Just cut a new release to fix building virtio_vmmci [1] on Linux
guests. This is my port of vmmci(4) to Linux to allow Linux guests in
vmd(8) safely shutdown when stopping vmd and also synchronize/update
their rtc's if you suspend/hibernate and then resume the host machine.

Not to be confused with vmm_clock [2], which is a port of pvclock(2) and
Linux's kvm-clock driver to provide paravirtualized clocksource.

If you run a Linux guest with a 6.6 or newer kernel, try out the latest
virtio_vmmci. If it doesn't compile, please ping me. Patches or PRs
appreciated as well...but I don't watch GH activity much so be sure to
ping me.


[1] https://github.com/voutilad/virtio_vmmci/releases/tag/0.6.0
[2] https://github.com/voutilad/vmm_clock

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