Re: Is LDAP+SSL supported?

2021-01-01 Thread Éloi Rivard
> In my opinion, table-ldap from extras is doomed as it relies on a lib
> that
> is barely maintained and doing LDAP asynchronously is painful.

I just stumbled upon this OpenBSD ldap client that carries a up-to-date
version of aldap, with LDAPS support.

Maybe there can be OpenSMTPD LDAPS support without much effort?

Is LDAP+SSL supported?

2020-07-17 Thread Éloi Rivard

I have a LDAP table that is working great, but now I would like to avoid clear
connections and enable SSL. There is an old mail [1] stating that it is not
possible, but I would like to check if it is still the case 7 years later.

So here is my configuration: smtpd.conf has a LDAP table.

 table ldap ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf

And /etc/mail/ldap.conf has a very basic configuration:

url ldap://ldap.mydomain.tld
basedn  ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld


Switching ldap:// to ldaps:// prevents OpenSMTPD to start. Am I missing
something or is the feature not implemented yet?

Thank you.




2020-04-16 Thread Éloi Rivard
Le lundi 13 avril 2020 à 20:02 -0700, a écrit :
> I just wanted to follow up and see if there was anyone had some
> guidance on LDAP integration with OpenSMTPd.

Hi. This is a report of my recent experience with OpenLDAP and


Re: Skip recipient verification and forward everything to a LMTP socket

2020-01-22 Thread Éloi Rivard
> What about RFC 1891? Is there an option to disable use of additional
> parameters such as ORCPT [1] to ensure compatibility with smtp tools that does
> not support this standard?

Actually I was misunderstanding this. There is no issue with ORCPT.

> It is inaccurate that no system user is involved here, all recipients do
> resolve into a username because some user has to do the LMTP session. In
> virtual setups, like yours seems to be, the proper way is to create some
> dedicated user and map all recipients to that:
> action sourcehut lmtp "/tmp/lists.forge.mydomain-tls-lmtp.sock" \
> virtual { "@" = _sourcehut }
> In cases where you have a full list of recipients and do not need to get
> virtual mappings involved, you can do:
> action sourcehut lmtp "/tmp/lists.forge.mydomain-tls-lmtp.sock" \
> user _sourcehut
> But no matter what, any action in smtpd.conf is a command that is going
> to get executed and a process has to have a owner, so there is going to
> be a system user involved.

Indeed, this solution seems to work:

action srht lmtp "/tmp/lists.forge.mydomain-tls-lmtp.sock" rcpt-to virtual {
"@" = listssrht }
match from any for any action srht

Now I encounter another issue: sourcehut mailing lists have the form "
~user/listn...@lists.forge.mydomain.tld" [1]. There is also a backup formatm. "
u.user.listn...@lists.forge.mydomain.tld". The backup format works fine, but the
tilde character does not seem to be handled correctly in the main format. Those
are the commands received by the lmtp client when I send a mail to 

   LHLO localhost
   RCPT TO:<:user/listn...@lists.forge.mydomain.tld>

In the "RCPT TO" command, the user has no tilde. The sourcehut developpers argue
that it is a valid character for an email adress. Would you consider supporting
tildes in OpenSMTPD?


Re: Skip recipient verification and forward everything to a LMTP socket

2020-01-20 Thread Éloi Rivard
> But no matter what, any action in smtpd.conf is a command that is going
> to get executed and a process has to have a owner, so there is going to
> be a system user involved.

Thank you for the explanations, this is clearer.

What about RFC 1891? Is there an option to disable use of additional parameters
such as ORCPT [1] to ensure compatibility with smtp tools that does not support
this standard?


Re: Skip recipient verification and forward everything to a LMTP socket

2020-01-18 Thread Éloi Rivard
Ok I think I understand what is wrong. It seems that the SMTP library
used by sourcehut LMTP daemon does not understand [1] the "ORCPT=" part
in the RCPT-TO command that seems to be allowed by the RFC1891.

Until aiosmtpd support RFC1891, is there a way that OpenSMTPD can get
rid the ORCPT part?


Re: Skip recipient verification and forward everything to a LMTP socket

2020-01-18 Thread Éloi Rivard
Thank you for the explanation.

Even with the "rcpt-to" parameter, I still get a "550 Invalid
recipient" error, and no sign of activity from my the lmtp daemon the
other side of the socket.

How can I debug what causes this 550 error?

Skip recipient verification and forward everything to a LMTP socket

2020-01-15 Thread Éloi Rivard

I would like to put a OpenSMTPD server in front of a sourcehut lists
installation [1] (that is, a mailing list system for sourcehut).
OpenSMTPD and sourcehut communicate through a lmtp unix socket. Here is
my configuration (without the filter and pki parts):

listen on eth0 tls pki lists.forge.mydomain.tld
action sourcehut lmtp /tmp/lists.forge.mydomain-tld-lmtp.sock

match from any for domain "" action "sourcehut"

Now with this configuration I only get "550 Invalid recipient" errors,
which is expected because OpenSMTPD has no way to know what is a valid
sourcehut list recipient.

How can I make OpenSMTPD just skip the recipient verification, and just
forward everything to the lmtp socket?

I read about userbase catchall, but my understanding is that userbases
maps recipients to a system user, and that seems irrelevant for me as
no system user is involved here.

What do you think?

