English | Espaqol | Deutsch | Italiano | Frangais | Portugues

We want to invite you to meet SHINE, our TECHNOPOP duo, by visiting our
website:  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar> www.shinebabyshine.com.ar,
where there are three songs available for free download, or by downloading
them directly from the links below:

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way

Also, we would like you to send us your comments, constructive criticism and
suggestions to  <mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar>
i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar We hope you enjoy our refreshing proposal. Thank
you very much!

SHINEs Staff

Queremos invitarte a conocer a SHINE, nuestro dzo TECHNO POP, visitando
nuestra pagina web:  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar>
www.shinebabyshine.com.ar, donde hay tres canciones disponibles para
descarga gratuita, o descargandolos directamente de los siguientes links:

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way

Asimismo, nos gustarma que nos envmes tus comentarios, crmticas y
sugerencias a  <mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar>
i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar. Esperamos que disfrutes de nuestra refrescante
propuesta! Muchas gracias!

Staff de SHINE

Wir laden Sie ein, SHINE kennenzulernen. SHINE ist ein TECHNOPOP Duo und
seine Website ist  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar>
www.shinebabyshine.com.ar, Sie kvnnen dort, oder gleich hier, kostenlos
unsere Lieder:

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way runterladen.

Kritik und Ratschldge sind willkommen. Bitte schicken Sie uns eine E-mail an
<mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar> i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar. Wir hoffen,
dass unser erfrischender Vorschlag Ihnen gefdllt. Vielen Dank!

SHINEs Staff

Volemo invitare a conocere SHINE, nostro duetto TECHNOPOP visitando nostra
pagina web:  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar> www.shinebabyshine.com.ar
dove ce canzoni disponibile per scaricare gratuito o diretamente dello
siguiente vincolo:

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way

Nello stesso modo noi piacera sui commento, crmtica e sugerenza a
<mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar>  i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar Aspetiamo vi
goderete nostra refrescante proposta! Tante grazie!


Nous vous invitons ` connantre SHINE, notre duo TECHNO POP, vous pouvez
visiter notre page web:  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar>
www.shinebabyshine.com.ar, oy il y en a trois chansons disponibles pour
faire une dicharge gratuite , ou bien les dicharcher directement des links
suivantes :

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way

De mjme , nos voulons que vous nous envoyez vos commentaires, critiques et
propositions `  <mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar>
i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar. Nous attendons que vous iprouvez un vif plaisir
` entendre notre refranchissante proposition! Merci Beaucoup!

Staff de SHINE

Queremos lhe convidar a conhecer a SHINE, nosso dueto TECHNO POP, visitando
nossa pagina web:  <http://www.shinebabyshine.com.ar>
www.shinebabyshine.com.ar, onde ha trjs cangues disponmveis para download
gratuito, ou fazendo o download diretamente pelos seguintes links:

Radio_Edit.zip> Keep the secret |
o_Edit.zip> Lips of God |
o_Edit.zip> It's the way

Tambim nos agradaria que nos envie seus comentarios, crmticas e sugestues a
<mailto:i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar> i...@shinebabyshine.com.ar. Esperamos
que desfrute nossa refrescante proposta! Muito obrigado!

Staff de SHINE

This message is sent according to the new e-mail legislation: by section
301, paragraph (a) (2) (C) of S.1618, under the S1618 decree, 3rd title,
approved by the Base Congress 105 on International Standards about SPAM,
this e-mail could not be considered SPAM as long as it includes a way for
being removed, meaning only once. If you don't want to receive further
information from AFTERconcept | MvD3 | SH!NE, please request the REMOVAL
from our database to:  <mailto:i...@afterconcept.com.ar>

Este mensaje se envma en acuerdo con la nueva legislacisn sobre correo
electrsnico: por seccisn 301, parrafo (a) (2) (C) de S.1618. Bajo el decreto
S.1618 titulo 3ro. Aprobado por el 105: Congreso Base de las Normativas
Internacionales sobre SPAM. Este E-mail no podra ser considerado SPAM
mientras incluya una forma de ser removido, o sea por znica vez. Sm no desea
recibir mas informacisn por parte de AFTERconcept | MvD3 | SH!NE solicite la
BAJA de nuestra base de datos a: <mailto:i...@afterconcept.com.ar>


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