Re: OpenBSD 4.8: is diskmap(4) missing ?

2010-11-08 Thread Remco
Joel, thanks for your clarification.

Re: OpenBSD 4.8: is diskmap(4) missing ?

2010-11-07 Thread Joel Sing
On Saturday 06 November 2010, Remco wrote:
> An earlier post to misc@ made me look into diskmap(4), but the man page
> seems to be missing:
> This was a fresh install from CD:
> # uname -a
> OpenBSD srv000.home.lan 4.8 GENERIC.MP#335 amd64
> # man diskmap
> man: no entry for diskmap in the manual.
> # ls /dev/diskmap
> /dev/diskmap
> This was an upgrade from CD:
> gw:remco$ uname -a
> OpenBSD gw.home.lan 4.8 GENERIC#136 i386
> gw:remco$ man diskmap
> man: no entry for diskmap in the manual.
> gw:remco$ ls /dev/diskmap
> /dev/diskmap
> I don't know if this is the right way to look for the man page, but this
> comes up empty:
> gw:OpenBSD$ tar tzf 4.8/i386/man48.tgz |grep diskmap
> gw:OpenBSD$ tar tzf 4.8/amd64/man48.tgz |grep diskmap
> gw:OpenBSD$

The diskmap(4) man page was committed after 4.8 was tagged, so this is 
expected. A number of things (disklabels not being read when disks attached, 
no DUID support for readlabelfs, etc) prevent some uses of disklabel UIDs in 
4.8 - many of these issues have been address since 4.8, so you can expect it 
to be a lot more functional in 4.9 or -current.

> The on-line manual doesn't really make it clear to me on how to use this
> either. (

diskmap(4) is the userland interface to disklabel UIDs, hence this man page 
details the interface and the ioctls implemented by it.

> The only "documentation" I was able to find is:

For a user's perspective you want to look at the -current man pages for 
fstab(5), disklabel(8) and mount(8).

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  - Bruce Schneier