Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett

Chris Bennett wrote:

Stuart Henderson wrote:
oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see 

On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:
I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest 

Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, 
so if

you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ 

If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
all the perl things:

- save a copy of your package list
pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

- uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
(and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

- reinstall the packages from the list you saved
pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

and test again.

If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
to stand a chance of changing anything for release.

No go.
Updated to latest.
no packages got updated.

Still get Segmentation faults
debug version still works clean

I have now given myself a new problem

Apache is now blown out:
runs but I get
[Fri Feb 26 07:44:14 2010] [notice] child pid 26552 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)

for every access

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010/02/26 07:47, Chris Bennett wrote:
 debug version still works clean
 I have now given myself a new problem
 Apache is now blown out:
 runs but I get
 [Fri Feb 26 07:44:14 2010] [notice] child pid 26552 exit signal
 Segmentation fault (11)
 for every access

httpd ABI got changed. Until we can get new packages out you will need
to rebuild your apache modules (php/etc).

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010/02/26 07:47, Chris Bennett wrote:

debug version still works clean


I have now given myself a new problem

Apache is now blown out:
runs but I get
[Fri Feb 26 07:44:14 2010] [notice] child pid 26552 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

for every access

httpd ABI got changed. Until we can get new packages out you will need
to rebuild your apache modules (php/etc).


ok. How do I do that?
Or will ports have the right versions?
Which ones of these do I need to rebuild?

This is my package list

GeoIP-1.4.6 find the country where IP address/hostname 
originates from

GraphicsMagick-1.3.6-no_x11 image processing tools with stable ABI
ImageMagick- image processing tools
amavisd-new-2.6.4p0 interface between mailer MTA and content checkers
arc-5.21op1 create  extract files from DOS .ARC files
autoconf-2.61p3 automatically configure source code on many Un*x 

bzip2-1.0.5 block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cabextract-1.2p0extracts files from Microsoft CAB archives
clamav-0.95.3   virus scanner
colorls-4.6p0   ls that can use color to display file attributes
curl-7.19.7p0   get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
db-4.6.21p0 Berkeley DB package, revision 4
dovecot-1.1.20-postgresql compact IMAP/POP3 server
e2fs-uuid-1.41.4p0  unique id generator library
e2fsprogs-1.41.4p0  utilities to manipulate ext2 filesystems
femail-0.97p1   simple SMTP client
freetype-1.3.1p3free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
freeze-2.5p0FREEZE / MELT compression program - often used in QNX
gawk-3.1.7p0GNU awk
gd-2.0.35p0 library for dynamic creation of images
gettext-0.17p0  GNU gettext
ghostscript-8.63p11-no_x11 GNU PostScript interpreter
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p1 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name 

gmake-3.81p0GNU make
gmp-4.3.1   library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnupg-1.4.10GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gsed-4.1.5  GNU stream editor
gtar-1.22p0 GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
help2man-1.29p0 GNU help2man
ijs-0.35raster image transmission library
jasper-1.900.1p1reference implementation of JPEG-2000
jbigkit-1.6p1   lossless image compression library
jpeg-7  IJG's JPEG compression utilities
lcms-1.18a  color management library
lha-1.14i.ac20050924.1 archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
libghttp-1.0.9p2GNOME http client library
libiconv-1.13p0 character set conversion library
libidn-1.11 internationalized string handling
libltdl-1.5.26p0GNU libtool system independent dlopen wrapper
libtool-1.5.26p2generic shared library support script
libxml-2.7.6XML parsing library
lzo-1.08p1  portable speedy lossless data compression library
lzo2-2.03   portable speedy lossless data compression library
lzop-1.02rc1fast file compressor similar to gzip
metaauto-0.9wrapper for gnu auto*mysql-server-5.1.42 
multithreaded SQL database (server)

ncftp-3.2.3 ftp replacement with advanced user interface
net-snmp-  extendable SNMP implementation
netpbm-10.26.64 toolkit for converting images between different formats
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1902 interface to compute differences between two 
p5-Apache-DBI-0.94p0 DBI persistent connection, authentication and 

p5-Apache-Test-1.30p0 Test wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
p5-Archive-Zip-1.30 perl interface to ZIP files
p5-BerkeleyDB-0.34p1 Berkeley DB module
p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.01 base class for error handling
p5-Class-Loader-2.03 load modules and create objects on demand
p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4p0 convert binary octets into ASCII armoured 

p5-Convert-ASN1-0.22 module to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures
p5-Convert-BinHex-1.119p1 module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
p5-Convert-PEM-0.07 read/write access to ASN.1-encoded PEM files
p5-Convert-TNEF-0.17p0 module to read TNEF files
p5-Convert-UUlib-1.09p0 interface to the uulib library
p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.10p0 interface to the Blowfish encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-CBC-2.30   cryptographic cipher block chaining mode
p5-Crypt-DES-2.05p1 interface to the DES encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-DES-EDE3-0.01 Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
p5-Crypt-DH-0.06Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
p5-Crypt-DSA-0.13   DSA Signatures and Key Generation
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.04p0 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.25p0 RSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.04p0 routines for accessing the OpenSSL prng
p5-Crypt-Primes-0.50 provable prime number generator
p5-Crypt-RSA-1.99   RSA public-key cryptosystem
p5-Crypt-Random-1.25 cryptographically secure random number generator
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.57p0 library to provide LWP https support via 

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

In order to find the offending Pg access, I added some simple print 
lines at each step.

