Re: quirks "unsigned package," "Can't find CONTENTS"

2016-10-07 Thread yary
On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Foo74  wrote:
> Thanks for posting the response. Do you know what from the error message 
> shows that it was a -current build? I think I would have spent days figuring 
> that out. :)

Replying to list as well- There were two clues. One was how uname -a
reported the kernel as GENERIC.MP#2172 - that number on the end would
tell someone more "in the know" that it wasn't the right build for
either "release" or "current"

The other hint was in the error itself, as Josh emailed this morning:

"Just to briefly elaborate, the development branch (-current) recently
had updates to signed package management, and to signify(1), and
these developments are both still ongoing / evolving."

Which makes me think- that name that says "GENERIC"- would be good to
have the flavor in it.

Re: quirks "unsigned package," "Can't find CONTENTS"

2016-10-06 Thread yary
>Your package path points to 6.0- release. But your error messages
> indicate you've installed a snapshot of -current, the development
> breach. Use snapshot packages, or install the release.

Thanks! You're right, I had intended to install 6.0 from release, but
ended up getting a snapshot ISO. I'll get them back in sync.

quirks "unsigned package," "Can't find CONTENTS"

2016-10-06 Thread yary
I'm installing OpenBSD i386 on a fresh new hard drive, I've set PKG_PATH,
and I can't add packages- my tries give errors about quirks. Trying a
bare "pkg_add quirks" tells me:

# pkg_add quirks
Error from
unsigned package
Can't find CONTENTS from
Error from
unsigned package
Can't find CONTENTS from
--- quirks-2.241 ---
Can't install quirks-2.241: bad package
Can't install quirks-2.241: bad package
# uname -a
OpenBSD 6.0 GENERIC.MP#2172 i386

Turning up the verbosity with -vvv it shows another error, "Can't load
quirk: Can't load OpenBSD/ in @INC"

I feel like I'm missing something very basic. Any ideas on debugging,
fixing pkg_add on this install?


Re: Best filesystem & options for large drive

2015-02-11 Thread yary
Thanks all for the tuning flags & the example. I'll take a look at the man
pages and file set. Doesn't look like the 4TB FFS2 will be a problem on
this machine after all.

Best filesystem & options for large drive

2015-02-10 Thread yary
I'm setting up an openBSD 5.6 box with a 4TB raid to back up a video
editing cluster. I'll be using BackupPC which likes to have a single
large volume so it can de-duplicate files using hard links. Thus the
main volume will be all the 4TB.

I know FFS2 can handle that size easily, but I'm worried about fsck
taking forever. This machine will have 1.5GB RAM, from what I've read
that's not enough memory to fsck a 4TB volume without painful
swapping. Is there some filesystem-plus-options for recent OpenBSD
that guarantees the disk will always be in a consistent state, even
after a crash, so that fsck won't be necessary?

(Yes I'll be testing out the RAID before deploying, would like to
start with the right filesystem on it from the outset. And yes it will
be on a UPS with graceful shutdown. I don't trust myself to get it all
right, and bad things still happen...)


Re: Fixing pkg_add "Fatal error: can't parse object version" error after 4.9 upgrade

2011-06-08 Thread yary
>On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 11:57:42AM -0700, yary wrote:
>> I have installed my own build of perl into /usr/local which might be
>> the cause- though it can also happen with the system perl, All one has
>> to do is install a binary/XS version of a library that system perl has
>> a non-binary version of, in a directory that the system perl uses.
> Ariane van der Steldt wrote:
>Don't do that. No, it can't happen with the system perl, we control that.

It happens, though I'm not sure why or how to prevent it.

Note that in 4.9 the system perl looks in some /usr/local directories
before /usr/libdata -

$ /usr/bin/perl -e 'print join "\n",@INC'

The right way to fix this is to have all the /usr/libdata paths before
any /usr/local paths in the system perl's @INC. Order them like so:


Here's a scenario- and I don't have a 4.8 system to test it on, just
from memory-

In OpenBSD 4.8, using only the system perl, install the XS version of
Digest::SHA. OBSD 4.8 uses perl 5.10. This isn't so farfetched. Even
if 4.8 comes with a binary Digest::SHA, it may have an update that you

Perl decides to put it under /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/i386-openbsd/

Upgrade the same machine to OpenBSD 4.9. It uses perl 5.12 which is
not binary-compatible with perl 5.10

Now any system utilities that use Digest::SHA will get the version in
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/i386-openbsd , at the top of @INC.

