ldapd bootstrapping issue

2014-04-02 Thread Adam Thompson
First, I'll prefix this question by saying I last set up a brand-new 
LDAP server from scratch about 3 years ago, and then 10 years prior to 
that.  I've probably forgotten most of what I ever knew.

I'm trying to use ldapd(8), which looks as minimalist and 
'sane-defaults-should-work' as everything else in OpenBSD-land. Compared 
to 389 Server, or even OpenLDAP, this is refreshing.

I can get ldapd running without any issue, but I can't add any entries 
of any type to it.  I can simple-bind as the rootdn without any 
problems.  I can query the schema without any problems.  I can query the 
'root' without issue, and I see my namingContext, no issues there either.

Any searches at all at the base DN return nothing, which is pretty much 
what I expected, since I haven't populated it yet.
All the LDAP browsers  tools complain very loudly that there's nothing 
there yet at dc=x,dc=y...which sort of makes sense, except typically 
the error 32 (no results) is treated as a big problem which sort of 
doesn't make sense.  If my namingContext is dc=x,dc=y shouldn't I be 
able to query dc=x,dc=y itself right away?

However, I can't even add an OU:

dn: ou=Users,dc=x,dc=y
objectType: organizationalUnit
ou: Users

with ldapadd -v gives me:
add objectType:
add ou:
adding new entry ou=Users,dc=x,dc=y
ldap_add: No such attribute (16)

attempting to add another DC container produces the exact same error.  
I'm adding, I think, all the necessary attributes, and I've even tried 
removing the attribute indexes (yes, I deleted the database first) in 
case it was trying to index a null attribute, but that was grasping at 

My best guess so far is that I have to precreate the dc=x,dc=y and dc=y 
objects and provide their attributes, but I can't do that either - I get 
45 naming violation when I try.

Obviously I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
Hints greatly appreciated.


Re: ldapd bootstrapping issue

2014-04-02 Thread Adam Thompson

On Wed 02 Apr 2014 09:34:06 PM CDT, Adam Thompson wrote:

Obviously I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
Hints greatly appreciated.

Why do I always figure it out 30 seconds *after* I post?

My fingers got confused somewhere after trying changetype: in the 
first LDIF file.  The correct attribute is objectClass, not 
