
I am trying to configure a squid box (with dansguardian) with OpenBSD
3.8, as a transparent cache, at the exit of my network.

In the border I have a Cisco 2600 router.

When the router receives web packets it redirects (WCCPv1 protocol) via
a GRE Tunnel to the squid box. So, my conclusion, is that the tunnel is
working fine.

But when the OpenBSD receives the packets (and it receives, because I
see the packets with tcpdump) it only increments the unsupported/unknown
packets when I issue the "netstat -s" command.

I have the following configuration in /etc/pf.conf:

rdr on bge0 inet proto tcp from any to any port www -> port

pass out proto tcp from $Proxy_IP to any
pass out proto tcp from any port = 80 to any
pass in proto tcp from any port = 80 to $Proxy_IP

pass in proto gre from $Router_IP to $Proxy_IP

I already tried changing the interface bge0 (in the rdr line) to gre0,
but nothing changed.

I also have, in sysctl.conf, the following two lines, that permit the
entry of gre packets and WCCP packets (It's not clear in the man pages
if it is WCCPv1 or WCCPv2, but it says also to not use WCCPv2, so I
assumed WCCPv1).

I suspect the problem is the way that OpenBSD deals (or not) with the
GRE packets. Can anyone help me?

Ricardo Santos

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