Not sure if that's what happened to me (or the other poster at ) but it's my
most plausible guess

Fixing pkg_add "Fatal error: can't parse object version" error after 4.9 upgrade

2011-06-07 Thread yary

I saw another message about getting a perl error 'Fatal error: can't
parse  object version..." after an upgrade to 4.9, and have a fix and
an explanation.

Fix: add this line:

  no lib qw(/usr/local/libdata/perl5

 to the start of these libs, near the "package" declaration:


Explanation: In a /usr/local directory is a shared library from a
different version of perl- Digest::SHA- and it's a binary (aka XS or
.so) version.

I have installed my own build of perl into /usr/local which might be
the cause- though it can also happen with the system perl, All one has
to do is install a binary/XS version of a library that system perl has
a non-binary version of, in a directory that the system perl uses.

System perl programs only need libraries in these directories, which
yo probably will never install anything into-

My "no lib" solution tells systerm Perl programs to ignore the
/usr/local perl libraries. Not sure if those two modules cover all
system perl programs, but it works for the pkg_* ones for sure.


Re: Do you virtualize w/OpenBSD as host?

2007-01-22 Thread yary

On 22/01/07, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 12:42:03PM -0800, yary wrote:
For real virtual stuff, qemu works well - although not exactly swiftly.
It's usable for testing, but don't try to run it in production.

If you can handle being a little less virtual, chroot + systrace allows
you to build specialized mini-systems with good security and
performance. This can be rather useful for running, for instance,
several disconnected daemons on a single server; OTOH, it's completely
useless if you are trying to do kernel development work. So it depends
on what you are trying to do; however, since very few of those
virtualization systems will allow you to run a different kernel from the
one you are running on the host, this is not that big a loss.

Finally, while OpenBSD does not run many virtualization environments, it
does run *in* most virtualization environments. At least VMWare should
work, and Xen is being developed [1].


[1] Or might be ready, or might be abandoned - I'm afraid I'm not
certain here.

I have two uses in mind, one is trying out/debugging network
scenarios, the other is creating a virutal machine where a couple
trusted users can set up some network services (webserver, svn
repository) separate from my own. The first pretty much requires some
kind of virutalization, and the second is much easier with it, AFAIK.

For now, I don't have any pressing network problems, and I'm just
going to set up a separate machine from surplus hardware for my
friends. Would like to have some VM stuff to play with so have the
experience if/when I need it (plus, it seems "fun"), prefer to stay
within OpenBSD, easier on my brain.

Re: Do you virtualize w/OpenBSD as host?

2007-01-22 Thread yary

On 22/01/07, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

qemu is less elegant than, say, dfbsd virtual kernels but it works
pretty well.

Hadn't heard about DragonFly virtual kernels, they do look cool, but
they aren't yet ready for prime time and there isn't anything like it
in OpenBSD! Still thanks for the tip, will keep my eyes on it.

Do you virtualize w/OpenBSD as host?

2007-01-22 Thread yary


wondering what state-of-the-art is for running virtual machines under
OpenBSD. I don't see anything with particularly good performance (like
Solairs "zones"), which would be great, but anything resonable would
work for my purposes- I don't really need the blazing speed. I want to
run a few virutal OpenBSD servers under my "real" OpenBSD 4.0 server
for testing and some light work, and am wondering about
qemu/bochs/other choices?

If you're using virtual-OpenBSDs under real-OpenBSD, let me know your
preferred setup!

Re: pre-orders

2006-03-09 Thread yary
You want more donations, you put the donations link in more places.
Yes it's easy for someone looking for it to find it- but how about the
businessman whose sysadmin just said "we should look at openBSD 3.9"-
he'll search for & see that 3.9 release page, and not know that his
department is about to get some software that needs monetary support.

If each release page contained a blurb: "This release was made
possible by private donations and businesses' monetary support. Please
click here to see how you can help fund developer's work for your next
release, OpenBSD 4.0" (or whatever the next release is)- it would
raise awareness of OpenBSDs reliance on donations, and would bring it
to the attention of some who never see the home page. Which will
probably bring more money in, for not very much incremental effor.

Re: OBSD 3.8: bash, libiconv, libintl in rc.securelevel

2006-03-07 Thread yary
On 3/7/06, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yary wrote:
> > Pardon me for giving what may be a naive answer, but how about putting
> > /usr/local/lib into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable before starting
> > the wanrouter script?
>It's an obvious answer, but I figured there must be a good reason 
> (security?) that
> /usr/local/lib _isn't_ in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH at that stage, and it didn't 
> seem like a
> good idea for an installer to tamper with the system's LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 
> Partly I'm looking
> for insight as to why it is the way it is currently.

