problem SOLVED (was: Re: more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64))

2012-05-31 Thread Jonathan Thornburg
In a thread back in November 2011,
I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
"Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64.  My full
dmesg is given in the first message in that thread,
along with various other (hopefully-)relevant information.  There's
also more information on the problem symptoms in my later messages in
that thread,

I'm pleased to report that as of 5.1/amd64 (either -release or -stable)
the problem is solved -- the default autoconfigure-everything X works
fine, with no crashes or hangs and full video acceleration.

My thanks to all who contributed ideas in the thread (and to all the
developers for a *great* 5.1)!


-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 

   Dept of Astronomy & IUCSS, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
  -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

Re: more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64)

2012-02-06 Thread Tomas Bodzar
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Jonathan Thornburg
> I wrote
> | In a thread back in November 2011,
> | B
> | I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
> | on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
> | "Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64.
> [[...]]
> You asked:
>> Do you have possibility to try a snapshot to see if problem still persist?
> Hmm, good idea -- I see in
> that the radeon driver has just beeen updated. B Unfortunately I'm going
> on a business trip in a week and I don't know if I'll have time for a
> snapshot before I leave -- otherwise it will have to wait until March.
> I've been using OpenBSD for 11+ years, but I've never tried snapshots.
> I'll RT a few FMs on how stable-->snapshot upgrades work.

1) download snapshot bsd.rd
2) place it in /
3) reboot and choose to boot from bsd.rd in boot prompt
4) choose Upgrade instead of Install
5) sysmerge -s -x
6) check current.html if you need to add/remove/change something
7) pkg_add -ui

> ciao,
> --
> -- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]"

> B  Dept of Astronomy & IUCSS, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
> B  "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
> B  B powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
> B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B -- quote by Freire /
poster by Oxfam

Re: more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64)

2012-02-06 Thread Jonathan Thornburg
I wrote
| In a thread back in November 2011,
| I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
| on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
| "Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64.

You asked:
> Do you have possibility to try a snapshot to see if problem still persist?

Hmm, good idea -- I see in
that the radeon driver has just beeen updated.  Unfortunately I'm going
on a business trip in a week and I don't know if I'll have time for a
snapshot before I leave -- otherwise it will have to wait until March.

I've been using OpenBSD for 11+ years, but I've never tried snapshots.
I'll RT a few FMs on how stable-->snapshot upgrades work.


-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 

   Dept of Astronomy & IUCSS, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
  -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

Re: more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64)

2012-02-03 Thread Matthieu Herrb
On Feb 2, 2012 12:02 AM, "Jonathan Thornburg" 
> In a thread back in November 2011,

> In a thread back in November 2011,
> I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
> on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
> "Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64.  My full
> dmesg is given in the first message in that thread,
> along with various other (hopefully-)relevant information.  There's
> also more information on the problem symptoms in my later messages in
> that thread,
> I've now gathered a bit more information, and have some new questions
> for the list:
> Moving to 5.0-stable made no difference to this problem.
> Switching between and GENERIC made no difference to this
> problem.
> My original reports were with X autoconfiguring (i.e.,
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf did NOT exist), using the Radeon driver:
> % dmesg|grep vga
> vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon Mobility X1400" rev 0x00
> wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
> radeondrm0 at vga1: apic 1 int 16
> Since I don't actually need/use accelerated 3-D video, I've tried to
> switch to the generic VESA X driver.  Alas, I haven't been able to
> construct an  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  which successfully uses the VESA
> driver at the full (15.4" widescreen) hardware screen resolution of
> 1680x1050 pixels.  (None of my attempts would go above 1400x1050
> pixels, "stretched" in a horribly ugly way to fill the screen.)
> As a last-ditch measure to try to get a reliable computer, I've tried
> disabling ALL video acceleration using the xorg.conf given below.  This
> "works" -- I've had no more hangs in the 2 months I've been using this
> configuration (now with 5.0-stable, whereas before I was
> getting multiple hangs/week.  Alas, this has come at the price of
> painfully slow scrolling in xterm, painfully slow window drags, and
> general video "performance" that reminds me of that 8 MB Sparcstation
> SLC I remember using back around 1990 or so. :( :(
> So... questions for the list:
> * Can anyone point me to a working xorg.conf to use the VESA video
>  driver on a T60 @ 1680x1050 pixel resolution?
> * Can anyone suggest a better fix or workaround for my X hangs?
>  Loosing 3-D acceleration is no problem for me, but 2-D acceleration
>  would be nice...
> * If I do switch back to the Radeon driver, and the hangs reoccur,
>  is there any information I could gather from a hung machine, and/or
>  any logging I could switch on before a hang, that would be useful
>  in further diagnosing the problem?
> * Starting from a cold boot, my current xorg.conf (given below) doesn't
>  work -- X is unable to properly initialize the video, resulting in
>  a screen display that's vaguely abstract-art bars of white pixels
>  scattered around the screen, with no X cursor visible.  So, right
>  now, after each cold boot I first start X with an xorg.conf in which
>  the line
>Option "NoAccel"# []
>  is commented out (with thie xorg.conf X starts fine, but is vulnerable
>  to crashes), then immediately shut down X, then restart with the
>  no-acceleration xorg.conf (the one given below).  This procedure works,
>  but is awkward.  Is there a way around this kludge?
> --- begin /etc/X11/xorg.conf to disable ALL video acceleration ---
> Section "ServerLayout"
>Identifier " Configured"
>Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
>InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
>InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> EndSection
> Section "Files"
>ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF/"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
>FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
> EndSection
> Section "Module"
>Load  "dbe"
>Load  "dri"
>Load  "dri2"
>Load  "extmod"
>Load  "glx"
>Load  "record"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>Identifier  "Keyboard0"
>Driver  "kbd"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>Identifier  "Mouse0"
>Driver  "mouse"
>Option  "Protocol" "wsmouse"
>Option  "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
>Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>Identifier   "Monitor0"
>VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
>ModelName"Monitor Model"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
>### Available Driver options are:-
>### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"Fa

