relay from authenticated users only

2019-07-02 Thread Selmeci Tamás

I run a simple OpenSMTPD mail server for my own domain on my custom
Linux machine. The mail server should dispatch mails for
addresses locally on the machine. If the recipient is not in the
domain, it must use my ISP's smarthost to relay.

I've successfully managed to create a simple config file to handle
these. Unfortunately, relaying is configured so badly that external
"visitors" without SMTP authentication can send mails (spams actually)
using my OpenSMPTD instance (which happily sends out the mails using my
ISP's smarthost, which uses TLS encryption and authentication).

I'd like to change somehow the config to let authenticated users only
use my OpenSMPTD as a relay. Authentication should be based on the
machine's local user and password table (/etc/passwd).

I tried "listen on ... auth ..." but it complained about the lack of

I also tried "accept authenticated ..." without any use (and I believe
this is not exactly meant for what I want).

Tried "reject ! authenticated ..." without any success.

Please help me to assemble a correct config file. I want all SMTP
accesses to be rejected if authentication fails against the
machine's local user/password table. It shouldn't be possible to use my
machine as a relay without successful authentication...

Thanks, regards,


table cred file:/etc/smtpd/cred

listen on eth0  port 25 hostname
listen on localhost port 25 hostname

# Storing mails arriving at the domain ''.
accept from any for domain deliver to mbox

# If the recipient is out of domain '', the mail is relayed through the
# smarthost using TLS and authentication, see 'cred' file.
accept from any for ! domain relay via
tls+auth:// auth 

/etc/smtpd/cred (for smarthost authentication):

Selmeci Tamás

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Re: relay from authenticated users only

2019-07-02 Thread Selmeci Tamás
On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 19:53:03 +0200 Thomas Bohl

> > I tried "listen on ... auth ..." but it complained about the lack of
> > TLS/smtps.
> That is because you can't use authentication without encryption. Best 
> you start looking into Let’s Encrypt. Though you could start with a 
> self-signed certificate. Like it is shown in man smtpd.conf

I thought SMTP can be used with plain text authentication too, although
it's far from secure. Maybe OpenSMTPD doesn't support this? (due to
security reasons...?)

> > accept from any for ! domain relay via
> > tls+auth:// auth 
> accept from local for any relay via \
>   tls+auth:// auth 
> That should stop the visitors for now.

Yeah, but I can't send mails from my domain to other than
Selmeci Tamás

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Re: relay from authenticated users only

2019-07-02 Thread Selmeci Tamás
Somebody suggested me to have a look at OpenSMTPD-extras. It contains
table-passwd. I've got an idea. What if I wrote a custom module that is
about to be called by OpenSMTPD upon authentication like table-passwd?
(table-passwd requires another file to store credentials in, and I
insist on using /etc/passwd only). 

The only question is that is it possible to perform this kind of
authentication in plain text? In other words, will OpenSMTPD call my
module if plain text authentication is tried by the client? (I don't
have enough capacity now to play with self-signed certificates, TLS
etc) Yes, I know, there are security concerns... But technically, is it
possible with OpenSMTPD?
Selmeci Tamás

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Re: relay from authenticated users only

2019-07-03 Thread Selmeci Tamás
On Wed, 3 Jul 2019 10:22:48 +0200 Gilles Chehade 

> i don't know what version you are using, what system you are using, if a
> package was used or if you built yourself, etc... so i'll just guess the
> configure options used to build opensmtpd were not correct if auth isn't
> using your system users out of the box.

OpenSMTPD-6.0.3p1 compiled by me, self-made embedded linux distribution
(kernel 4.18.9) on an Itead-A20 ARM board. I believe auth
uses /etc/passwd as it should, but not for plain text attempts.

> no, OpenSMTPD will not advertise AUTH over plaintext channels.
> it is not an SMTP limitation, it is a decision we made years ago and you
> will not have a work-around for this.

That's the answer to my question. So there's no easy way for me to
force plain text auth with OpenSMTPD. I'll consider setting up at least
self-signed certificates etc.

