Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-04-01 Thread Taylor R Campbell
   Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:03:35 -0700
   From: Joe Marshall

   The tokens `:yes' and `:no' don't need quoting or unquoting or any
   careful attention to what level of expansion they will be quoted at.
   They are just literal symbolic tokens that get no special treatment by
   the evaluator just because they are symbols.

   As I said before, one could do without keywords and just use symbols,
   and then you'd have to think a bit harder about which ones to quote
   and unquote at which level, but you could do it.  It is just a
   convenience.  But then, LET is simply a trivial convenience over using

When you're writing the macro you need to decide what its evaluation
rules are.  You can defer parts of that decision to some other
operator by passing subforms of the input to an invocation of the
other operator.  Introducing self-evaluating symbols doesn't make the
decision any easier or more convenient, however.  It only makes
certain uses of macros independent of that decision.

I still don't buy it, and I'm afraid I got lost in your example --
there were about a dozen keywords involved, and it was not clear to me
which ones needed to be self-evaluating objects and how that had
anything to do with how much quoting and unquoting you needed to write
in your macro.  I agree that your macro looked hairy, but its
hairiness was unrelated to the use of keywords with ECASE.

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-19 Thread Joe Marshall
 From: Taylor R Campbell
 Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:23:51 -0400

 What advantage does a disjoint data type have over writing (foo
 'bar: baz 'quux: zot)?  [It] strikes me as needless complication to
 the language.

I agreed with you for very many years, but a few years back I changed
my mind.  I'll try to show you why.

 Using keyword objects rather than (non-keyword) symbols as the
 arguments to keyword parameters makes sense in Common Lisp only
 because of its package system.

It certainly arose that way.

The package system started out as a hack
to allow different unrelated Lisp applications to share the same image
without interfering with each other.  The problem is that symbols are
heavily overloaded in old lisp systems.  In the earliest lisp, a
symbol had an associated `property list' which stored everything you
needed to know about a symbol.  This even included the symbol's
`value' property and possibly its `subr' property (function cell).
In this model, a symbol is actually a named set of mappings.  The name
itself had no ontological significance (it was stored as the 'pname'
property), it was just a way of getting ahold of the mapping set.

Two different systems would likely make different uses of the
properties of a symbol, so trying to load two different systems into
the same image wouldn't work.  The root cause of this problem is very
tricky to understand, and I'll get to it in a moment, but the
`obvious' problem appears to be one of aliasing:  both System `A' and
System `B' refer to symbol `foo', but they aren't referring to the
*same thing*.  The obvious solution is to give each system a private
symbol.  Symbols were interned in the obarray, so a hack that
allowed you to use multiple obarrays and switch between them was
created.  The `multiple obarray hack' was the precursor to the
`package system'.

Although the value and function cells of symbols are firmly
entrenched, there has been a shift away from the practice of using
property lists.  When a symbol is used only as a key in a table, there
is less need for collision avoidance.  On the other hand, there is an
immediate problem that the symbol 'foo' in package A is *not* the
symbol 'foo' in package B, even though they look the same.  The
keyword package comes to the rescue.  Keywords are good as `symbolic
keys' because they *don't* have values, functions, or properties.  You
can use them freely without worrying about collisions.

So keywords arose as a solution to a problem that was an unintended
effect of a solution to an unrelated problem.


Earlier I mentioned that the root cause of the problem was tricky to
understand.  The cause isn't really one of aliasing unrelated symbols,
the cause is a misunderstanding of naming.  (Unfortunately, I haven't
found a good authority on the issues of naming, so I'm going to fly by
the seat of my pants here.)

Abstractly, we want to be able to refer to objects by names.  We do
this by establishing a `context' where names are associated with
values.  The minimal requirement is that the `name' can be an
arbitrary sort of thing (like the word foo) and that the `context'
is what provides the mapping.  We also desire that the mapping is
relatively static unless told otherwise.

We do this *all the time* in computer science.

