I would like to add a DMZ for a webserver and need to add another ethernet
port. My 3.5-
based box
> has limited card space, so I thought of using a dual port card to add the 3rd
ethernet port. I have access to a NS DP83816-based dual port card. I see that I would have
to update my OS version for the DP83816 chip, which is not a problem. However, I see that
the compatible cards are limited to 3 Netgear FA3xx.
usually, what matters is the chips on the card, not the sticker
on the box. You are almost always better off going by the
chips than the sticker on the box.
First, are there particular issues with multi-port cards and OpenBSD?
normally, they are just a PCI-PCI bridge and a bunch of NICs.
WELL...some older machines don't seem to like PCI-PCI bridges
on their expansion bus. However, that's not an OpenBSD issue...they
don't seem to boot ANY OS when you stuff these cards into them.
Second, outside of just trying the card, is there anything to review/prepare
stick it in, it will probably work just fine.
The chip you have is no model of quality or efficiency,
but it will work for many apps. probably. Only way to
find out is to try it.