Re: Tools for writers

2019-11-06 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
Thanks everyone for recommendations, I think I am just going to use VimOutliner 
for development and outlining. The use case I have is for a novel which should 
require less formatting than a technical book, so I should be able to retrofit 
that after once I have investigated the many tools mentioned in the thread. 

Oliver Leaver-Smith
+44(0)114 360 1337

Re: OpenBSD VPS hoster with unlimited/limited nonfiltered traffic

2020-04-10 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
I run a few OpenBSD servers on vultr. They block outbound 25 by default like 
most providers, but as long as you say you aren’t going to spam, they open it 
for you no problem. 1000GB bandwidth on smaller VPS, 6000 on larger ones

Oliver Leaver-Smith
+44(0)114 360 1337

> On 10 Apr 2020, at 10:52, Martin  wrote:
> I'm looking for relatively cheap VPS with OpenBSD installation support and 
> with ~1Tb of unfiltered traffic. In any words all in/out VPS ports must be 
> opened by default.
> Any recommendations?
> Martin.

Remote wipe software

2021-04-27 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
Hello misc@

I wonder if anyone could recommend remote wipe software for OpenBSD, should 
someone want to start using it in an enterprise setting where such features are 
a requirement?

Thanks in advance,


Oliver Leaver-Smith

Re: Remote wipe software

2021-04-27 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
On Tue Apr 27, 2021 at 10:49 AM BST, Janne Johansson wrote:
> Regardless of OS, the "easiest" setup is where you encrypt the drives
> and wipe by "forgetting" the keys. Then you can dd the disks if it
> makes someone else happy but having FDE and changing the key to
> something random that you don't store, and then doing a normal wipe in
> the simplest of terms would cover a lot of the practical attacks.
> For the ones concerned with theoretical and imaginary enemies,
> PXE-booting into a DBAN.iso or similar wiping solutions is probably
> the next step. Also OS-independent.

Thanks Janne. Certainly those are two useful methods for ensuring that
the disk is wipe or the contents are not accessible. The scenario I am
thinking about is say a laptop is left in a suspended state, and
forgotten on a train somewhere. The contents of the drive would be
recoverable in that state unless something remote was to lock it down or
wipe the disk

Oliver Leaver-Smith

Re: Remote wipe software

2021-04-27 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
Thanks for your response, a lot to think about sure. I suppose having
some sort of phone home daemon running to know whether or not to dd
itself is probably the best way to at least somewhat destroy itself in a
disaster scenario

> Label them carefully and destroy them when done to prevent very
> unhappy accidents later!

Like Employee_Financial_Data.xlsx?

Oliver Leaver-Smith

Ultra-portable laptops

2018-09-01 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith

What’s the current landscape for OpenBSD regarding support for 
ultra-portable/pocketable laptops? I’m classing ~7” screen in this category, 
such as the GPD Pocket. 

Does anyone have experience with getting OpenBSD running on such a device?

I understand the limitations of such devices, but as a secondary—or 9th—device 
they’re fine. 

Many thanks,


Re: Downloadable CIDR network calculator

2018-09-11 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
Nice helpful script, thanks. Didn't run off the bat for me as it expects 
python3 in /usr/bin/

`#!/usr/bin/env python` is more portable 


Re: Downloadable CIDR network calculator

2018-09-11 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 12:39:03PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

> The preceding might bring up Python 2.7, which wouldn't work. If
> there's a similar environment variable that either brings up the
> Python3 executable, or nothing at all, that would be better.

Ah yes, apologies for my oversight there, I have `python` symlinked
to python3

`#!/usr/bin/env python3` is indeed possible and probably preferred
over the original alternative I mentioned


Re: Which really small, portable and lightweight system/device is usable running OpenBSD?

2018-09-22 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
I still have not found a reason to upgrade from my Thinkpad X61s, which has the 
added benefit of having a 4:3 aspect ratio screen too

I get about 5hrs battery life under normal use, which for me is work in the 
terminal and light browsing

It really depends on how small and lightweight you want, as I believe the GPD 
Pocket works apart from sound, suspend, wireless, and a couple of other minor 

Re: Which really small, portable and lightweight system/device is usable running OpenBSD?

2018-09-22 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith
This post on misc has further details on GPD Pocket support:


2019-03-06 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith

> On 6 Mar 2019, at 06:48, Kihaguru Gathura  wrote:
> is this error justifiable considering the above configuration?

If you curl the http site yourself do you get a 302 to https? If yes, then it’s 
their problem.

Tools for writers

2019-11-02 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith

What tools do people find useful for writing on OpenBSD? By writing I mean long 
form such as novels and technical books, including plot and character 
development, outlining, and formatting for publishing (not all the same 
application necessarily)

I have found a number which boast Linux support, but not really anything that 
stands out which supports OpenBSD (aside from the obvious LaTeX et al.)

Mich appreciated

Oliver Leaver-Smith

Re: Tools for writers

2019-11-02 Thread Oliver Leaver-Smith

>>> On 2 Nov 2019, at 19:17, STeve Andre'  wrote:
>>>> On 2019-11-02 15:07, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 02, 2019 at 03:04:34PM -0400, STeve Andre' wrote:
>>>> /usr/bin/vi
>>> You obviously never wrote a book.
>>> At least not with the requirements OP asked for. >
>> Actually, I am, right now.  I've found that "formatting" is an
>> annoyance, when writing material.  Get it written, *then* worry
>> about how it looks.  I've done this for more than 40 years when
>> creating documents, reports and such for work.
>> --STeve Andre'
> I’m inclined to agree with you STeve. For the “writing words in a document” 
> part, nothing beats a distraction-free experience that vi provides. For 
> avoidance of doubt, my query was more around supporting the writing process 
> (outlining, character development) and the formatting (like you say, an after 
> thought most often)
> ~ols
> --
> Oliver Leaver-Smith
> +44(0)114-360-1337
> TZ=Europe/London