The root cause of `symbol collision' is that early lisps were
confused.  A `symbol' in these lisps is not a name at all, but a very
complex sort of beast.  At a very early phase in interpreting a
program, a symbolic token (like what a user types) is mapped to a
`symbol object' via the obarray.  Further interaction with the symbol
is mediated through the `property list'.  A picture of this would sort
of look like this:

  obarray   plist
symbolic token    Symbol ---X Value

So a symbol *itself* is really a function from another symbol to a
value.  This part of the picture:

-X Value

But that is a terrible idea.  What you *want* is the *other* half of
the picture:

  symbolic token   Symbol ---

And the `symbolic token - Symbol' mapping via the obarray can be
considered an implementation detail of the reader, we just want this


which, when we later supply a context becomes

   Symbol - Value

The keyword package in Common Lisp accomplishes this by essentially
erasing the components of a symbol that are causing the problems and
using the remaining shell as a stand-in for the conceptual symbol.
(This last step is beautiful kludge.  The original idea of a symbol
had all these bells and whistles, but if we plug these holes and 

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-19 Thread Joe Marshall
 On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Matt Birkholz wrote:

    (make-sumpn :color: red)

 Sorry.  Not the last one?  ?

 Ok, I'll fix that.

Fixed, sort of.  I have removed the `both' option because I
couldn't clearly describe what it was supposed to do.

I have fixed the escaping of keywords to be just like SRFI-88
  In other words, in such implementations, |foo|: and foo: are
  the same keyword, and |foo:| is a symbol, not a keyword,
  and ||: is a keyword.

1 ]= (set! *keyword-style* 'suffix)
;Value: #f

1 ]= |foo|:
;Value 12: foo:

1 ]= (keyword? |foo|:)
;Value: #t

1 ]= (eq? foo: |foo|:)
;Value: #t

1 ]= |foo:|
;Unbound variable: foo:
;To continue, call RESTART with an option number:
; (RESTART 3) = Specify a value to use instead of foo:.
; (RESTART 2) = Define foo: to a given value.
; (RESTART 1) = Return to read-eval-print level 1.

2 error (restart 1)

1 ]= (symbol? '|foo:|)
;Value: #t

1 ]= (symbol? ||:)
;Value: #f

1 ]= (keyword? ||:)
;Value: #t

1 ]= (keyword? :color:)
;Value: #t

1 ]= (keyword-string :color:)
;Value 13: :color

1 ]= (transcript-off)

I have also restricted the value of *keyword-style* to be either
'prefix, 'suffix, or #f.

BTW:  I'd like to keep this as an `internal' feature until I figure
out the best way to control it.  I don't mind if people want to
play with it, but they should expect the `keyword-style' switch
to change and some other details to change for a bit until I
iron this out.  No guarantees of stable behavior, but I'd love
feedback from users.


MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-16 Thread Taylor R Campbell
What advantage does a disjoint data type have over writing (foo 'bar:
baz 'quux: zot)?  I know I am a relative newcomer to MIT Scheme and
thus unqualified to make judgements such as this, but that strikes me
as needless complication to the language and system, whose reader is
already too complicated.

As an aside, on the cosmetics you mentioned:

   [Trailing-colon keywords] just don't look anywhere near as good
   when the *values* are keywords, which they often are.

option: default: name: none:)

Using keyword objects rather than (non-keyword) symbols as the
arguments to keyword parameters makes sense in Common Lisp only
because of its package system.  Fortunately Scheme is not afflicted by
that mess.

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-16 Thread Matt Birkholz
 From: Taylor R Campbell
 Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:23:51 -0400
 What advantage does a disjoint data type have over writing (foo 'bar:
 baz 'quux: zot)?  I know I am a relative newcomer to MIT Scheme and
 thus unqualified to make judgements such as this, but that strikes me
 as needless complication to the language and system, whose reader is
 already too complicated.

I am just hoping this is for SRFI support, not something we would use
in our own system... or is this NOT the Old School Scheme
congregation?  (Ummm... :-)?

Can I write

(make-sumpn 'color red)

as well as

(make-sumpn :color red)

(make-sumpn color: red)


(make-sumpn :color: red)

Sorry.  Not the last one?  ?

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-16 Thread Joe Marshall
 From: Taylor R Campbell
 Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:23:51 -0400

 What advantage does a disjoint data type have over writing (foo 'bar:
 baz 'quux: zot)?

I'm writing up a rationale.

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Matt Birkholz wrote:

 I am just hoping this is for SRFI support,

Not *solely* for SRFI support, but there's no reason to
disavow credit.

 not something we would use in our own system...

I don't think I'd impose this on anyone else.  I have an
interesting use-case in mind, but I'm not about to start
adding them willy-nilly to the existing code base.

 or is this NOT the Old School Scheme congregation?  (Ummm... :-)?

I certainly consider myself part of the `Old School'.  (Despite accusations!)

 Can I write

    (make-sumpn 'color red)

 as well as

    (make-sumpn :color red)

    (make-sumpn color: red)


    (make-sumpn :color: red)

 Sorry.  Not the last one?  ?