Selmeci Tamás

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forcing SMTP authentication

2019-08-20 Thread Selmeci Tamás

In brief: STARTTLS is enabled, there is a self-signed certificate for
encryption (better than nothing), smarthost is used to send mails from
my domain. My problem is that it still accepts SMTP connections (over
TLS) without authentication. What I want:
- anybody can send email to my email address in my domain (now it's
- relaying through my SMTP server is allowed only after successful
authentication (now anybody can relay through my server without
authentication, e.g. to send spams). Authentication should be based on
regular /etc/passwd file (local users of the computer). In order to
hide the passwords, STARTTLS should be used;

It's a rather simple configuration, but I wasn't able to set it up. If
I put 'auth' into the 'listen on' line, it needs authentication to any
access of the SMTP server, so other machines (e.g. from
can't send me mails. Using 'authenticated' in 'accept from' directives
also didn't do the trick appropriately (it wasn't able to receive any
mails at all).

Could you please help me out with this?

Thanks, regards,
pki certificate "/etc/smtpd/"
pki key "/etc/smtpd/"

table cred file:/etc/smtpd/cred

listen on eth0  port 25 hostname tls-require
listen on localhost port 25 hostname tls-require

# Storing mails arriving at the domain ''.
accept from any for domain deliver to mbox

# If the recipient is out of domain '', the mail is relayed through the
# smarthost using TLS and authentication, see 'cred' file.
accept from any for ! domain relay via
tls+auth:// auth  

Re: forcing SMTP authentication

2019-08-20 Thread Selmeci Tamás
On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:19:24 +0200 Martijn van Duren

> From smtpd.conf(5):
>  auth-optional []
>  Support SMTPAUTH optionally: clients need not
>  authenticate, but may do so.  This allows a listen on
>  directive to both accept incoming mail from untrusted
>  senders and permit outgoing mail from authenticated users
>  (using match auth).  It can be used in situations where
>  it is not possible to listen on a separate port (usually
>  the submission port, 587) for users to authenticate.

Sounds good, but unauthenticated relaying still works with this...
Selmeci Tamás

Re: forcing SMTP authentication

2019-08-21 Thread Selmeci Tamás
On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 06:50:05 + Lévai, Dániel 

> No it doesn't, that's the whole point...

Very strange.

Currently I'm in the office, the mail server is at home. I tried with
two mail clients (sylpheed, Evolution) with a fake account to use the
mail server without authentication to send email to my gmail address -
at it worked all the time.

Maybe something went wrong during ./configure?

The /var/log/messages logs are attached in a file.

Selmeci Tamás
Aug 21 09:11:37 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a473f710cb686 smtp 
event=connected address= host=
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a473f710cb686 smtp 
event=starttls address= host= 
ciphers="version=TLSv1.2, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256"
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a473f710cb686 smtp event=message 
address= host= msgid=4ece59a6 from= 
to= size=502 ndest=1 proto=ESMTP
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a4742bfc88a7f mta 
event=connecting address=tls://
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a473f710cb686 smtp event=closed 
address= host= reason=quit
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a4742bfc88a7f mta event=connected
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a4742bfc88a7f mta event=starttls 
ciphers=version=TLSv1.2, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 mail.err smtpd[13131]: warn: unable to load CA file 
/etc/ssl/cert.pem: No such file or directory
Aug 21 09:11:38 486 smtpd[13132]: smtp-out: Server certificate 
verification failed on session 242a4742bfc88a7f
Aug 21 09:11:39 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a4742bfc88a7f mta event=delivery 
evpid=4ece59a66756afe7 from= to= rcpt=<-> 
source="" relay=" (" delay=1s 
result="Ok" stat="250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as
Aug 21 09:11:42 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a474391a6416d smtp 
event=connected address=
Aug 21 09:11:43 486 smtpd[13132]: 242a474391a6416d smtp 
event=starttls address= 
ciphers="version=TLSv1.2, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256"

Re: forcing SMTP authentication

2019-08-21 Thread Selmeci Tamás
> That last rule is essentially "accept from any for (pretty much) any" so
> you have created an open relay.
> Replace the "from any" with "from local" so the rule reads as:
>accept from local for ! domain relay via
> tls+auth:// auth  
> This should be much better.

Thanks, this did the trick! :)

I thought when it comes to relaying, "auth-optional" ensures that
authentication is already done and the relaying rule is processed
according to this.
