[mkgmap-dev] actual style rules

2020-07-23 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

thanks for the version r4565. The option --x-keep-empty-value-tags works 
like expected.

Perhaps it would be better, i change my classification process a little 
bit and generate for my "private" tags additional name tags (LINE_MOTORWAY 
-> LINE_MOTORWAY_NAME). That increase the osm files but anyway.

Frank Stinner___
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] actual style rules

2020-07-22 Thread Frank Stinner

with a old mkgmap version (mkgmap-r4286) i use a rule like that (i use my 
own classification for polygons):

area_building=""{ name '${addr:housenumber}' }   [0x01 
level 1]
area_building=* { name '${area_building}' }   [0x01 
level 2]

If in the OSM-file a line like that

it matches and in the map i have a polygon with type 0x01 and the name 'my 
The line

it matches and in the map i have a polygon with type 0x01 and the 
housenumber or nothing as name.

With the actual mkgmap version (mkgmap-r4562) this not work. With v='' i 
have no match. Is this a error or a feature ;) . How can i match this?

With best regards
Frank Stinner___
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Garmin uses overlapping tiles

2018-02-06 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

i have only picked 1 IMG from the "Garmin TransAlpin v2" (Immenstadt im 
Allgau / 16596679.img). The TRE-borders are overlapping with 2 units with 
all the 4 neighbors. Perhaps a border-value is ever even (?).

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] My findings about the crash in MapSource

2018-02-04 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

ich versuche es jetzt auf diesem Weg. Dein Mail-Provider scheint ein Problem zu haben. Jedenfalls meckert hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com immer 
bei meiner Mail.

ich habe gerade das Beispiel 6b (ohne BuildDEMFile) ausprobiert. Die Varianten 
mod und org funktionieren, die beiden poly-Varianten stürzen ab.

Ich habe das nicht richtig verfolgt. Was genau bewirkt die Option --dem-poly? Werden da nur bestimmte Bereiche der DEM-Daten mit nodata gefüllt, also 
eine Art clipping? Oder passiert da noch irgendetwas anderes?

Ich habe mir die Transalpin nochmal angesehen. An der Adria gibt es auch Bereiche mit Codingtype 2. Das Höhenprofil für eine Route wird angezeigt. Die 
TDB-Header sind, abgesehen von der Family-ID, identisch. Die bei mir als Unknown bezeichneten Bytes für eine Kartenkachel sind aber z.T. unterschiedlich:

Mapnumber   (4 Byte): 16596754 / 0xFD3F12   
Mapnumber   (4 Byte): 63240001 / 0x3C4F741
ParentMapnumber (4 Byte): 16596991 / 0xFD3FFF   
ParentMapnumber (4 Byte): 6324 / 0x3C4F740
North   (4 Byte): 544029184 / 0x206D3A00; 45,594277954° North   
(4 Byte): 624689152 / 0x253C; 52,36083984375°
East(4 Byte): 150324224 / 0x8F5C400; 12,6000308990479°  East
(4 Byte): 129564672 / 0x7B9; 10,8599853515625°
South   (4 Byte): 539256832 / 0x20246800; 45,1999855041504° South   
(4 Byte): 622657536 / 0x251D; 52,1905517578125°
West(4 Byte): 145551360 / 0x8ACF000; 12,1999740600586°  West
(4 Byte): 127074304 / 0x793; 10,6512451171875°
Description (8 Byte): 'Venezia' 
Description (26 Byte): 'OSM street map (63240001)'
Unknown1(2 Byte): 7 / 0x7   
Unknown1(2 Byte): 7 / 0x7
SubCount(2 Byte): 6 / 0x6   
SubCount(2 Byte): 6 / 0x6
Size:   Size:
(4 Byte): 159678 / 0x26FBE  
(4 Byte): 4307 / 0x10D3
(4 Byte): 767091 / 0xBB473  
(4 Byte): 374556 / 0x5B71C
(4 Byte): 50029 / 0xC36D
(4 Byte): 25407 / 0x633F
(4 Byte): 256693 / 0x3EAB5  
(4 Byte): 52340 / 0xCC74
(4 Byte): 487497 / 0x77049  
(4 Byte): 140926 / 0x2267E
(4 Byte): 601379 / 0x92D23  
(4 Byte): 11916 / 0x2E8C
HasCopyright(1 Byte): 1 / 0x1   
HasCopyright(1 Byte): 1 / 0x1
Unknown2(1 Byte): 1 / 0x1   
Unknown2(1 Byte): 195 / 0xC3
Unknown3(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown3(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0
Unknown4(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown4(1 Byte): 255 / 0xFF
Unknown5(1 Byte): 1 / 0x1   
Unknown5(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0
Unknown6(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown6(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0
Unknown7(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown7(1 Byte): 0 / 0x0
Name:   Name:
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.LBL'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.TRE'
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.RGN'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.RGN'
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.TRE'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.LBL'
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.NET'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.NET'
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.NOD'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.NOD'
(13 Byte): 'I0FD3F12.DEM'   
(13 Byte): '63240001.DEM'
Unknown8(8 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown8(8 Byte): 0 / 0x0
Unknown9(9 Byte): 0 / 0x0   
Unknown9(9 Byte): 0 / 0x0

Die Punkte links-oben sind immer Vielfache des Punktabstandes. Aber Garmin nimmt es offensichtlich nicht so ganz ernst damit, wirklich den zur 
TRE-Position nächstliegenden Punkt zu nehmen.

PointDistance  3312 / 0xCF013248 / 0x33C0  26512 / 0x6790   
   53024 / 0xCF20
Left   145549152 / 0x8ACE760   145542528 / 0x8ACCD80   145524368 / 
0x8AC8690   145497856 / 0x8AC1F00
Top544032432 / 0x206D46B0  544042368 / 0x206D6D80  544052752 / 

Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap r4048 seems to fix problem with hill shading

2018-01-13 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

yes, at first we have to identify the maptile. Perhaps can Minko help. Thats a 
"trial and error" play. Perhaps with comment out in areas.list?

You ask for the input format? It's an ordinary textfile. One text-line for one 
data-line. The values in a line are separated by space, comma,
semicolon or tab. If this file have q.e. 200 x 150 values, create BuildDEMFile 
3 x 4 DEM-Tiles.