Re: more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64)

2012-02-02 Thread Tomas Bodzar
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:17 PM, Jonathan Thornburg
> In a thread back in November 2011,
> B
> I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
> on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
> "Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64. B My full
> dmesg is given in the first message in that thread,
> B
> along with various other (hopefully-)relevant information. B There's
> also more information on the problem symptoms in my later messages in
> that thread,
> B
> B
> I've now gathered a bit more information, and have some new questions
> for the list:
> Moving to 5.0-stable made no difference to this problem.
> Switching between and GENERIC made no difference to this
> problem.
> My original reports were with X autoconfiguring (i.e.,
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf did NOT exist), using the Radeon driver:
> % dmesg|grep vga
> vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon Mobility X1400" rev 0x00
> wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
> radeondrm0 at vga1: apic 1 int 16
> Since I don't actually need/use accelerated 3-D video, I've tried to
> switch to the generic VESA X driver. B Alas, I haven't been able to
> construct an B /etc/X11/xorg.conf B which successfully uses the VESA
> driver at the full (15.4" widescreen) hardware screen resolution of
> 1680x1050 pixels. B (None of my attempts would go above 1400x1050
> pixels, "stretched" in a horribly ugly way to fill the screen.)
> As a last-ditch measure to try to get a reliable computer, I've tried
> disabling ALL video acceleration using the xorg.conf given below. B This
> "works" -- I've had no more hangs in the 2 months I've been using this
> configuration (now with 5.0-stable, whereas before I was
> getting multiple hangs/week. B Alas, this has come at the price of
> painfully slow scrolling in xterm, painfully slow window drags, and
> general video "performance" that reminds me of that 8 MB Sparcstation
> SLC I remember using back around 1990 or so. :( :(
> So... questions for the list:
> * Can anyone point me to a working xorg.conf to use the VESA video
> B driver on a T60 @ 1680x1050 pixel resolution?
> * Can anyone suggest a better fix or workaround for my X hangs?
> B Loosing 3-D acceleration is no problem for me, but 2-D acceleration
> B would be nice...
> * If I do switch back to the Radeon driver, and the hangs reoccur,
> B is there any information I could gather from a hung machine, and/or
> B any logging I could switch on before a hang, that would be useful
> B in further diagnosing the problem?
> * Starting from a cold boot, my current xorg.conf (given below) doesn't
> B work -- X is unable to properly initialize the video, resulting in
> B a screen display that's vaguely abstract-art bars of white pixels
> B scattered around the screen, with no X cursor visible. B So, right
> B now, after each cold boot I first start X with an xorg.conf in which
> B the line
> B  B  B  B Option B  B  "NoAccel" B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B # []
> B is commented out (with thie xorg.conf X starts fine, but is vulnerable
> B to crashes), then immediately shut down X, then restart with the
> B no-acceleration xorg.conf (the one given below). B This procedure works,
> B but is awkward. B Is there a way around this kludge?