Ok, I'll fix that.


MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Hanson
This should be a per-file option; it's a syntactic hack.  Instead of
having a global option, invent some kind of # syntax to say what the
keyword syntax is.  This is how case sensitivity should be handled as
well, IMO.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Joe Marshall wrote:
 I've added `keyword' objects to MIT Scheme in a way that I hope
 keeps everyone happy.  A keyword is a self-evaluating symbolic
 token, much like a symbol, but it never needs quoting because it
 can never mean anything but itself.

 The reading and printing of keywords is controlled by the variable
 *keyword-style*, which can be #f or one of these symbols:
  cl, dsssl, srfi-88, both

 If *keyword-style* is #F (the default), then there is no way to
 read keywords, and they are printed as #[keyword foo].

 If *keyword-style* is 'cl, then tokens with a leading colon are
 considered keywords and keywords are printed with a leading colon.
 Symbols with a leading colon are printed with vertical-bar quotes
 and you can create symbols with leading colons by using vertical-bar

 If *keyword-style* is 'srfi-88, then tokens with a trailing colon are
 considered keywords and keywords are printed with a trailing colon.
 Symbols with a trailing colon are printed with vertical-bar quotes
 and you can create symbols with trailing colons by using vertical-bar

 'dsssl is a synonym for 'srfi-88

 If *keyword-style* is 'both, then either syntax is acceptable for reading,
 but the cl syntax will be used in printing.  (Putting a colon on both ends
 would be weird, so don't.)

 The way quoting is currently implemented on symbols makes it hard
 to determine if the quotation occurs before or after the first character
 or the final character, so non-standard keywords like :|a weird keyword|
 end up being interpreted as symbols.

  I find these things to be very pragmatic for use in large, complex systems.
 I prefer the Common Lisp style with the leading colon because it is easier
 to see the keywords.  The trailing colon syntax is cute, but the nifty 
 that are shown, like this:

 (tcltk-frame relief: 'ridge
                 borderwidth: 4
                 height: 50px
                 width: 100px)

 just don't look anywhere near as good when the *values* are keywords, which
 they often are.

         option: default: name: none:)

 The PLT syntax of #:key is just plain stupid.


 MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-15 Thread Joe Marshall
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:
 This should be a per-file option; it's a syntactic hack.

Do we have a per-file marker mechanism?

  Instead of
 having a global option, invent some kind of # syntax to say what the
 keyword syntax is.  This is how case sensitivity should be handled as
 well, IMO.

The problem with handling case-sensitivity this way is that you want
to close calls to READ over the sensitivity at the call site.  (I found this out
when PLT scheme switched to case-sensitive.  I went and added the magic
# syntax to my files and discovered that it didn't fix the problem.  Calls to
read were being case-sensitive.  It occurred to me that if I'm writing
code, I probably want READ to be insensitive, too. (or if it was legacy code,
that I'd be expecting the old behavior).

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Hanson
In which case READ should be told what it is supposed to do, or the
thing you're reading should also be marked.

The syntax marker isn't a per-file marker, it's a marker of an input
stream.  READ should have defaults that it uses in the absence of any
stream markers.

And no, there isn't currently a standard mechanism for doing any of
this.  But there should be.  Want to implement one?

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Joe Marshall wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:
 This should be a per-file option; it's a syntactic hack.

 Do we have a per-file marker mechanism?

  Instead of
 having a global option, invent some kind of # syntax to say what the
 keyword syntax is.  This is how case sensitivity should be handled as
 well, IMO.

 The problem with handling case-sensitivity this way is that you want
 to close calls to READ over the sensitivity at the call site.  (I found this 
 when PLT scheme switched to case-sensitive.  I went and added the magic
 # syntax to my files and discovered that it didn't fix the problem.  Calls to
 read were being case-sensitive.  It occurred to me that if I'm writing
 code, I probably want READ to be insensitive, too. (or if it was legacy code,
 that I'd be expecting the old behavior).

MIT-Scheme-devel mailing list

Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] Keywords

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Hanson
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Marshall wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:
 In which case READ should be told what it is supposed to do, or the
 thing you're reading should also be marked.

 The syntax marker isn't a per-file marker, it's a marker of an input
 stream.  READ should have defaults that it uses in the absence of any
 stream markers.

 Wouldn't it be considered metadata?  Then an explicit marker would mean
 that you have in-band metadata (with all the wonderfulness that entails).

And how would that wonderfulness affect this situation?  What
alternative would you propose?

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