I can see it being a security thing, but you only have to set that
environment variable for the subshell that's starting the wanrouter,
not for the whole system at that stage of boot. This seems to work for
$ (export fff=rrr && echo $fff)
$ echo $fff


You have to trust /usr/local enough to run the port/package in the
first place... so try launching wanrouter with "(export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib && /bin/bash
/usr/local/bin/wanrouter)" - your startup script will add the local
libs to its search path but the rest of that bootup stage won't.

And if that's incorrect someone will surely point out the error of my ways!


Re: OBSD 3.8: bash, libiconv, libintl in rc.securelevel

2006-03-07 Thread yary
On 3/7/06, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm working on getting the Sangoma WANPIPE driver working under OpenBSD 
> 3.8 (mostly
> working) and ran into a couple of little problems that I'm trying to find the 
> "right" way
> to solve.
>The preferred setup is to run their "wanrouter" bash script in the 
> rc.securelevel
> script, to load the driver module before securelevel is raised to where 
> module loading is
> no longer permitted.
>So, the wanrouter script requires bash, which in turn requires libiconv 
> and libintl.
> Libiconv and libintl normally install into /usr/local/lib, where bash finds 
> them just fine
> once the system is fully booted. But, it seems that running the wanrouter 
> bash script from
> rc.securelevel fails because at that point bash can't find libiconv and 
> libintl. I presume
> that /usr/local/lib is not in the lib search path at that point.

Pardon me for giving what may be a naive answer, but how about putting
/usr/local/lib into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable before starting
the wanrouter script?

Re: EPIA issues...

2006-03-07 Thread yary
I'll second the observation that hot machines flake in odd ways. It's
not just the processor- hot memory is also unpredictable- hard drive
controllers- "northbridge"- you name it- there are many essential
parts that can overheat and cause you hard-to-diagnose grief.

If cooling your machine doesn't work, could be a power supply issue,
they seem to die before the rest of the computer and sometimes do so
slowly. Low power also causes erratic behavior.

Re: dhcpd and static arp

2006-02-16 Thread yary
On 2/16/06, yo2lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a dhcp server with following configuration:
> /etc/dhcpd.conf
> shared-network LOCAL-NET {
>option  domain-name "my.domain";
>option  domain-name-servers;
>subnet netmask {
>option routers;
> }
> host zoltan{
>  hardware ethernet 00:50:FC:9D:81:E7;
>  fixed-address;
>  option host-name "zoltan";
> }
> is my desktop pc (Windows box with mac address:
> 00:50:fc:9d:81:e7). I get IP using DHCP.

So that part is working fine. dhcpd is doing what you asked it to- it
is assigning to a machine with mac address

> The problem is, when i set a manual IP address on Windows box for
> example the connection between gateway and Windows box work.

dhcpd only assigns addresses, it doesn't set up network filters.

> I want to allow only IP adrress with mac address:
> 00:50:fc:9d:81:e7 to reach the gateway. I need to use a static ARP?

no, static ARP isn't for filtering either.

I'm not quite sure what you want to happen. Here's my guess:

You want to specify which MAC addresses get which IP addresses- that
much you have working.

You want only those MAC & IP addresses assigned by DHCP to work with
your gateway. If an authorized machine changes their IP address, you
want the gateway to ignore its traffic. That part, I don't know how to
do either.

If you look at pf.conf you'll see it's easy to only allow traffic for
IP addresses in a given range, but it doesn't filter by MAC address-
that's not level 3 (if I have the jargon correct) it can be filtered
on a bridge, but adding a bridge is artificial, and anyway, how would
you tell dhcpd to add/remove filters as it granted/expired licenses?
Write a program to poll dhcpd.leases every few seconds? Ugly!

And you still have a problem- what if you have two authorized
machines, and the users switch their IP addresses...

If you really want this level of security (and I'm not sure that you
really do), what you want is the "user" option of pf.conf. I haven't
tried it, serch the pf list's archives for examples.

Re: Interface ranges in pf.conf (i.e. tun[0-10])

2006-02-13 Thread yary
On 2/13/06, yary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, can one use a group name to set up a pool? eg:
> rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 { httpd_ifs_group } 
> round-robin

just read the referenced post from Henning- looks like my answer is "yes"!

