Thank you to all who responded in this thread and by private email --
your replies were very helpful!  Following Stuart Henderson's suggestion,
I found that I did indeed have a
containing (among other things) an out-of-date file

I have now "solved" the problem by replacing the entire
tree with a copy of that from a twin machine (also amd64/7.3, just
upgraded from 7.2) which doesn't seem to have this problem.

After that the immediate problem (fatal error on /use Term::ReadPassword;/)
is gone.  I did another full 'pkg_add -uvv' to be on the safe side, which
found a few 'file already exists', but after overwriting those everything
seems to be working now.

Thanks again to everyone who helped!
-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -color to reply]" <>
   on the west coast of Canada
   "Now back when I worked in banking, if someone went to Barclays,
    pretended to be me, borrowed UKP10,000 and legged it, that was
    `impersonation', and it was the bank's money that had been stolen,
    not my identity.  How did things change?" -- Ross Anderson

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