
synproxy state (max-src-conn 1 overload )

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from  to any port ssh

No port knocking daemeon is needed, and with an appropriate blocking 
rule the ssh port is closed to all.

This works; all you have to do is to try to connect to each port 
$knock in order twice (since the max-src-conn is set to 1).

I have two questions:

1) Is there any problem with that setup? I don't see any, but then 
again, it seems so simple and I didn't find any howtos on the web. 
Either nobody else did think of it before, or there is something wrong 
with my reasoning. If so, I'm happy if you tell me :-)

2) I would like to knock on each port only once. However, setting 
"max-src-conn 0" does not change anything. I would expect that the first 
connect will fill the appropriate table, but it doesn't. Is there 
something I do not understand, or must the  that is allowed be 
equal or greater to one?

Thanks for any pointers,


relayd and smpp?

2010-03-18 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   Is there any way how relayd can loadbalance two several SMPP-Servers?

   As far as I can see it only speaks http or https?

   Has anybody done so?



Re: Problems with Carp, Multi-WAN and pf syntax.

2010-03-15 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Stuart Henderson schrieb:

you're probably looking for "reply-to", something along these lines:

pass in quick on gif1 inet to (gif1) reply-to 10.33@gif1
pass in quick on pppoe0 inet to (pppoe0) reply-to 0.0@pppoe0

   Yes I was.

   Except that the syntax was not exactly clear to me if you want a 
packet both to redirect-to an internal interface and then reply-to an 
external interface.

   Now I found out that the following does work:

# Redirect WWW traffic
pass in log quick on $if_wan1 inet proto tcp from any to any \
reply-to ( $if_wan1 $gw_wan1 ) rdr-to $srv_www round-robin

(And similar lines for the other interfaces)

My only "problem" is that the rule resolves to:

> pass in log quick on em0 inet proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA 
keep state reply-to @em0

if shown with "pfctl -sr"

In fact pfctl -sr does not show a single redirection, nor does it show 
that it does redirect to several servers in a round-robin-manner; though 
obviously it does.

While I'm not perfectly happy with that, at least I'm now in a state of 
"works for me".

Thank you all.


Re: Problems with Carp, Multi-WAN and pf syntax.

2010-03-11 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Marcus M|lb|sch schrieb:

   How do I configure a pf in a way that traffic that comes in one one 
CARP-Interface goes out to the same CARP-Interface? The syntax in 
-current has changed from the FAQ (which assumes OpenBSD-4.6).

   After some help from a friendly soul, and reducinge my pf.conf to 
the bare minimum it still does not work as intended. Either I have hit a 
bug, or still have a wrong conf.

NICS are configured so:

# /etc/hostname.bge0

# /etc/hostname.em0 (WAN-1)
!route add -mpath default 

# /etc/hostname.em1 (WAN-2)
!route add -mpath default 

sysctl is configured for multipath and forwarding:

# /etc/syctl.conf

pf.conf looks like this:

# /etc/pf.conf

# Macros
if_wan1 = "em0"
if_wan2 = "em1"
if_wan  = "{" $if_wan1 $if_wan2 "}"
if_dmz  = "bge0"
gw_wan1 = 
gw_wan2 = 

# Allow ICMP
passin log  quick   on $if_wan inet proto icmp from any to any

# Redirect WWW traffic
passin log  quick   on $if_wan inet proto tcp from any to any 
  rdr-to  round-robin

#  NAT for outgoing connections on each internet interface
passout logon $if_wan1from any   to any nat-to ($if_wan1)
passout logon $if_wan2from any   to any nat-to ($if_wan2)

#  route packets from any IPs on $if_wan1 to $gw_wan2 and the same for 
$if_versa and $gw_versa
passout log quick   on $if_wan1 from $if_wan2 
route-to ($if_wan2 $gw_wan2)
passout log quick   on $if_wan2 from $if_wan1 
  route-to ($if_wan1 $gw_wan1)

At first everything seems to be fine:

Accessing the www-servers from outside per the wan2 interface works as 
intended: The traffic goes in through the wan2 interface, gets 
redirected to the www-servers via round robin (if one of them goes down 
that doesn't matter, as is the whole idea), and gets back through wan2.

However. If I access the www-servers from outside via wan-1 ip, 50% of 
the time the traffic tries to go back through the wan-2 interface, and 
that is something I don't understand.

Same for ICMP.

Any help?

Marcus M|lb|sch

Problems with Carp, Multi-WAN and pf syntax.

2010-03-11 Thread Marcus Mülbüsch

Hello all,

   How do I configure a pf in a way that traffic that comes in one one 
CARP-Interface goes out to the same CARP-Interface? The syntax in 
-current has changed from the FAQ (which assumes OpenBSD-4.6).


   On a HP ProLiant with BCM5703X NICS I had to go with -current, 
because the NICS do not work with 4.6 (see here: 
and here: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=12492713264&w=2 )

  I can make neither head nor tails from the manpage in this regard, so 
can anybody help?

Marcus M|lb|sch