We have a problem here

2016-05-27 Thread outro pessoa
It seems that some of you are willing to accuse one of speaking and writing
A man comes on her being honest and the first reaction you give him is that
he is a liar. When his reaction is one that you do not expect, you become
defensive and start setting down standards.
Every single time that I am honest, one of you comes out and insults me to
no end, expecting me just to suck up your bullshit as if nothing occurred.
You speak to me and of me as if I were a piece of shit on your shoe.
You disrespect me.
And when I react and warn you, you start crying and you try to muscle up
like the bullies that you are.
All of you are behind your computers picking on the homeless guy who is
trying to do something right.
And you go from there to insult me and my family to no end.
It is libel and slander for any of you to call me a liar about what is on
my birth certificate.
It is harassment for you people to continuously use me as your scapegoat
for whatever reasons that make you ill.
All of you are aware of my sensitivity; yet, you still go out of your way
to harass me.
If I had done the same to you, I would have been arrested and put in jail.
And yet, you people are still free to annoy and harass me again.

I am homeless.
I was given equipment and I want to use it as an animation station for
You will go out of your way -as you already have - to degrade me just for
being humble, considerate and kind.
You laugh at me when I try to aid others.

What right do any of you have to judge me when you have broken your own
laws many times?
I am able to present documentation that will state none of you have the
right to put me in any stressful situation. If doing such does occur, I
have the right to file charges.

Go through the mailing list.
And read how Mr Sorrenson harassed me to no end.
And then you will support him
after he has broken state laws.

You see, I want all of you to come here and meet me.
I want all of you to bring your accusations against me in a court of law.
Theo de Raadt also went beyond what was normal and insulted me to the point
of harassment.
And then he cried about my reaction.

Unlike you - plural - I do not deny anything that I have said or done.
I also do not admit to such until the time is right.

I sit here and watch your conversations in person, overhearing - ear
hustling, and reading the mailing lists and forums.
You go back in your everyday lives with no regard of what you say or do...
Until you fuck up and anger someone that did you no harm and no wrong.

You called me a liar about my own mother and my birth when I told you the
What in the hell is wrong with all of you?
what do you have between your ears? Bullshit?

I hear someone muttering "Wait a minute, man, and let us explain."

Explain what?
That you are all evil and selfish?
That you care only for yourselves?

Who do you think you are talking to right now, huh?

My personality is the same no matter where I go.

I don't put on faces.

I am me.
On the forums.
In the streets.
On the mailing lists.
In the woods.

Yeah, I said it.

And you find it humorous that a man in my position would go out of his way
to aid and assist others before taking care of himself.

I have this equipment and it will go to aiding and assisting children and

I have nothing. I am homeless. I look out for others.
All that you people do is treat me like shit because I refuse to be as
twisted as you.

I am here waiting for any of you to approach me in person. Since you were
warned, you should know now how to act accordingly.
You will approach me with respect because I gave it to you when you did not
give it to me.
What do I mean?
When you attack another without consideration, that is a sign of disrespect.
You made an assumption of my character.
Did any of you ever think that if it is not written or spoken, then I did
not mean or want you to see such?
I thought about the whole process before and decided that it would be
better to say, "Write legibly," instead of accusing someone of wanting
Get it?
And then Mr. Sorrenson - and before Mr. deRaadt - went out of their way to
insult me, thinking it was cute and funny.

Do any of you remember the youtube piece about the tiger that attacked the
two idiots who were harassing it to no end?
You do.
Ah, yes.
You have annoyed the tiger.

If you are so willing to harass me and my family, then you should be
willing to go to court for what you do.

Re: We have a problem here

2016-06-04 Thread outro pessoa
You are allowed and encouraged to make this reply public.
You may judge me as long as you are willing to be judged  along side of me .
By those standards you place upon me, you must meet yourself. By the
standards I live and judge myself, you must also meet and be without
lacking or wanting of anything.

In Schrodinger's paradox, one assumes /guesses at the result within the
limited environment. The environment is controlled.
Will it survive within Nature?
If not, then the thought experiment must be closed.
If it does pass, then you must remember your observations and re-position
your viewpoint to reflect that of which you had observed of/from/as another.
Time is more fluid and may be folded in upon itself. Solid = Space, Liquid
= Time , Gas = Probability, Plasma = Decision..

Probabilities are hazy unless the environment and conditions are exact.

You re-position yourself constantly from all known vantage points and
observation points within the thought experiment.

What is your new hypothesis on the event?

After comparing your findings with another, you choose the best probability
which is positive and forward moving to the omniverse.
Those possibilities which are negative and destructive will be folded upon
themselves. The loop of reality will pass.

On the nature of the human psyche: Freewill prevents you from eschewing
responsibility for your words and actions.
You nurture yourself to react differently to each environment.
You are a single being; and, therefore, your personality should be singular
across all aspects of your life.