Do you have possibility to try a snapshot to see if problem still persist?

> --- begin /etc/X11/xorg.conf to disable ALL video acceleration ---
> Section "ServerLayout"
> B  B  B  B Identifier B  B  " Configured"
> B  B  B  B Screen B  B  B 0 B "Screen0" 0 0
> B  B  B  B InputDevice B  B "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> B  B  B  B InputDevice B  B "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> EndSection
> Section "Files"
> B  B  B  B ModulePath B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF/"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
> B  B  B  B FontPath B  B  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
> EndSection
> Section "Module"
> B  B  B  B Load B "dbe"
> B  B  B  B Load B "dri"
> B  B  B  B Load B "dri2"
> B  B  B  B Load B "extmod"
> B  B  B  B Load B "glx"
> B  B  B  B Load B "record"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> B  B  B  B Identifier B "Keyboard0"
> B  B  B  B Driver B  B  B "kbd"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> B  B  B  B Identifier B "Mouse0"
> B  B  B  B Driver B  B  B "mouse"
> B  B  B  B Option B  B  B "Protocol" "wsmouse"
> B  B  B  B Option B  B  B "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
> B  B  B  B Option B  B  B "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
> B  B  B  

more Thinkpad T60 X/video woes (5.0-stable amd64)

2012-02-01 Thread Jonathan Thornburg
In a thread back in November 2011, 
I reported intermittent kernel/X hangs (usually under near-idle loads)
on a Thinkpad T60 widescreen laptop (alas I misspelled the name as
"Tinkpad" in the Subject: line) running 5.0-stable amd64.  My full
dmesg is given in the first message in that thread,
along with various other (hopefully-)relevant information.  There's
also more information on the problem symptoms in my later messages in
that thread,

I've now gathered a bit more information, and have some new questions
for the list:

Moving to 5.0-stable made no difference to this problem.
Switching between and GENERIC made no difference to this

My original reports were with X autoconfiguring (i.e.,
/etc/X11/xorg.conf did NOT exist), using the Radeon driver:

% dmesg|grep vga
vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon Mobility X1400" rev 0x00
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
radeondrm0 at vga1: apic 1 int 16

Since I don't actually need/use accelerated 3-D video, I've tried to
switch to the generic VESA X driver.  Alas, I haven't been able to
construct an  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  which successfully uses the VESA
driver at the full (15.4" widescreen) hardware screen resolution of
1680x1050 pixels.  (None of my attempts would go above 1400x1050
pixels, "stretched" in a horribly ugly way to fill the screen.)

As a last-ditch measure to try to get a reliable computer, I've tried
disabling ALL video acceleration using the xorg.conf given below.  This
"works" -- I've had no more hangs in the 2 months I've been using this
configuration (now with 5.0-stable, whereas before I was
getting multiple hangs/week.  Alas, this has come at the price of
painfully slow scrolling in xterm, painfully slow window drags, and
general video "performance" that reminds me of that 8 MB Sparcstation
SLC I remember using back around 1990 or so. :( :(

So... questions for the list:
* Can anyone point me to a working xorg.conf to use the VESA video
  driver on a T60 @ 1680x1050 pixel resolution?
* Can anyone suggest a better fix or workaround for my X hangs?
  Loosing 3-D acceleration is no problem for me, but 2-D acceleration
  would be nice...
* If I do switch back to the Radeon driver, and the hangs reoccur,
  is there any information I could gather from a hung machine, and/or
  any logging I could switch on before a hang, that would be useful
  in further diagnosing the problem?
* Starting from a cold boot, my current xorg.conf (given below) doesn't
  work -- X is unable to properly initialize the video, resulting in
  a screen display that's vaguely abstract-art bars of white pixels
  scattered around the screen, with no X cursor visible.  So, right
  now, after each cold boot I first start X with an xorg.conf in which
  the line

Option "NoAccel"# []

  is commented out (with thie xorg.conf X starts fine, but is vulnerable
  to crashes), then immediately shut down X, then restart with the
  no-acceleration xorg.conf (the one given below).  This procedure works,
  but is awkward.  Is there a way around this kludge?

--- begin /etc/X11/xorg.conf to disable ALL video acceleration ---
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "dri"
Load  "dri2"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "glx"
Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver  "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "wsmouse"
Option  "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName"Monitor Model"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz",
### : "%"
### [arg]: arg optional
Option "NoAccel"# []
#Option "SWcursor"  # []
#Option "Dac6Bit"   # []