As next i extract with the simple perl-script extracttiles.pl a range of tiles, 
encode this whith

BuildDEMFile --dem="%TESTMAPDIR%\Product1\99950001\99950001.DEM" -O 
--data=dem.data --lastcolstd=false --left=0 --top=0.91893768310546875
--dlon=0.0003 --dlat=0.0003

and see on the testmap 99950001.osm, what's going on. It's only "trial and 


Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft.
use strict;

my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my $x2 = 0;
my $y2 = 0;

if (@ARGV >= 0) { $x = shift @ARGV; }
if (@ARGV >= 0) { $y = shift @ARGV; }
if (@ARGV >= 0) { $x2 = shift @ARGV; }
if (@ARGV >= 0) { $y2 = shift @ARGV; }

print STDERR "lese Daten ...\n";

my @lines = ();
while () {
   chomp $_;
   my $l = $_;
   push @lines, $l;

print STDERR "extrahiere Kachelbereich [$x, $y] ... [$x2, $y2]\n";

my $xstart = $x * 64;
my $ystart = $y * 64;
my $xend = $x2 * 64 + 64;
my $yend = $y2 * 64 + 64;

for (my $j = $ystart; $j < $yend && $j < @lines; $j++) {
   my @cols = split /[\s;,]/, $lines[$j];
   for (my $i = $xstart; $i < $xend && $i < @cols; $i++) {
  if ($i > $xstart) {
 print ",";
  print $cols[$i];
   print "\n";




mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap r4048 seems to fix problem with hill shading

2018-01-13 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi all,

i have not seen the problem with the map from Andrzejs, but with Minkos it 
looks unfortunally for me like an error in dem-encoder.

I'm sure, that garmin software not good work with unexpected data, perhaps buffer overflows and so on. The consequence is not predictable. In best 
case we have a strange hillshading. In worst case it looks like in the video or mapsource crashed.

To find such an error we need exact the integer values for encoder. Keep in mind, that the values are depend on the exact left-top coordinate of the 
tile, the point distance and the interpolation algorithm. It is possible, that only one zoomlevel is out of order.

Gerd, for such a case it would be a good idea, if mkgmap have a option to export this integer data as textfile or whatever. Then the coordinates are 


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] HGT - getElevation()

2018-01-10 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd and Andrzej,

i think "overkill" is a good word.

For algorithm that'a only numbers, it does not matter. The questions is, how exact are the hgt-values. We don't know that, but i don't believe it is 
+-1m or so. I'm not wondering, when the hgt's have +-5m or +-10m. The copernicus-data have +-7m and i don't believe the technic was worse.

That's why feets are overkill. The numbers are 3 times greater, that's why the 
dem's are greater. It's not worth it.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] HGT - getElevation()

2018-01-10 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd and Andrzej,

> your choice of triangle is arbitrary.

of course, but the version with 4 triangles isn't.

> bilinear interpolation seems better

Yes. It's a little bit more to calculate, but better. For our special case 
it is: 

h = h11 * (1 + y * x - x - y) + h21 * (x - y * x) + h12 * (y - y * x) + 
h22 * y * x

(h11 is left-bottom in coordinate origin, the horizontal and vertical 
distance is 1)

If your java-class have to much overhead, you can use this formula.

By the way, i would be very defensive with interpolation in the case of 
missing values. The hgt values are only interpolated values from original 
measurments. I would not interpolate values in the near of missing values. 
That give us a nice but unreliably picture.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] HGT - getElevation()

2018-01-09 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej and Gerd,

for your examples

1 0
0 7

0 1
7 0

is 2 for the middlepoint mathematical correct: (h1 + h2 + h3 + h4) / 4.

My interpolation is the that:

We live in a world with "triangular" surface (like in a computergame).

We looking for a point p for the "surrounding" 4 points from the hgt. They form 
a rectangle (or square).

The 4 point form 2 triangles (for me):

hlthrt (height right top)
   |  /|
   | / |
   |/  |

We looking in which triangle our point p is.

A triangle define a plane and we can use a "3-Punkt-Gleichung" (don't know the 
english word).

For the left triangle:
use hlt as coordinate origin
hrt -= hlt;
hlb -= hlt;
qy -= 1;
and calculate hlt + qx * hrt - qy * hlb

For the right triangle:
use hrb as coordinate origin
hrt -= hrb;
hlb -= hrb;
qx -= 1;
and calculate hrb - qx * hlb + qy * hrt

This principle can be a little extend:

   |\ /|
   | x |
   |/ \|

It's easy to calculate the middlepoint and then we have 4 triangles. Then we 
have to decide, which triangle we need.

Just we have 4 triangles. (So we have our "triangular" surface.)

And so on ...


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Performance with zipped hgt files

2018-01-08 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

at last you need the data uncompressed in a buffer, right? That's why i 
see no difference between using compressed or uncompressed hgt files. 
Compressed files need a little bit more time for uncompressing, but after 
that the data need the same size in memory. That's why i see no vantage 
for mkgmap if the data are stored in an other form. It can only save disc 
space, no heap space.

What speaks against a limitation for the extent of a maptile? This limited 
the count of hgt's for one maptile too.

You have the option --max-areas for splitter. We need only an additional 
option like --maxextent or whatever. Perhaps we have then maptiles without 
points, lines or areas (on oceans, deserts or so), but why not?

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM-file generation from geo-tiff sources ?

2018-01-07 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Franco,

i have seen an silly error in my area. Europa is a little bit greater ;)
Just i have "$lattop = 70". The split create 3608 tif's with 4,5 GB in 85 min. 
gdal4hgt create 1171 zipped hgt's with 5,8 GB in 3 h :((
And then i rebuild the tif's from the hgt's in 20 min. That are 4 GB.

Perhaps you have an to old gdal-version without lzw-compression? Or perhaps

-co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"TILED=YES\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\"

should be better


I have found hgt's with a few deep "holes" (< 0 m) but they seems to be ok 
(surface mining).


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM-file generation from geo-tiff sources ?

2018-01-06 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Henning,

yes, we have specialized tools for this work, they make a good job and we 
should use this tools.

A little interesting idea is: If we can use additional use tif's a "container" for dem data, we can safe space on the hd. My little test with the 
copernicus files show: 5.2GB for zipped hgt's and only 3,54GB for the tif's with lzw compression (round about 68%).

"container" means: only use 16-bit grayscale values, no metadata, no coordinate reference 
system or whatever. A "on-the-fly-conversion" is to expensive.