Experience and desire determine one's perception.
Here the two secondary parts of metaphysics - nature=1, nurture=2,
perception=3, desire=4 - blend into each other as would probability and
decision on the quantum side.

To think of it, all four parts act as one.

Go back. Time is fluid and is a type of atmosphere. Each individual has
their own "time zone" with the more dense having the slowest time and the
less having the fastest time.

Put this into perspective, the omniverse moves forward and is positive.
It is dynamic and chaotically harmonious.

Now, who am I?

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Eric Furman 

> Please, you need to calm down.
> Please go to your counselor or the nearest hospital and
> explain the situation to them.
> They will be able to help you.
> On Tue, May 24, 2016, at 04:33 PM, outro pessoa wrote:
> > It seems that some of you are willing to accuse one of speaking and
> > writing
> > falsehoods.
> > A man comes on her being honest and the first reaction you give him is
> > that
> > he is a liar. When his reaction is one that you do not expect, you become
> > defensive and start setting down standards.
> > Every single time that I am honest, one of you comes out and insults me
> > to
> > no end, expecting me just to suck up your bullshit as if nothing
> > occurred.
> > You speak to me and of me as if I were a piece of shit on your shoe.
> > You disrespect me.
> > And when I react and warn you, you start crying and you try to muscle up
> > like the bullies that you are.
> > All of you are behind your computers picking on the homeless guy who is
> > trying to do something right.
> > And you go from there to insult me and my family to no end.
> > It is libel and slander for any of you to call me a liar about what is on
> > my birth certificate.
> > It is harassment for you people to continuously use me as your scapegoat
> > for whatever reasons that make you ill.
> > All of you are aware of my sensitivity; yet, you still go out of your way
> > to harass me.
> > If I had done the same to you, I would have been arrested and put in
> > jail.
> > And yet, you people are still free to annoy and harass me again.
> >
> > I am homeless.
> > I was given equipment and I want to use it as an animation station for
> > children.
> > You will go out of your way -as you already have - to degrade me just for
> > being humble, considerate and kind.
> > You laugh at me when I try to aid others.
> >
> >
> >
> > What right do any of you have to judge me when you have broken your own
> > laws many times?
> > I am able to present documentation that will state none of you have the
> > right to put me in any stressful situation. If doing such does occur, I
> > have the right to file charges.
> >
> >
> > Go through the mailing list.
> > And read how Mr Sorrenson harassed me to no end.
> > And then you will support him
> > after he has broken state laws.
> >
> > You see, I want all of you to come here and meet me.
> > I want all of you to bring your accusations against me in a court of law.
> > Theo de Raadt also went 


2016-06-16 Thread outro pessoa
Seeing that you have quoted me from another email that I sent, my decision
is to inquire you on different topics.
Is the cognitive process the same for all members of the human species?
By which method(s) does the human animal learn?
By observation, each culture within an area has its own standards of
normality. The world view of each culture is dependent upon the experience
and understanding of the members of that culture. Education will coincide
with the perception of each member of any given society. Now, that which is
considered sane by the standards of one culture may be considered insane by
the standards of another.
In the scientific method, you must form a hypothesis and prove its validity.
I will add this to Schrodinger's Paradox.
Being that you are able to observe the quantum event from different
perspectives, you will need to observe the same event from the viewpoint of
the subject if such is possible. Your first hypothesis is that the subject
seems incapable of logic and reasoning to such a degree that the subject's
perception of the events occurring is false and flimsy at best.
I have not experienced that which you have experienced and therefore I have
no right to make any assumption about your nature.
My reactions are erroneous ; yet, the reasons for my reactions are solid.
Your judgement of me is based upon your own experiences and knowledge.
The words "you" and "your" are both plural and general simultaneously.

I have approached you openly and honestly, admitting to my faults.
Each day, I learn.
Because you are not me, I give you the benefit of the doubt - and, to
admit, this usually occurs after my reaction - when the situation becomes
more personal in nature.

If you are not able to see the similarities between myself and another -
and this being due to a physical condition - and that your experience with
others has been negative because many do not think about anything but
themselves, it is understood.

I apologize and attempt to approach differently.

There are times that a person may have a question to the mailing lists and
that person is not addressed.

I try to address the question to the best of my knowledge. Now, at times, I
am perceived erroneously by other members of this community.

If I say, " please do not insult me publicly," that does not mean you have
the right to insult me at all. I did not do this to you. I would not and
have not condemned you if anything has happened to you personally.
My "threat" was a reaction to your disrespect.

Re: Hello

2016-06-16 Thread outro pessoa
Why is this spam, sir?