Re: Interface ranges in pf.conf (i.e. tun[0-10])

2006-02-13 Thread yary
On 2/13/06, Ray Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In this example ifconfig(8) shows that I have groups ``lo'' and
> ``egress'', so in the pf.conf you can stick an interface group
> (almost?) anywhere you can stick an interface.  (Actually there's
> a missing interface group in this example: ``enc''.  I'm not sure
> if it's a bug in ifconfig(8).)  You can also add your own groups
> using ifconfig(8).
> pf.conf(5) doesn't describe interface groups, but you can find a
> description in ifconfig(8) under ``group''.

fascinating. Seems like I could do away with macros for interface
names in pf.conf- create groups with my symbolic names for the various
links and use those instead. Then pf.conf doesn't have to change when
NICs change, just the hostname.if files (which have to change anyway.)
Though I fiddle with my pf.conf far more often than I replace NICs.

Now, can one use a group name to set up a pool? eg:
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 { httpd_ifs_group } round-robin

Re: PF, anchors and macros

2006-02-13 Thread yary
You can search for a thread on this list with the subject "how to
manage big pf-rulesets in a comfortable way" - someone posted their
makefile for adding a macro set to the start of pf rulesets.

Re: openbsd's future plans?

2006-02-08 Thread yary
It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to code in RPG.
Implementing an SMP kernel in an old IBM report generating language is
an interesting challenge, and would open up the possibility of running
OpenBSD 4.0 on card-sorting machines.

Re: Mixed internal network traffic, separated multiple ISPs, help?

2006-01-16 Thread yary
My longish question left out critical pieces- the actual /etc/ files
(pf.conf, hostname.*, bridgename.*) and tcpdump logs, I apologize.
Thanks for reading and replying despite that. I'll be going another
round tonight, and will follow up with concrete examples to the pf
list, with a brief summary here to wrap it up. 'Til then here are my
responses to the email so far-

Stuart Henderson :

>>  If we could make all the phones go to one switch, connect that to one
>> internal NIC, and all the PCs go to another switch, and into the
>> second internal NIC, then this would be easy. I think. But we don't
>> have the space or the hardware.
>You could run vlans, if your switch supports them. That's probably
>the cleanest way.

Ah, if only... there's only one port per office cube. PC plugs into
a port on the phone, phone plugs into the wall jack, carries traffic
for both VOIP and PC. So the vlans would have to be set on the
individual PCs and the phones. I don't think the phones support VLAN.
Not positive on that though. I am pretty sure that as a temporary
consultant, it would break after I left, unless the VLAN could be
assigned to everyone DHCP. I don't see that in dhcpd-options (and it
seems strange to serve non-vlan dhcp requests, telling all requestors
to get themselves onto a specific vlan...)

>> a smaller problem- how to specify what remote host to route-to in
>> pf-conf when the interface is configured via DHCP?
>You don't.., use the normal routing table for this instead.

In the original context, "route-to ($ext_if 44.33.22. 1)" worked,
"route-to ($ext_if)" did not, nor did the pass rule without any
route-to. But that's not very helpful without the full setup, and I
would like to use the normal routing table as you suggest...

That "small problem" can be restated: The best example I can find
using route-to is at - it
uses a syntax like "route-to ($ext_if $ext_gw)" where $ext_gw2 is the
remote gateway for $ext_if, defined as a dot-address macro. For what
that example is doing, it can't "use the normal routing table
instead," apparently. That page doesn't cover the case where $ext_if
has a dynamic address. As far as I can tell, it can't be easily
rewritten for an ISP that assigns a varying IP address/network.

>From Tihomir Koychev:
>Use PF specific
>Your question is there.There are a lots of mail with route-to, reply-to
>and evil NAT.Forward you e-mail there and search with google or
> (mailing list archive).

Yup, that mailing list is being helpful, giving me more ideas to try
out tonight.

On 1/16/06, Todd T. Fries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you do have a 20.0.0.x IP configured on the OpenBSD box as an 'inet alias'
> in /etc/hostname.yourint_if, right??

I tried that without success. It doesn't make much sense to add that
address as an alias anyway, when the OpenBSD box is supposed to
transparently bridge traffic on the 20.0.0.x net. (My followup to
"misc" mentioned that, my initial mis-post to "tech" didn't.)

more later, stay tuned...

Mixed internal network traffic, bridge+NAT separated to multiple ISPs, help?

2006-01-15 Thread yary
I've struggled for a couple days configuring an OpenBSD
router/firewall and would like some help from the experts.