You ask: Are the copernicus-files so much better compared to the viewfinder-hgt 

How we can decide this? I believe, there is no way. I have not found any information about the +- interval for SRTM or the viewfinder-data. I only 
know, that the copernicus-files have the 25m resolution from tanger up to the north cape in norway.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM-file generation from geo-tiff sources ?

2018-01-06 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Franco,

i have little bit "played" with copernicus-files.

I have build a win-command-file with this perl-file:

use strict;

my $lonleft = -24;
my $lonright = 50;
my $latbottom = 27;
my $lattop = 64;

my $srcdir = "../org";

my $delta = 1 / 3600 / 2; # half pixel

print "set GDAL_TRANSLATE_OPT=-multi -wo NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near -ot Int16 -dstnodata -32768 -of GTiff -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co 
\"TILED=YES\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\" -ts 3601 3601\n";

for (my $lat = $latbottom; $lat != $lattop; $lat++) {
   for (my $lon = $lonleft; $lon != $lonright; $lon++) {
  printf "gdalwarp %%GDAL_TRANSLATE_OPT%% -te %.7f %.7f %.7f %.7f 
$srcdir/all.vrt %s%02d%s%03d.tif\n",
 $lon - $delta,
 $lat - $delta,
 $lon + 1 + $delta,
 $lat + 1 + $delta,
 $lat >= 0 ? $lat : -$lat,
 $lon >= 0 ? 'E' : 'W',
 $lon >= 0 ? $lon : -$lon;

Yes, i was very lazy with the huge area. That are 2740 1°x1° tiles. But my computer is very diligent ;) . Have in mind the $delta. Hgt's have not 
exact 1° width/height. It's 1 pixel more, that means a half pixel on each side.

I have tested different interpolation methods. I believe "near" is the best 
(and fastest) method.
My computer created in 65 min all the tif's. I'm sure, that is strong depend on 
the hardware.

Surprisingly the new tif's have only round about 4 GB.

Then i create with

gdalbuildvrt all.vrt *.tif
gdal4hgt --raster=all.vrt --dstpath=..\hgt -O

the zipped hgt's. That is very easy but very slow (160 min). By the way, gdal4hgt create only hgt's with min. 1 non-nodata value. The resulting zipped 
1001 hgt's need 5,2 GB!

You wrote: "gdal_translate -strict -q -eco -of SRTMHGT -outsize 3601 3601 "  
should basically do the same job ...

The format SRTMHGT was new for me, but i think, you are right. I have not 
tested the speed.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM-file generation from geo-tiff sources ?

2018-01-04 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Franco,

i have just downloaded all copernicus tiffs. The pure tiff data are round about 
37GB. My short test was:

gdalbuildvrt all.vrt *.tif
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r lanczos -ot Int16 -dstnodata -32768 -of GTiff -co "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -co "PREDICTOR=2" -ts 3601 3601 -te 11 
50 12 51 all.vrt N50E011.tif

gdal4hgt --raster=N50E011.tif --dstpath=.

The first command create a vrt file (virtual). This is only a xml file with 
links to the real tif's. It runs a few seconds.

The second command cut a the area with longitude 11..12 and latitude  50..51 (in EPSG:4326) from all.vrt and write it with3601x3601 pixel as lzw 
compressed geotif. A pixel is saved as int16. The resampling method is lanczos. It also runs a few seconds.

The last command is my own prog. It converts the tif in a few seconds to hgt.

It seem's to be ok.

If gdalwarp run in a loop, it create a lot of new tif's. With the new tif's can we create a new vrt. gdal4hgt should convert this new vrt to all 
nonempty hgt's in one run.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM and "holes"

2018-01-02 Thread Frank Stinner
This is my tool:



It also need gdal-tools like tif2hgt.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM and "holes"

2018-01-01 Thread Frank Stinner

Sorry, here is the jpeg.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM and "holes"

2018-01-01 Thread Frank Stinner
A short test with the geo-tiffs from https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ (see mail from franco_bez) for nepal show fewer holes. And we have 1" distance! 
But a login is necessary.

I have a little c#-prog based on the gdal-lib for translating between hgt and 
16-bit geotiff.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] r4006: 1st alpha version to write DEM data

2017-12-21 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd and Henning,

the count of nodes haven't influence to creation of dem, only the size (and the surface) of the area. I haven't see a problem with the size of dem 
file, but perhaps it is a good idea if we had a additional restriction for splitter. Not only maxnode, but a "maxwidth" and/or "maxheight". Then we 
can limit the size of areas like deserts.

On my "explorations" i have see, that a defective 64x64 tile most troubling the whole maptile. It is not easy to find the cause of that. Perhaps the 
decoder in mapsource don't stop automaticly at the end of the data range for a 64x64 tile.

By the way, if you save the input int-data for your encoder in a textfile, you can "feed" builddemfile with this int-data (option --data). Or you can 
test this data with the prog input2.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] r4006: 1st alpha version to write DEM data

2017-12-19 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

my first idea was, 1 bit less for resolution means doubling the distance. Or in other words, then we use simply only every second point. But for me it 
don't looks like good.

I use "levels=0:24, 1:23, 2:22, 3:21, 4:20, 5:19" and for --dlon 0.00027761, 0.00049, 0.00075, 0.00106, 0.0017 and 0.0025. The relations are rounded 
1.8, 1.5, 1.4, 1.6, 1.5. With such relations we don't have an easy way to calculate one DEM level from another. I think, it's better to use ever the 
original data for calculating and interpolating a level.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Maps in *.gmap format installation directory

2017-12-18 Thread Frank Stinner

Or you use %PROGRAMDATA%\GARMIN\Maps\. That should ever be the right place and 
undependent from language or OS.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM File Format and mkgmap

2017-12-08 Thread Frank Stinner

i must confess, i have never tried to decompile a garmin dem map. I have 
only playing with bit-patterns and then looking for the result in 
mapsource. But i'm sure, that we have different algorithms or one 
algorithm with different special cases.

My description in the pdf is (only) valid for the ?TOPO Deutschland v3?. 
Please see the pages 3 and 4. There are a few "unknown values". 

For example see "Codierungstyp" (coding type) for a 64x64 tile. I found in 
different garmin maps values from 0 to 6. 0 is the standard. It seems to 
be, that the coding type have no influence of the algorithm, but i'm not 
sure. Presumable is this type only important for different interpretations 
of the height values. BuildDEMFile use type 1 for areas with "unknown 
height". This is in this case the interpretation for height=maxvalue.

