Dear OpenBSD developers and users!

A voice from deep web welcomes you!

I'm not sure if you are aware but very recently FBI finally brought down Freedom hosting. It was a person who was hosting millions of websites for the people, the websites were not ordinary, they were all as illegal as you can imagine, including such as: drug dealer websites where drug manufacturers had direct access with their customers, websites which promotes revolutions and terrorism and – of course websites which share, promote and accept trading of CP (Child Pornography) and many many other things which would be impossible to host on surface web. As far as I know Freedom Hosting used to run OpenBSD only systems, it is unclear that are they got hacked or not, I personally think that other method was used to identify location of servers. You can call me as one of the visitors of such websites and user of most secure OS :)

Recent events in deepweb made me think about the future of our freedom. I got couple of questions for whom I can't find an answers, see if you could help if you don't mind.

The first one. We all know that the operating system OpenBSD largely depends on lead, so what will happen when time will come for Theo? We all know that so far people do not live thousands of years... I think that not only me would be interesting to know the future of this great project in case something happens. Please do not misunderstand me here, I do not wish anything bad for Theo, I just need to be sure that there are others who could keep project going.

2nd: how would OpenBSD leaders and developers would react, that OS they developing is powering most illegal things which you probably can't dream on? What I'm saying, is it possible that under certain circumstances OpenBSD people could silently include trojan or any other related piece of code which could lead of compromise of machines which are powering deep web ?

Thanks for reading.

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