Short version: There's an internal network with voice-over-IP phones
and PCs. The phones have publicly routable addresses, and for them,
the OpenBSD router should act like an addressless bridge. The router
also all assigns PCs private addresses via DHCP, and gives them access
to the big bad internet via pf's NAT. I can get the bridge to work for
the phones, I can get the NAT to work for the PCs, but not both at the
same time reliably. If you've done this please tell me how.

Longer version:

VOIP Phones (public 20.0.0.x/24)
mixed with
Office PCs (private 192.168.1.x/24)
   HW switch
   $int_if OpenBSD router (192.168.1. 1)
|   +--- $ext_if for "PCs ISP" (configured via dhclient)
+--- $voip_if for "Phone ISP" (either no addy or 20.0.0.
225, route to 20.0.0. 1)

The OpenBSD router has 3 NICs- $int_if faces the single internal
switch that all the VOIP phones and office PCs connect to. $voip_if
faces an ISP that's assigned us public IPs for all the phones, and we
can use one of those for $voip_if itself. $ext_if faces another ISP,
and gets its address, gateway, and DNS servers via DHCP.

The VOIP phones have publicly routable addresses, all assigned from
the 20.0.0. 0/24 CIDR block. The office PCs get their addresses via
DHCP from the OpenBSD router in the private 192.168.1. 0/24 network.

All the VOIP traffic is to flow through the OpenBSD router, between
$voip_if and $int_if. All other external traffic is to travel over
$ext_if. The router itself needs to be ssh'able, serve DHCP to the
internal network, and provide other services later.

Plugging the VOIP ISP directly into our internal switch works, but
then we're bypassing our OpenBSD router for that traffic. We want to
tweak that traffic later, after the basic setup works, so bypassing is
not an option.

Tried so far:

A. looked promising. I set up
pf so that 20.0.0. 0/24 "route-to" ($voip_if 200.0.0. 1) and !20.0.0.
0/24 "route-to" ($ext_if 44.33.22. 1), with a nat on $ext_if from
192.168.1. 0/24 -> ($ext_if)

This worked great for all the PCs, they could see the outside world
just fine. But the phones got no traffic at all. "tcpdump -i $int_if
net 20.0.0. 0/24" showed no traffic. My guess is that the OpenBSD box
didn't advertise that $int_if was a route for that traffic. And why
should it? $int_if has the address 192.168.1. 1, that's not on the
20.0.0. 0/24 net.

a smaller problem- how to specify what remote host to route-to in
pf-conf when the interface is configured via DHCP? ($ext_if) will
resolve to a changing interface address, but there's no way I can find
to symbolicly use that interface's remote router. I had to look up its
address in /var/db/dhclient.leases.$ext_if and hard-code that
(44.33.22. 1 in our example). If our upstream ISP decides to change
what network it assigns to us, then the router on the other end
changes, and the "route-to" breaks

B. Add a bridge for the phone traffic. "ifconfig bridge0 create;
brconfig bridge0 add $int_if add $voip_if up" - created
/etc/bridgename.bridge0 to do just that at boot. Added rules to
pf.conf so only 20.0.0. 0/24 traffic would flow through $voip_if. Keep
the route-to for the PC traffic so it keeps going to $ext_if.

With the bridge the phones work great! Can call out, can recieve
incoming calls. And the PCs work too!  For a while... when the phones
are unused, everything is great. But pick up a phone, and some of PCs
lose all connections. They can't even get responses to "ping
192.168.1. 1" And hanging up/disconnecting the phones after doesn't
fix the problem. I can't predict which PCs will lose connections or
when, it seems random. Some PCs continue to work!

tcpdump shows some 192.168.1.x traffic "leaking" onto bridge0. Even
traffic for "ping 192.168.1. 1" sometimes shows up on bridge0.

I tried changing pf.conf to have just the required NAT and "pass all",
loaded that with pfctl -F all -f pf.conf, that didn't fix it.

In act of desparation tried to add a rule to pf.conf by IP address on
bridge0 itself, but pfctl -vs rules showed that it never matched. I
know that brconfig can add rules at the bridge level to filter on MAC
address, but that seems difficult to maintain when adding/swapping
phones regularly.

I tried adding a 200.0.0.x address as an alias to $int_if, which
didn't seem to make any difference.

I'm lost. I suspect my difficulties stem from a my lack of route(8)
knowledge. A co-worker is building another OpenBSD box with 4 NICs, so
there can be one internal NIC for VOIP traffic, and another for the
office PCs. While that seems conceptually cleaner, all the traffic
will be going through the same HW switch- and I forsee similar issues.
 If we could make all the phones go to one switch, connect that to one
internal NIC, and all the PCs go to another switch, and into the
second i