Unknown is also the byte on position 0x25 in the dem header. In the ?TOPO 
Deutschland v3? there we have 0x1 but i have also seen in other maps 0x0.

Interesting is also the word in 0x12 in everey zoomlevel definition (see 
page 26 in the pdf). In the ?TOPO Deutschland v3? thats all 0. But i have 
also found 0x100, 0x200, 0x400. Perhaps a kind of multiplier for heights?

Very important is the bytes 0x0 (and 0x1) in everey zoomlevel definition. 
In the ?TOPO Deutschland v3? 0x0 is ever 0. 0x1 seems to be a number as 
"link" to a maplevel. But i don't really understand the sense ot that. We 
can have 6 maplevels and we can say the maplevel 2 and 4 are without 

In a little demo map from garmin i have see "twins" of zoomlevelnumbers, 
one with value 0 on 0x0 and one with 1 on 0x0. Perhaps 0x0 is for 
different and optimized output on pc and gps?

I think, a decompiler with the algo from my pdf is working only for this 
special case:
0x15 in dem header should be 0 (meter)
0x25 in dem header should be 1
0x0 and 0x12 in every zoomlevel should 0

By the way, have anybody see a dem with values in foot? The values in such 
a dem should be greater then for a dem in meter. Have anybody height 
values with a precision of foot? The conversion from foot to meter would 
be a first compression step. If garmin really use "foot", then a 
different/better compression algo make sense.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] gmtool and TDB

2017-12-01 Thread Frank Stinner

i hope, the error message was "unbekanntes Argument: new.tdb".

It's a stupid error from me in the description: please change from 
"--mapsource=new.tdb; ..." to "--mapsource=tdb:new.tdb; ...".

The dot after -i means the actual working directory. If you start gmtool 
in directory "g:\mkgmap\Openfietsmap\versions\test\Openfietsmap 
(BNL).gmap\Product1" this is ok. Then you also don't need the full path 
for your old TDB.

-o defined the output path, in this case only for the new TDB.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-30 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

my test-style was only a strong simplified style. 

> The lines file you posted ignores all lies with line_minorstreet=*
If you are interesting for the original style: 
In inc\lines_... are a lot of roads, path and so on.

> ... ways with empty tag values, e.g. way 148796438 has line_path3=""
That means a way with type "line_path3" and without a name. The rule for 
mkgmap is defined in inc\inc\lines_smallway and mkgmap should take "type 
0x11406 level 2".

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-30 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

thank you for your answer. 

>add more minor roads in your style
Let us build more roads! ;)
I use every road and also every small and bad visible trail for my maps, 
all for hiking and bicycle.

>use --ignore-turn-restrictions
But then i have propably "false" routing? (That's not a problem for me. 
For hiking i don't need routing. I'm looking for nice ways, not short 

Is shrinking the tile size also an option?
I use splitter with dummy values, but with --num-tiles=x or better with 
--max-nodes < 160 should i have smaller tiles (?). In this case it 
could be a good idea, if mkgmap show an additional error message like 
this: "x% of roads successfull handled ...". Then we have a idea for a 
better value for --max-nodes.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-29 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,



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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-29 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

i have no idea, where i can save the file. It has round about 14 MB. Or can i send the 
file as "attached file" to mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk?


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-29 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej,

it's same.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] too many restrictions

2017-11-29 Thread Frank Stinner

can anybody help me?

I become from mkgmap this message:

Bad file format: ..\63240045.osm.gz
too many restrictions
Number of MapFailedExceptions: 0
Number of ExitExceptions: 0

The IMG for this tile is empty. The other tiles are ok. What means this 
error and how can i prevent this?

Just i have this a little bit simplified. I use only 1 tile 
(63240045.osm.pbf). My test-style is:

# lines
line_motorway=* [0x01 level 6 road_class=4 continue]
line_motorway=* | line_motorway_link=* [0x01 level 6 road_class=4 
line_trunk=* [0x02 level 6 road_class=4 continue]
line_trunk=* | line_trunk_link=* [0x02 level 6 road_class=4 continue]
line_primary=* [0x03 level 5 road_class=3 continue]
line_primary=* | line_primary_link=* [0x03 level 5 road_class=3 continue]
line_secondary=* [0x04 level 4 road_class=2 continue]
line_secondary=* | line_secondary_link=* [0x04 level 4 road_class=2 
line_tertiary=* [0x05 level 3 road_class=1 continue]

The points-, polygons- and relations-file are empty.
Don't worry about this style. I use a pre-process for the classification 
of objects. And "line_secondary=*" and "line_secondary=* | 
line_secondary_link=*" is necessary. Original i use this:

line_secondary=* & line_secondary!='' {
   name '${line_secondary|highway-symbol:box:5:5}';
} [0x04 level 4 road_class=2 continue]
line_secondary_link=* & line_secondary_link!='' {
   name '${line_secondary_link|highway-symbol:box:5:5}';
} [0x04 level 4 road_class=2 continue]
line_secondary=* | line_secondary_link=* [0x04 level 4 road_class=2 

The 1. and 2. condition is for the case, that i have a name in 
line_secondary / line_secondary_link. The 3. condition is, when the street 
is without a name.
When i remove in the simple style the condition "line_secondary=*", it 
seem to be ok.
I hope the style is not to creazy.

My command-line is:

java.exe -Xmx6G -jar mkgmap.jar -c mkgmap.opt ..\63240045.osm.pbf

My java-version is jre1.8.0_151.

The option-file mkgmap.opt contains only:


If i don't use "route", there is no error!

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] gmtool and TDB

2017-11-28 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi all,

i have gmtool a little bit extended in the hope of simpler creation of 

The main point is, that we have to register a old TDB as input file BEFORE 
all other files. Then take gmtool all possible properties from the old 
file and remove or complete the old subfilelist. If we only have 
additional DEM's can we do:

gmtool -i old.tdb -i . --mapsource=new.tdb;noov;notyp;nomdx;nomdr;noinst 
--hasdem=1 -o .

This should be enough for a map with IMG's. If we have a gmap-style map, 
we need the subfiles in the subdirectorys and we can do:

gmtool -i old.tdb -i . --withsubdirs 
--mapsource=new.tdb;noov;notyp;nomdx;nomdr;noinst --hasdem=1 -o .