2016-06-14 13:27 GMT-04:00 Matthias Apitz :

> s
> Save to mailbox ('?' for list): SPAM
> --
> Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎
> +49-176-38902045
> "Die Verkaufsschlager des Buchmarkts geben Auskunft über den Zustand einer
> Gesellschaft bzw.
> sind, was diese Zeiten angeht, Gradmesser fortschreitenden Schwachsinns.
> ..." (jW 19.05.2016)

Re: Hello

2016-06-16 Thread outro pessoa
Now, some would call this -and have -off-topic noise; but, there is a
reason for this post.

Some of you do not think before responding to a post. The words that you
choose need to be diplomatic and honest when you doubt another person's
intention and/or reason for that person's reply.
Your community is open.
For some of you, your minds are not.
It is time for a change in attitude and approach.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:53 PM, outro pessoa 

> Seeing that you have quoted me from another email that I sent, my decision
> is to inquire you on different topics.
> Is the cognitive process the same for all members of the human species?
> By which method(s) does the human animal learn?
> By observation, each culture within an area has its own standards of
> normality. The world view of each culture is dependent upon the experience
> and understanding of the members of that culture. Education will coincide
> with the perception of each member of any given society. Now, that which is
> considered sane by the standards of one culture may be considered insane by
> the standards of another.
> In the scientific method, you must form a hypothesis and prove its
> validity.
> I will add this to Schrodinger's Paradox.
> Being that you are able to observe the quantum event from different
> perspectives, you will need to observe the same event from the viewpoint of
> the subject if such is possible. Your first hypothesis is that the subject
> seems incapable of logic and reasoning to such a degree that the subject's
> perception of the events occurring is false and flimsy at best.
> I have not experienced that which you have experienced and therefore I
> have no right to make any assumption about your nature.
> My reactions are erroneous ; yet, the reasons for my reactions are solid.
> Your judgement of me is based upon your own experiences and knowledge.
> The words "you" and "your" are both plural and general simultaneously.
> I have approached you openly and honestly, admitting to my faults.
> Each day, I learn.
> Because you are not me, I give you the benefit of the doubt - and, to
> admit, this usually occurs after my reaction - when the situation becomes
> more personal in nature.
> If you are not able to see the similarities between myself and another -
> and this being due to a physical condition - and that your experience with
> others has been negative because many do not think about anything but
> themselves, it is understood.
> I apologize and attempt to approach differently.
> There are times that a person may have a question to the mailing lists and
> that person is not addressed.
> I try to address the question to the best of my knowledge. Now, at times,
> I am perceived erroneously by other members of this community.
> If I say, " please do not insult me publicly," that does not mean you have
> the right to insult me at all. I did not do this to you. I would not and
> have not condemned you if anything has happened to you personally.
> My "threat" was a reaction to your disrespect.

Again, this will be brought to your attention

2016-06-16 Thread outro pessoa
Being that I have offended other people, time was taken to explain myself
and not to deny nor excuse my actions. Even though I hope for others to do
the same, it appears - that for most of you - it is not your nature to
explain yourselves nor to give the benefit of the doubt to another.
Please, hold on for a moment; and, if you would, stop sending the childish
and immature bounce messages. It is not cute.

What do I want to "say"? A few things.
SPARC64 OpenBSD and Gentoo. Both emphasize documentation. SILO loader.
PowerPC/Power FreeBSD and Debian. Best performance.
AMD64 Dragonfly and OpenSuSE.
ARM(64) NetBSD, Debian, Slackware.

Wait and research before you react and reply.

Proper etiquette: If you would not approach another in "real life" with the
replies you give, then why do you give them?
You do not want to be insulted. Why do you insult others?
You do not want to be ignored. Why do you ignore others?

There is a project for hardware design; and yet, many of you would rather
just wait around until someone calls you/ contacts you for some advice. At
some point in time, the software and hardware needs to be developed

Some of you - and this goes for the foundations as well - keep asking,
"What is in it for me?"
If you do not present yourselves to be beneficial to others, how are they
even able to see what you have in an open an unbiased way?

If a person has limited resources, that person must go through extreme
measures to accomplish a task and a goal.

It is best to explain your situation and to let others know of that which
they are dealing.

Very few on here see each other in person. Before you formulate a
hypothesis on the character of another, ask yourself as to how you would
like to be approached so that respect is given to you.

Do the same to others.

The idea has evolved: Using the laptop for an animation station and music
is the next step.
I am working on it. I need spare parts.
I have asked the people here. "Here" is in reference to my physical

You need to join together as a single foundation with different parts.

If you would not treat and approach a child in such a manner, then why do
you do such to another adult?

Give yourself time to think.

Your species is dying.

Even with this knowledge, you still act and are arrogant, rude, selfish,
and narcissistic.

You are so self absorbed that you ignore the future plight of your children
and grand children.


2016-06-18 Thread outro pessoa
Have a blessed day.