Re: Multipath Routing and Routing Software

2007-04-16 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2007/04/16 18:32, Christoph Schneeberger wrote:
> Now i was wondering if either OpenOSPF or the quagga port would support
> ospf ecmp in OpenBSD 4.0 and I couldn't find any clear answer yet.

Nothing in 4.0 or 4.1. -current has some code towards this, but
iirc it's not complete yet. Apart from that ospfd works pretty nicely.

Multipath Routing and Routing Software

2007-04-16 Thread Christoph Schneeberger
Good day,

I am sorry if this has been answered in the past, I have googled the
topic without getting real answers and thought it might be appropriate
to post this question here:

I have happily read about the multipath abilities introduced in 4.0,
however the FAQ only cites an example with static routing which does no
failover at all and requires manual intervention in case of a link failure.

I would like to use OSPF on the job which has been working fine on
OpenBSD 3.3 in the form of quagga for me for years now, but notabene
only with failover on 2 highspeed links (16/18Mbit/s). Now i was
wondering if either OpenOSPF or the quagga port would support ospf ecmp
in OpenBSD 4.0 and I couldn't find any clear answer yet. This would give
me the redundancy i already have, combined with doubled capacity if both
links are operating.

Thanks for any pointers in advance,



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