Without these lines, easily get seg faults.
With these lines, no seg faults, for several days now.

Anyone have any ideas what this means?

Script does its task just fine, other than these problems

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:
 Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:
 I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

 Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
 have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
 you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.

 I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
 This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ packages?

If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
all the perl things:

- save a copy of your package list
pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

- uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
(and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

- reinstall the packages from the list you saved
pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

and test again.

If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
to stand a chance of changing anything for release.

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Stuart Henderson
oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it..

On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:
 Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:
 I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

 Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
 have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
 you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.

 I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
 This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

 Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
 from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
 and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

 I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
 on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ packages?

 If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

 If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
 all the perl things:

 - save a copy of your package list
 pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

 - uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
 pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
 (and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

 - reinstall the packages from the list you saved
 pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

 and test again.

 If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
 these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
 to stand a chance of changing anything for release.

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it..

On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)


Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ packages?

If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
all the perl things:

- save a copy of your package list
pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

- uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
(and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

- reinstall the packages from the list you saved
pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

and test again.

If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
to stand a chance of changing anything for release.


This did not work. I am two sets behind on non X stuff.
I will upgrade to latest now.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it..

On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)


Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ packages?

If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
all the perl things:

- save a copy of your package list
pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

- uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
(and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

- reinstall the packages from the list you saved
pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

and test again.

If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
to stand a chance of changing anything for release.


This is the script causing the problem.
The problem seems to disappear when I added print What is commented out\n;

at every comment.

#mwForum - Web-based discussion forum
#Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Markus Wichitill
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized redefine);

# Imports
use Getopt::Std ();
use MwfMain;


# Get arguments
my %opts = ();
Getopt::Std::getopts('f:', \%opts);
my $forumId = $opts{f};

# Init
my ($m, $cfg, $lng) = MwfMain-newShell(forumId = $forumId);
exit if !$cfg-{subsDigest};

# Get last sent time   
my $lastSentTime = $m-max($m-getVar('crnSubLst') || 0, $m-{now} - 
86400 * 5);

# Get boards
my $boards = $m-fetchAllHash(
   SELECT * FROM boards WHERE lastPostTime  ?, $lastSentTime);

# Board subscriptions
for my $board (@$boards) {
   # Get posts
   my $posts = $m-fetchAllHash(
   SELECT posts.postTime, posts.body, posts.userNameBak,
   FROM posts AS posts
   INNER JOIN topics AS topics
   ON = posts.topicId
   WHERE posts.postTime  :lastSentTime
   AND posts.boardId = :boardId
   AND posts.approved = 1
   ORDER BY posts.topicId, posts.postTime,
   { lastSentTime = $lastSentTime, boardId = $board-{id} });
   next if !...@$posts;

   # Concatenate all posts
   my $subject = $cfg-{forumName} - \$board-{title}\ 

   my $body = $lng-{subNoReply} . \n\n . - x 70 . \n\n;
   for my $post (@$posts) {
   $m-dbToEmail($board, $post);
   my $timeStr = $m-formatTime($post-{postTime});
   $body = $body
   . $lng-{subTopic} . $post-{subject} . \n
   . $lng-{subBy} . $post-{userNameBak} . \n
   . $lng-{subOn} . $timeStr . \n\n
   . $post-{body}
   . \n\n . - x 70 . \n\n;

   # Get subscribers
   my $subscribers = $m-fetchAllHash(
   SELECT users.*
   FROM boardSubscriptions AS boardSubscriptions
   INNER JOIN users AS users
   ON = boardSubscriptions.userId
   WHERE boardSubscriptions.boardId = :boardId
   AND boardSubscriptions.instant = 0
   AND  ''
   AND users.dontEmail = 0,
   { boardId = $board-{id} });
   next if !...@$subscribers;

   # Send to subscribers if they still have board access
   for my $subscriber (@$subscribers) {
   next if !$m-boardVisible($board, $subscriber);
   $m-sendEmail(user = $subscriber, 

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it..

On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote:

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)


Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I decided to delete DBD::Pg and added latest through CPAN.
This eliminated the core dumps, but not the Segmentation Faults.

Please first uninstall DBD::Pg from CPAN (mixing things
from CPAN and OpenBSD packages is going to cause confusion at best
and won't help track down the problem with the packages.

I was giving DBD::Pg as an example but you must have other XS modules
on your system if you're using DBD::Pg.  Did you upgrade __all__ packages?

If not please do so (pkg_add -ui or similar) and re-test.

If you've already done that and it's still failing, try reinstalling
all the perl things:

- save a copy of your package list
pkg_info  /tmp/pkglist

- uninstall all p5-* packages and things they pull in
pkg_delete -i /var/db/pkg/p5-*
(and answer yes to uninstalling the dependent pkg's)

- reinstall the packages from the list you saved
pkg_add -z -l /tmp/pkglist

and test again.

