
I am trying to install OpenBSD 3.8 on an old server that I have lying
around.  I boot the 3.8 floppy (the system does not have a CDROM drive) and
see the following pertinent bits fly by in dmesg:

ahc1 at pci2 dev 14 function 0 "Adaptec AHA-29160 U160" rev 0x02: irq 10
scsibus0 at ahc1: 16 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <WDIGTL, WDE9150 ULTRA2, 1.30> SCSI2 0/direct
sd0: 8727MB, 13614 cyl, 4 head, 328 sec, 512 bytes/sec 17873040 sec total

[then further down, prior to "root on rd0a"]

sd0: could not mode sense (4/5): using ficticious geometry
sd0(ahc1:0:0): could not get size
dkcsum: open of sd0 failed

When I enter the install program, entering "sd0" results in a series of:

fdisk: sd0: Input/Output error
fdisk: sd0: Input/Output error

fdisk: sd0: Input/Output error
ERROR: No root partition (sd0a)

... at which point I get kicked back to the "Do you want to use *all* of sd0
for OpenBSD? [no]"  prompt which repeats all of the above over again.

I've tried to install both 3.7 and 3.8... no joy with either.  Booting the
floppyB38.fs doesn't work; the disk isn't even detected.

I'm pretty confident that the hardware is in working order: I managed to
install FreeBSD 5.4 without a hitch.  Under FreeBSD, a "fdisk da0" reveals:

cylinders=1112 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16085 blks/cyl)

..which looks bogus to me, but FreeBSD makes it work, somehow.

I'd really like to get OpenBSD installed on this system, as I want it to
serve as a DSL firewall.  Any help would be appreciated.  Please note that
this system doesn't have a serial console so I typed the above messages by
hand.  If a full dmesg is necessary I'll figure out some way to capture it


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