Re: 5.4 (GENERIC) box has begun to randomly reboot

2014-08-09 Thread Craig R. Skinner
On 2014-08-05 Tue 16:13 PM |, STeve Andre' wrote:
> In decreasing order I'd say 5) motherboard problem,  4) power
> supply, 3) memory, 2) cabling failure, 1) disk controller.

Thanks gents.

After a night with the power off, the same phatom rebooting started
within 10 minutes the next day.

The used comptuer shop downstairs is on summer holidays, so I swapped
the disks, cables & memory in to another chassis I found in the spare
room. This has been stable since.

Someone suggested looking for swollen/domed capacitors on the main
board (Supermicro), nothing out of the ordinary was seen.


Re: 5.4 (GENERIC) box has begun to randomly reboot

2014-08-05 Thread Nick Holland
On 08/05/14 10:02, Craig R. Skinner wrote:
> Hi,
> A reliable box has begun to randomly reboot in the last couple of days.
> I'm guessing some bit of hardware is on it's way out, but which?

I think that's a safe guess.

> OpenBSD 5.4 (GENERIC) #37: Tue Jul 30 12:05:01 MDT 2013
> cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class, 128KB L2 cache) 635 MHz
> cpu0: 
> real mem  = 535228416 (510MB)
> avail mem = 515035136 (491MB)

This box has done its time.
I love running on old hw as much as anyone, but really, it isn't worth
troubleshooting a box like this.  If you spend an hour on it, it's not
worth it...if it crashes one more time, it's not worth it.

Go find yourself a P4 someone is tossing out, pull your 250G disk out of
this box, put it in the P4.  Loose the 30G.  Enjoy the faster
performance.  Not only is the CPU faster, you should be running at UDMA
mode 4 or 5, and you might get a lot more RAM if you are lucky.

If it still crashes and reboots, it's your disk or the power you are

BTW: stupidly simple cause for reboots: old UPS systems.  Battery goes
dead, and your UPS saves you from a harmless power turning
it into a multi-second power OUTAGE.  I've also seen perfectly
functional UPSs that couldn't switch over fast enough for some
computers, again causing a reboot.


Re: 5.4 (GENERIC) box has begun to randomly reboot

2014-08-05 Thread STeve Andre'

On 08/05/14 10:02, Craig R. Skinner wrote:


A reliable box has begun to randomly reboot in the last couple of days.

There's nothing obviously unusual in /var/log/*

$ ls -ld /var/crash
drwxrwx---  2 root  wheel  512 Dec 24  2013 /var/crash/
$ ls -lA /var/crash
total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  5 Jul 30  2013 minfree

I set up a 1 min cron job of sysctl | fgrep hw.sensors.lm1.temp & uptime
The last one before a reboot was:
hw.sensors.lm1.temp0=34.00 degC
hw.sensors.lm1.temp2=33.50 degC
  2:53PM  up 31 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.13, 0.19, 0.23

I'm guessing some bit of hardware is on it's way out, but which?

$ ls -l /var/run/dmesg.boot
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  3612 Aug  5 14:58 /var/run/dmesg.boot

OpenBSD 5.4 (GENERIC) #37: Tue Jul 30 12:05:01 MDT 2013
cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class, 128KB L2 cache) 635 MHz
real mem  = 535228416 (510MB)
avail mem = 515035136 (491MB)

So, a nice venerable P III.. I have several Dell's of that vintage all
running well, after 10+ years.

Me, I'd get the memtest CD and use that for a start.  Easy.

In decreasing order I'd say 5) motherboard problem,  4) power
supply, 3) memory, 2) cabling failure, 1) disk controller.

I did once have a really strange problem of crashing, which
turned out to be the on-board IDE controller.  I put a Siig
sata controller in it and still works today.  So a varient on )5.

Don't forget about dust and around the fans.  I'd take it outside
and use compressed air of some kind to clean it.

Good luck...

--STeve Andre'