Re: [OT] developers running -current on laptops

2008-05-23 Thread Steve McConville
>> Kind of genetic programming without all the AI fluff ;-)
> I like that ;)  Yet we have tape backups of everything..

That's the fossil record.


Re: Watching the prgress of dd if=drive1 of=drive2

2008-02-23 Thread Steve McConville
On 23/02/2008, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using dd to clone a drive. How can I watch the progress of this or
>  see the transfer rate in real time?

Try sending it a SIGINFO (as it says in the man page).


Re: sign and timestamp

2007-10-03 Thread Steve McConville
> I don't know if there's an accepted strategy, but if I had to create one
> from scratch, off the top of my head I'm thinking some time of time
> server.  It would have to publish a signed file of the current time, say
> once per minute, so that you could include the hash in the above noted
> tarball.  The recipient could note the time of that hash file, query the
> time server for the matching hash and compare the two.  If they match,
> then the time matches.

Slightly OT...

That (and variations therof) would work for a 'not earlier than' lower
bound, but I'm pretty sure there is a good theoretical reason why 'not
later than' shouldn't be possible without a third party, making
timestamping (in the sense of having happened in this given interval)
impossible. I am open to contradiction though :)


Re: OpenBSD Install Goal

2007-09-14 Thread Steve McConville
> Anyway, a while later he comes back and says, "It's done! I couldn't
> believe how easy it was."

This mirrors my (linux-coloured) experience of trying an OpenBSD
install for the first time.