Hope it worked.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-27 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi builddemfile users,

in the versions from 23. and 26.11.2017 was an error in the encoder. I 
have it amended.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-26 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi all,

a short test show me, that there is a change in DEM's since the version from 
23.11. I will look for the error.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-26 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej,

is this a overviewmap? Can you send me TRE or the exact boundary for this tile 
and the your command line? I will see what's going wrong in debugger.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-26 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej,

mea culpa. I have overlooked that. It's changed.

There is a new option --changehgtsize=x. You can for special cases give a new size x. After reading a HGT runs a interpolation and set a new size. 
Hope that helps.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-25 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej,

there is no predefined size for HGT's. I use 1201-HGT's mixed with 3601'HGT's. It should not to be a problem to use any other size. The only 
restriction is: height==widht.

The memory consumption is a problem. A HGT with 1201x1201 need in memory 1201*1201*4 Byte = 5,5 MB (.NET use for short also 4 byte). 200 HGT's need 
1,1 GB. Hard to estimate is the size for DEM-Data.

The prog is compiled as "any cpu" and "prefer 32-bit". If "prefer 32-bit" not set, run the prog in 64-bit-win as 64-bit-prog and can use more memory. 
But it runs slower. If you self compiled the prog, unset the option and try to use a xml-file BuildDEMFile.exe.config like this:


But you are allright, downsizesing the HGT's "on the fly" should not to be a 
problem. Let me a little bit think about that.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile problem

2017-11-23 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Nick,

the output say all (sorry, it's still in german ;) ):

HGT-Daten lesen ...
Höhen für 0° .. 1° / 50° .. 51° eingelesen,  (nur Dummywerte)

Höhen für 1° .. 2° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, Werte -10 .. 190
Einlesezeit 0.7s

"0° .. 1° / 50° .. 51°" is the HGT N50E000.hgt (south-west-corner is lon 0° and lat 50°). Builddemfile use only dummy values ("nur Dummywerte"), 
because there was no such HGT file.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile problem

2017-11-23 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Nick,

there are 2 little problems in your map mapdem.gmap.

I have rebuild your DEM file. Maybe, builddemfile had the N50E000.hgt.zip 
or N50E000.hgt not found and you have only "dummydata" in your file. 
"dummydata" means a valid DEM with "no data"-points.

builddemfile --hgtpath=yourpath --dem=87827699.dem --tre=87827699.tre 

create a DEM file with 23781 Byte. 

Like Andrzej wrote: you need also a new TDB. I have used a quick but very 
dirty method: I have only for TDB-build temporary created the Tile IMG's 
ov.img and 87827699.img.

gmtool -i mapdem\*.*   --join=tile -o ov.img
gmtool -i 87827699\*.* --join=tile -o 87827699.img
gmtool -i *.img 
--mapfamilyname=mapdem --mapseriesname=mapdem --description="Test preview 
map" --routable=1 --highestroutable=24 --maxbits4overview=18 --hasdem=1 
--hasprofile=1 --copyright=*I* -o . --overwrite
ren mapdem.tdb mapdem.tdb_
ren neu.tdb mapdem.tdb
del *.img

Of course, in your little demo we can not see a shading. But we can see 
the values for N, E and height in the basecamp status line.

By the way, be careful wit --usedummydata. It's only interest for 
sea-areas, where don't exist a HGT. But if a HGT for land is absent, we 
have a hole in our map without an error message!

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile problem

2017-11-23 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Nick,

it's a really small piece. But 0,157° x 0,0685° and dlon=0,00027761 are 
about 565 x 246 points. That are a lot of 64x64 DEM tiles. I don't think, 
that's a problem.

Can you put the ready card (still without DEM's) to 
http://www.pinns.co.uk/errs/ or whereever?

What say mapsource to your map? 

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile

2017-11-16 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi  Andrzej,
i have the prog a little bit changed. Just it should be run.

I don't know, what's going on with only 1 subtile column and a width < 64. 
If this not worked, i change it, so that we have in this case 64 points.
If you have -w 0.90 and --dlon=0.0264, than there are only 34 

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile

2017-11-15 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Andrzej,

please try the last version. The version info is the same, but false! It's from 
I get with

builddemfile -O --dem=x.dem --hgtpath=%OSM_DATA%\srtm_zip -l 22.208450317 -t 53.638961792 -w 0.946884155273438 -h 1.9918212891 
--dlon=0.0017 --dlon=0.0067 --dlon=0.013

BuildDEMFile, Version vom 9.11.2017b, Copyright © FSofT 2017
HGT-Daten lesen ...
Höhen für 23° .. 24° / 52° .. 53° eingelesen, Werte 97 .. 215
Höhen für 23° .. 24° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, Werte 130 .. 293
Höhen für 22° .. 23° / 53° .. 54° eingelesen, Werte 69 .. 230
Höhen für 22° .. 23° / 52° .. 53° eingelesen, Werte 77 .. 219
Höhen für 23° .. 24° / 53° .. 54° eingelesen, Werte 74 .. 246
Höhen für 22° .. 23° / 51° .. 52° eingelesen, Werte 112 .. 304
Einlesezeit 0,3s
3 Zoomlevel
Kachelanzahl 8 x 10 (rechte Spalte 121 breit, untere Zeile 25 hoch)
Rand links 22,208450317°, oben 53,638961792°, 0,946884155273438° breit, 
1,9918212891° hoch
Pixelgröße 0,0017° x 0,0017°
Kachelanzahl 2 x 3 (rechte Spalte 79 breit, untere Zeile 23 hoch)
Rand links 22,208450317°, oben 53,638961792°, 0,946884155273438° breit, 
1,9918212891° hoch
Pixelgröße 0,0067° x 0,0067°
Kachelanzahl 1 x 2 (rechte Spalte 72 breit, untere Zeile 12 hoch)
Rand links 22,208450317°, oben 53,638961792°, 0,946884155273438° breit, 
1,9918212891° hoch
Pixelgröße 0,013° x 0,013°
encodiere 88 Subtiles .
88 Kacheln encodiert
Laufzeit 0,8s

The option --mt is not allright. Have you see the runtime? It's the same or a little more then without the option. I haven't still found the cause ot 

I belief, your --xlon idea is not useful. Yes, the point-distance in the hgt's is 1/1200 or 1/3600 degree. But the corner left-top of the TRE can have 
any value and not only in this grid. Therefore we have normaly to interpolate the value for this corner and for all other points. That means, we 
nearly ever use interpolated values. Of course, interpolation make the values not better! If you interested you find interpolation algorithm in the 
function InterpolatedHeight() in HGTReader.cs.

