Hello list,

I'm subscribed to the digest, so I don't reply unless I see a posting
in the next day.  I would reply to privmsgs though.

I'm trying to setup a OpenBSD box to provide user logins domain
membership with samba 3.0.24-main (via packages).  I configure it like
I have configured samba in the past, but something is new, different.

When I try to obtain the current mapping of NTGROUPS to UNIXGROUPS via
"net groupmap list" -- all I get is my prompt back, not even a blank
line.  It's as if there are no groups defined.  But shouldn't a group
be defined for example, Domain Admins, or Users, etc?  Maybe not mapped
right, but defined..  I'm not able to find anything via google with the
search terms I'm trying.  And I would appreciate any help.

CC me for a quicker response. :)  thanks.

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