help with mail retrieval/cleaning/storage setup using openbsd

2010-03-11 Thread inet_user23


I need to setup an obsd box to work as a local storing mail server
(where I can run some antivirus like clamav), for a domain that is
hosted on the web.

My idea is to have a script that periodically fetches the mail for all
users, via POP3 or other protocol, from the the Internet domaing
hosting service, runs some kind of antivirus software and then
stores them locally for later retrieval (via POP3 ou IMAP) by the

Has anyone worked on a similar setup and could share some

Thanks in advance.



Re: SSH through port SMTP

2010-02-27 Thread inet_user23


Thanks for your reply and advice.

My problem is that I the remote operator may decide to block SSH access
to the bridge. But I know he will not block SMTP access, because the
bridge is running spamd.

The bridge has to sk interfaces, the external one having a valid IP
and the internal one IP-less.

In fact, I sort of borrowed the ruleset from the spamd PF config. Only
put the rdr rule for SSH before the rdr rule for spamd. My idea was:

whenever a connection from an specific IP address, $myip, comes in
on port SMTP, redirect it to the SSH server via the loopback interface.

But it seems that I need to do more than just redirect the traffic to
SSH and route it through the loopback interface.

Any help is appreciated.



SSH through port SMTP

2010-02-26 Thread inet_user23


I would like to connect via SSH protocol to a remote site running obsd
PF in bridge mode
where the only externally open port is SMTP,  since there is a mail
server running.

I Thought of setting up PF at the remote site  with the following

rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $myip to any port smtp -
port ssh

pass in on $ext_if route-to lo0 inet proto tcp from $myip to
port ssh

But I did not get what I wanted. The connection always times out.

Could someone point at what might be wrong or missing.

Thanks in advance.



total system memory usage

2010-01-17 Thread inet_user23

How can one find out how much memory is being used by the different
modules of the obsd system?

In a system with 1GB running 4.5 I see very little being used by
processes with top -b. But the reported
free  is only 155MB.

load averages:  1.01,  0.77,  0.6810:19:05
31 processes:  1 running, 29 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states:  2.0% user,  0.4% nice,  0.8% system,  1.5% interrupt,
95.3% idle
Memory: Real: 59M/844M act/tot  Free: 155M  Swap: 0K/1028M used/tot

What excatly does 59M/844M means?

Can I get a detailed view of this memory?

Thanks in advance.



spamd greylisting and 2nd MX question

2009-12-05 Thread inet_user23


I am using the -M option of spamd and I am seeing a lot good servers
trapped because they tried the secondary MX first. What I am assuming is
that they tried the primary MX, which created a greylist entry. But this
entry expired, and after that, they tried to connect to the 2nd MX.

If I increase the greyexp value of the -G option (which is the default
of 4
hours), I suppose the greylist entryfor these servers will last longer.

Is there a chance that by doing so I will see less traps for this

Thanks in advance.