It is not necessary, to double the values. Try out and use distances, that 
looks good for you.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM format Questions

2017-11-15 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

at first the good news. In the meantime i have build maps for Czech 
Republik, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, ever with 6 zoomlevels. 
I don't found an error. Of course, this is no evidence for the algorithm.

And yes, there are a few mysterious things. I'm sure, what ever the garmin 
programmers done, they have found a very good compression for this special 
case. They don't waste a bit. But perhaps they think also to confuse all 
the snoopy guys on the world. Perhaps they say: hey let us take a special 
case, if the compression is not worse.

I have no idea for the 158. I belief, we can see this as parameter. 
Perhaps garmin have found with trial and error, that 158 give smallest 
DEM's for a lot of areas on earth. Then it is more a "statistical" reason.

By the way, the worst thing in my opinion is the rule for 
"Längencodierung". It is rather a "descriptiv" solution. Perhaps behind 
this is a more "mathematical theory", but i don't found it.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM format Questions

2017-11-13 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

yes this is an error. Fortunately is the copy-constructor not in use.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] hgt2osm questions

2017-11-13 Thread Frank Stinner

1) It's a mistake. You can use lat/lon multiple. Only this tiles you can 
merge. But i think, that's useless. It's better to take the necessary 
results and merge this with osmosis (see 

2) Oops, a stupid error. Usual i don't use lat/lon. Using --HgtPath is 
easier for me.

3) Unfortunately i can't reproduce this effekt. You have probably do that 

hgt2osm --HgtPath=E:\Dem\All_UK_HGT_Data\ --Mergefile=e:\devonall2.osm

The prog take then all HGT's in the hgt-path, produce files like 
clN40W006.osm.gz and at last e:\devonall2.osm. 
I see "==> Lese Ausgangsdaten 49° -4° ...". Have you really a file 
N49W004.hgt.zip or S04E049.hgt.zip? I think, that's all water between 
france and GB or eastwards from africa.

I have updated the prog.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems with gmtool

2017-11-11 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Thomas,

it's a stupid error message. If i can get the IMG, then can i run it in the 
debugger und looking what's going wrong.

Perhaps is an error in IMG file? Try please also
   gmtool -i 30007501.IMG -I 1 > info_img.txt

A second possibility is, you use gmt and then create with

   gmtool -i gmt.TDB -I 3 > info_tdb.txt

a info file for this TDB. It should looking like this:

  TDBVersion:  407
  CodePage:1252 (0x04E4)
  Family-ID:   7026 (0x1B72)
  Product-ID:  1 (0x0001)
  ProductVersion:  100 (0x0064)
  FamilyName:  OSM, Austria
  SeriesName:  Austria, aio, 5.6.2017
  Routingfähig:1 (0x01)
  größter Routing-Typ: 24 (0x18)
  mit Contourlinien:   1 (0x01)
  DEM: 1 (0x01)
  niedrigster MapLevel:18 (0x12)
  Unknown1:0 (0x00)
  Unknown2:1 (0x01)
  Unknown3:1 (0x01)
  Unknown4:1 (0x01)
  Unknown5:0 (0x00)

  Unknown29:   1 (0x2710)
  Copyright:   [CopyrightInformation, ProductInformationAndPrinting]
   created by gmtool
Kartenummer:   7026 (0x04301520)
übergeordnet:  0 (0x)
Beschreibung:  AUT, (7026)
Anzeigebereich:Lon 9,492188°..17,182617°, Lat 46,318359°..49,042969°
Kartenummer:   70260001 (0x04301521)
  übergeordnet:7026 (0x04301520)
  Beschreibung:DE-Muenchen, (70260001)
  Anzeigebereich:  Lon 9,492188°..13,315430°, Lat 47,900391°..49,042969°
  Dateien: 70260001.TRE (110159 Byte), 70260001.LBL (165626 Byte), 70260001.RGN (7789597 Byte), 70260001.NET (702298 Byte), 70260001.NOD 
(1082548 Byte), 70260001.DEM (24354388 Byte)

  HasCopyright:1 (0x01)
  Unknown1:0 (0x)
  Unknown2:195 (0xC3)
  Unknown3:0 (0x00)
  Unknown4:255 (0xFF)

Look, if the overviewmap have the right ID and the other maps this ID as "übergeordnet". Look, that all the subfiles are listed. If the properties 
like Family-ID are false, you change it with gmtool. The unknown bytes are really unknown. The values above are used in mkgmap.

BTw, there is a newer prog version, but i don't belief, they going better.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM format Questions

2017-11-10 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

we have ever 2 problems: how to calculate the next value and how we have 
to encoding this value.

#1: If we have not a plateau, then we have a "Standardwert". For the 
calculation of a "Standardwert" we have to 3 differend cases depend on the 
value hdiff(n, m-1) = h(n, m) - h(n-1, m) (horizontal difference, see at 
the end of "Datenberechnung"). max is highest possible value in this 

#2: We have to decide, is it "Längencodierung", "Hybride Codierung" or if 
they are not possible, "Binärcodierung für große Zahlen". But we have no 
choice, we have to use that kind, that the algorithms say (see "
Umschaltung der Codierart"). That do in TileEncoder.cs the class 
CodingType and the derived classes.