If it's broken after just doing pkg_add -u but deleting+reinstalling
these packages fixes things, we need to know *absolutely ASAP* if we're
to stand a chance of changing anything for release.

No go.
Updated to latest.
no packages got updated.

Still get Segmentation faults
debug version still works clean

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein

PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Bennett

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

I also am using a forum and wanted to add a second forum using 
PostgreSQL (first has been using mysql)

This software supports doing this.

All is working fine, except one script called from crontab to send out 
subscriptions is working fine except for an occasional Segmentation fault.

I have notified script maintainer, waiting to hear back

Is this core file providing any useful information for diagnosing problem?

# gdb /usr/bin/perl perl.core
Core was generated by `perl'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0d321693 in pg_st_split_statement () from 
#1  0x0d320f34 in pg_st_prepare () from 
#2  0x0d316727 in XS_DBD__Pg__st__prepare () from 
#3  0x015f6e99 in Perl_pp_entersub () at 
#4  0x01634b85 in Perl_runops_standard () at 
#5  0x01630700 in Perl_call_sv (sv=0x8538b430, flags=0) at 
#6  0x0e8788fe in XS_DBI_dispatch () from 
#7  0x015f6e99 in Perl_pp_entersub () at 
#8  0x01634b85 in Perl_runops_standard () at 
#9  0x016300e7 in S_run_body (oldscope=1) at 
#10 0x0163003b in perl_run (my_perl=0x835a80e0) at 

#11 0x1c000c0e in main ()
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0d321693 in pg_st_split_statement () from 

No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0d320f34 in pg_st_prepare () from 

No symbol table info available.
#2  0x0d316727 in XS_DBD__Pg__st__prepare () from 

No symbol table info available.
#3  0x015f6e99 in Perl_pp_entersub () at 

   av = (AV * const) 0x15de6c1
   items = -1966228880
   markix = 0
   sp = (SV **) 0x80901808
   sv = (SV *) 0x7f56e640
   gv = (GV *) 0x80901808
   cv = (CV *) 0x8acdba70
   cx = (PERL_CONTEXT *) 0x8acdba70
   gimme = 0
#4  0x01634b85 in Perl_runops_standard () at 

No locals.
#5  0x01630700 in Perl_call_sv (sv=0x8538b430, flags=0) at 

   sp = (SV **) 0x80901808
   myop = {op_next = 0x0, op_sibling = 0x0, op_ppaddr = 0, op_targ 
= 0, op_type = 0, op_opt = 0, op_latefree = 0,
 op_latefreed = 0, op_attached = 0, op_spare = 0, op_flags = 66 'B', 
op_private = 0 '\0', op_first = 0x0, op_other = 0x0}
   method_op = {op_next = 0x8908c750, op_sibling = 0x7f5a7314, 
op_ppaddr = 0xcfbf1c18, op_targ = 23126673,
 op_type = 336, op_opt = 1, op_latefree = 1, op_latefreed = 0, 
op_attached = 0, op_spare = 6, op_flags = 8 '\b',

 op_private = 137 '\211', op_first = 0x7f5a7314}
   oldmark = 0
   retval = 0
   oldscope = 5
   oldcatch = 0 '\0'
   oldop = (OP * const) 0x80ed77c0
   cur_env = {je_prev = 0x8730f760, je_buf = {559762180, 
-809559096, 23125185, -1995913392, 2136634132, 7, 48, 0, 0,

   -809559093, 23125026}, je_ret = -1997449076, je_mustcatch = 12 '\f'}
#6  0x0e8788fe in XS_DBI_dispatch () from 

No symbol table info available.
#7  0x015f6e99 in Perl_pp_entersub () at 

   av = (AV * const) 0x0
   items = -2128428720
   markix = 0
   sp = (SV **) 0x80901808
   sv = (SV *) 0x8122c150
   gv = (GV *) 0xebb897af
   cv = (CV *) 0x8122c150
   cx = (PERL_CONTEXT *) 0x8122c150
   gimme = 0
#8  0x01634b85 in Perl_runops_standard () at 

No locals.
#9  0x016300e7 in S_run_body (oldscope=1) at 

No locals.
#10 0x0163003b in perl_run (my_perl=0x835a80e0) at 

   oldscope = 1
   ret = -2061856768
   cur_env = {je_prev = 0x215d7480, je_buf = {23264750, 559762180, 
-809558340, -809558200, 1006645983, 1006645728,
   -809558152, 0, -2081185628, 32, -809566157}, je_ret = 0, 
je_mustcatch = 1 '\001'}

#11 0x1c000c0e in main ()
No symbol table info available.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. 

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-23 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:
 I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script -perl.core

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Bennett

Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote:

I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL)

Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must
have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if
you didn't upgrade these (e.g. DBD::Pg) that could be the problem.


I thought of that too. I just tried pkg_delete p5-DBD-Pg and pkg_add.
The date, but not file size changed in PKG_CACHE.
But this didn't help
Forum author says he has no idea

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein