2014-01-20 Thread Tony Sidaway
On 20 Jan 2014 06:16, "noah pugsley"  wrote:
> Just saw this on slashdot:
> Any idea if it's true?

Treat as rumour, unconfirmed. I'm seeing a lot of people going off
half-cocked in this, which is basically just an IRC transcript of a guy
purporting to have become a sponsor to OpenBSD. Next thing he asks who he
should contact at OpenBSD, so obviously he hasn't actually set up any
actual deal.

Re: OpenBSD for mobile

2013-11-26 Thread Tony Sidaway
On 26 Nov 2013 19:05, "Alexander Hall"  wrote:
> On 11/26/13 17:08, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are there any plans to make somelike like 
>> OpenBSD?
> Not that I know of, and I can't imagine the platforms being open enough.
Yes, that's it. This is the reason why you'll find OpenBSD for open
hardware such as Beagle/Panda but not for Raspberry Pie. In general,
drivers are difficult to write and maintain unless the hardware is properly
documented. Hardly any smartphone hardware us adequately documented or
unencumbered by non-disclosure requirements.

Re: For Google+ users: BSD community

2013-11-18 Thread Tony Sidaway
Join both! Breen Ouellette's community is best for a focus on OpenBSD.

For Google+ users: BSD community

2013-11-18 Thread Tony Sidaway
If you're using Google+, this community brings together all BSD systems and
BSD projects such as pf, OpenSSH and ZFS. I started it so I could keep in
touch with what's going on in other BSDs while I happily use OpenBSD, and
that's pretty much how it works out.

It's spam-free and 100% on topic, and mostly consists of announcements and
links to news items from the different communities. OpenBSD is well

Thank you

2012-07-26 Thread Tony Sidaway
MSNBC works now. I'm in London so this means I can see the MSNBC site.
Thank you.

Following -current through a semi-automatic process: a strategy for encouraging user involvement?

2012-06-19 Thread Tony Sidaway
Summary: I want to turn my main system into a semi-automatic follower
of "-current" and I think this strategy may useful to the project. Is
this something that is already being done?

My rationale here is that it's a good thing for OpenBSD users who have
the technical skills to follow development as closely as possible,
Running from a tightly synchronized copy of "-current" enables the
user to produce the most useful bug reports in a timely manner. Seeing
a list of CVS updates also helps the user to understand how the
project is ticking.

While not a system expert, I've got a lot of application development
skills to offer but I'm also lazy enough to want to script the
laborious process of following "-current".

I've searched for automated update tools for "-current" but I don't
see what I think should be there. What I have in mind is a layered set
of tools that keeps the /usr/src, /usr/xenocara and /usr/ports trees
up to date by regular synchronization, then builds a kernel if a
successful sync occurs. I have enough slack time to make this easy on
my main system.

The idea is that the system regularly (nightly) synchronizes all three
main source directories, then rebuilds and installs the latest GENERIC
kernel if synchronization is successful. As owner I can decide whether
or not to reboot into the new kernel. I then have the option of
starting a rebuild of the userland to synchronize it with the kernel.
The same procedure can perhaps try to sync the installed packages (#
pkg-add -u).

Perhaps also an automated script to rebuild installed packages from
the synchronized ports tree. This would enable users like me to
quickly check our bugs against the latest build with kernel, userland
and ports all synchronized thus encouraging us to make a bug report in
the knowledge that it will be useful. If there is an RSS feed for the
"Following current" page that can be folded in.

I've got a prototype that tries to do most of these steps. Am I
reinventing the wheel? Does this kind of thinking fit in with OpenBSD
project requirements? Please let me know. I'm interested in helping
OpenBSD in any way I can. Up to now I've followed Snapshots, but I
find that less than satisfactory because from that point of view the
development process is removed and rather opaque. My scripts enable me
to watch the workflow across the project, and give me a feeling of
involvement that I could not get from upgrading from binary image
every few days.