I'm sorry, but TileEncoder.cs is not written for speed or good 
understanding. It is only for exploring DEM and, in Input2, for showing, 
what's going on. There is much place for optimizing. ;)

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] DEM format Questions

2017-11-10 Thread Frank Stinner
Hi Gerd,

which 0-Bit you mean? Let us take this example:


The detailview from my prog "Input2" (
) show us:

MaxHeigth=158, Codingtype=0, TileSize=64x64, BaseHeigthUnit=1, 
HeigthUnit=0, ActualMode=notdefined, ActualHeigth=0
Line 0
Idx=0, Plateau Length=0 TableIdx=0 Bits=0 [.] <>
Idx=0, PlateauFollower ActualHeigth=4, Value=4 PlateauFollower0 [...11] 
Hybrid1 ddiff=0
Idx=1, ActualHeigth=4, Value=0 Standard [1.] Hybrid1
Idx=62, ActualHeigth=7, Value=0 Standard [1] Length0
Idx=63, ActualHeigth=7, Value=0 Standard [1] Length0
Line 1
Idx=0, Plateau Length=0 TableIdx=0 Bits=0 [.] <>
Idx=0, PlateauFollower ActualHeigth=8, Value=4 PlateauFollower0 [.111] 
Hybrid2 ddiff=0
Idx=1, ActualHeigth=8, Value=0 Standard [1] Length0
Idx=2, ActualHeigth=5, Value=-3 Standard [..1] Length0
Idx=3, Plateau Length=4 TableIdx=3 Bits=1 [..] <111a>
Idx=7, PlateauFollower ActualHeigth=8, Value=-1 PlateauFollower1 [.1.] 
Hybrid1 ddiff=2

Between the brackets [ and ] are the bits (. means 0).

There is no special case. If a plateau have to begin, we have as first the 
plateau-length (see "Codierung der Plateaulänge"). There is ever a 0-Bit 
between the 2 parts of length-coding, also when plateau-length=0 (often on 
start of a line).
As next we have the height-coding for the follower.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile

2017-11-09 Thread Frank Stinner
Sorry, this version is catching on negativ values the false HGT's. It is 
just rectified.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile

2017-11-08 Thread Frank Stinner


there is a new version (8.11.2017), 
This version should be assume less memory.
Reading HGT's should be faster.
It seems, --lastcolstd isn't more necessary (?).
By the way, the programm runs also with linux mint 18.2 and mono.

Main options:

-d, --dem=arg name of DEM-file, (e.g. 70210001.DEM)
--hgtpath=arg directory for HGT's (zipped or not)
--tre=arg name of TRE-file (e.g. 70210001.TRE)
-o, --dlon=argdistance between DEM-Point (multiple usage for more 
--usedummydata=arguse 'without-value' (0x8000), if one or more HGT's not 
--lastcolstd=arg  last subtile column has ever a width of 64 (need a little 
bit more memory on disk)
-O, --overwrite=arg   overwrite existing destination files or not
-f, --foot=argDEM data in foot or meter


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option ---> MDR-Problem

2017-11-06 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Thomas,

i have tested that with few adresses with my germany-map and i have no problem. I use the original osmmap_mdr.img from mkgmap. Perhaps still a problem 
with TDB?


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-11-04 Thread Frank Stinner

What a pity.
I'm afraid, the implementation in mkgmap takes a few days ;). It's not a easy 

That's why i preferred for a transitional period a special DEM option for mkgmap. We can build the DEM's before and then say with this option: please 
mkgmap, take the ready DEM's from this directory and include they in the map like the TRE's, RGN's and so on.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-11-04 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Nick,

i believe there is no way to change the shading. DEM files include only the strong compressed height data. That means, we have only coordinates for 
that points and their height. The shading makes the software on pc or gps.

2) yes, you can create more zoomlevels. That is necessary for gps because on gps every zoomlevel is visible for a few zoom's. I think, you should have 
for every maplevel (see options-file in mkgmap-style) its own zoomlevel.

--dlon and --dlat is the distance between the points. Normally --dlon == 
--dlat, thats why you can omit --dlat.
--dlon=0 is senseless, that means: no distance between the points.

For more zoomlevels use multiple --dlon. The values are experimental:
BuildDEMFile  ...  --dlon=0.00027761 --dlon=0.00049 --dlon=0.00075 
--dlon=0.00106 --dlon=0.0017 --dlon=0.0025


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-04 Thread Frank Stinner

"BuildDEMFile.exe is not a valid win32 application"?
Yes and no. It's a .NET program and need the .NET-library >= 4.5.2. The .NET-library ist part of a "normal" Windows. Perhaps the library ist not part 
of your virtual machine?


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-11-02 Thread Frank Stinner


i don't now your build-process. But i have installed your original map (without the DEM's). After you include the DEM's in this IMG files, create with 
gmtool with this NEW IMG's a new TDB.

For the old TDB you get with

   gmtool -i 1001.tdb -I 2

the following output:

Datei 'd:\tmp\OpenFietsMap\1001.tdb'
21729 Bytes (21,2 kB, 0,0 MB), letzter Schreibzugriff 28.10.2017 01:43:28
  TDBVersion:  407
  CodePage:1252 (0x04E4)
  Family-ID:   10010 (0x271A)
  Product-ID:  1 (0x0001)
  ProductVersion:  1710 (0x06AE)
  FamilyName:  OpenFietsMap (BNL)
  SeriesName:  OpenFietsMap (Benelux_v28-10-2017)
  Routingfähig:1 (0x01)
  größter Routing-Typ: 24 (0x18)
  mit Contourlinien:   1 (0x01)
  DEM: 0 (0x00)
  niedrigster MapLevel:18 (0x12)
  Beschreibung:Test preview map

  Unknown29:   1 (0x2710)
  Copyright:   [CopyrightInformation, ProductInformationAndPrinting]
   Map created with mkgmap-r3908
   [CopyrightInformation, ProductInformationAndPrinting]
   [CopyrightInformation, ProductInformationAndPrinting]
   [CopyrightInformation, ProductInformationAndPrinting]
Kartenummer:   1001 (0x0098BD90)
übergeordnet:  0 (0x)
Beschreibung:  OFM_BNL(28-10-2017)
Anzeigebereich:Lon 2,373047°..7,382920°, Lat 49,350586°..55,264900°
Kartenummer:   10010001 (0x0098BD91)
  übergeordnet:1001 (0x0098BD90)
  Beschreibung:BE-Ieper (10010001)
  Anzeigebereich:  Lon 2,373047°..2,900391°, Lat 50,668945°..50,888672°
  Dateien: 10010001.TRE (38603 Byte), 10010001.RGN (3909498 Byte), 10010001.LBL (175026 Byte), 10010001.NET (428039 Byte), 10010001.NOD 
(714739 Byte)

The main-part is a long list of all mapnumbers/files with the subfiles. It is necessary to rebuild this list with the DEM-files with their filesize. 
That's why use the NEW IMG's for this.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-11-02 Thread Frank Stinner


I believe, the problem is the msdos-mask "1001.img". Don't ask me 
why, but for microsoft matches this mask also the file 1001_mdr.img 
(see also: dir 1001.img). Unfortunately is it the same with the mask 
.img. I think, the best way is, the file 1001_mdr.img 
temporarly move to another directory. Then you can use the mask *.img.

Another way is using a namelist in a texfile with the option --inputlist.

By the way: "tdb:1001.tdb.tdb" is probably not really that what you 


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-02 Thread Frank Stinner
Sorry, there is a intern limitation of .NET. The maximal size of a 
"object" on a 64-bit-machine/windows is near by 2 GByte. That means in 
this case, we can have maximal about 532.000.000 height values. 31503 x 
25646 = 807.925.938 is too much. You have to split the area in 2 tiles. 
This all is only valid, if your machine have enough memory. I'm not 
shure, but i believe on a 32-bit-machine/windows is the object-size only 
1 GByte.

By the way, a .NET-program should be run with linux/mono. I cannot test 
that, but a command-line program should be easy enough. Can you try  that?

At second, i have used your TRE file with this output:

BuildDEMFile, Version vom 30.10.2017, Copyright © FSofT 2017
Daten aus der TRE-Datei '55113002.TRE' gelesen
Höhen für -8° .. -7° / 37° .. 38° eingelesen

Höhen für -5° .. -4° / 40° .. 41° eingelesen
1 Zoomlevel
erzeuge 10560 x 9339 interpolierte Höhenwerte für den Abstand 
0,00027761° x 0,00027761°...

Daten 10560 x 9339, Min. 70, Max. 2531 für Zoomlevel 0
Kachelanzahl 165 x 146 (rechte Spalte 64 breit, untere Zeile 59 hoch)
Rand links -7,56333589553833°, oben 40,498673915863°
Pixelgröße 0,00027761° x 0,00027761°

24090 Kacheln encodiert

It is mysterious.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Issues generating DEM

2017-11-01 Thread Frank Stinner
I suppose, the process can't manage more memory. It runs on a 
Win32-machine? When you can tell me the size of the area (see 
areas.list), i will try to run it on my machine.

If the memory is the reason, then you can only split this IMG area in 
smaller IMG's.

The 2. issue seems to be an error in program. I need the area size to 
debug the program. Please look at the file areas.list (generated from 


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-11-01 Thread Frank Stinner


if you don't find another tool for processing TDB-file, have a look to 
my gmtool. This is only a experimental tool but it do the job. I use

only this tool for creating my test-maps.
Don't forget the GarminCore.dll.


gmtool --overwrite --input .img --output . 
--version=1710 --mapfamilyname="Test" --mapseriesname="Test" 
--description="Test" --routable=1 --highestroutable=24 
--maxbits4overview=18 --hasdem=1 --hasprofile=1 --copyright=*I*

This use infos from all IMG-files with 8 characters in the actual 
directory and create a new osmmap.tdb. (See also the (german) help with 
gmtool --help)

If anybody want to patch a few bytes in a TDB-file and test the result 
of this, he can read and then rewrite this file with gmtool. This

should update the crc.


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Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-31 Thread Frank Stinner


i have build a "germany"-map only directly, without mapsource and 
without problems.

If mapsource make problems, then probaly the TDB is the reason.

By the way, have you recreate the TDB after including the DEM-files? 
That is very important. The TDB need the right filesize of all subfiles.

If you use DEM on gps device, then you should have one DEM-zoomlevel for 
every Maplevel (see option-file in your mkgmap-style). Use --dlong 
multiple with higher values, for example "--dlon=0.00027761 
--dlon=0.00049 --dlon=0.00075 --dlon=0.00106 --dlon=0.0017 
--dlon=0.0025" for 6 maplevels. Best values are to check out.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-30 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Minko,

unfortunately i dont' identify the faultily IMG file. I thought it is 
the 10010087.img, but it seems to be allright.

Anyway. I see, that you don't use the option --lastcolstd. Please try 
--lastcolstd or --lastcolstd=true. Then the most-right subtile  becomes 
also the witdt 64. Then overlaps the DEM from the IMG a little bit with 
the next right IMG. That need a little bit more space but with other 
subtile-widths the algo have sometimes problems.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-29 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi fietser.

that's looking like a unknown special case for my DEM-algorithm.

If possible, please let me know the coordinates of the IMG-Tile (left, 
top, widht, height) and the point distance (--dlon) or the hex-output 
for the zoomlevels at the end of the DEM file.

I try to isolate the faultily subtile and i hope, i find a solution for 
that issue.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-27 Thread Frank Stinner
Have in mind that the TRE-boundery can include areas without existing 
HGT data!

In this case please use the actual program-version with the option 


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile : false error

2017-10-27 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi David,

there is a new version. Normal is a call like that:

builddemfile --dem=test.dem --hgtpath=%OSM_DATA%\srtm_zip --lastcolstd 
--overwrite --dlon=0.0003 --left=55.1 --top=-20.5 --width=0.4 --height=0.8

But if one or more HGT files being absent / not exist and you now what 
you are doing, then use option --usedummydata:

builddemfile --dem=test.dem --hgtpath=%OSM_DATA%\srtm_zip --lastcolstd 
--usedummydata --overwrite --dlon=0.0003 --left=54.9 --top=-20.1 
--width=1.2 --height=1.2


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-27 Thread Frank Stinner


it is like andrzej wrote: after including the DEM files re-create the 
TDB file. I have had forgotten this in my test.

In the TDB file is a list of all IMG-Files, the subfiles and the 
filesize of the subfiles. It is necessary to update this list.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-25 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

i have seen this strange message today too. If i have only 1 Zoomlevel 
(it's enough for mapsource/basecamp), there is no message. That's why, i 
believe that is not a problem with the TDB. (Of course, in the TDB need 
set the DEM-flag and list the DEM-files.)

I see today, that for my gps-device (oregon 600) are more zoomlevels 
necessary. 1 zoomlevel is only enough for max. 800m-zoom. Maybe, we need 
maplevel - 1 zoomlevels for all zooms (?).

When i build direkt a device-IMG with DEM-files with more zoomlevels, my 
oregon shows them all. (I add simply to all tile-IMG's the DEM-files and 
then i pack all files together.)

But the reason for the senseless error-message from mapsource is obscure.

I will make some further tests in the next days.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-24 Thread Frank Stinner

Hi Gerd,

mit builddemfile.exe (z.Z. 
kann man sich beliebige DEM-Dateien erzeugen. Diese werden genauso wie 
TRE-, RGN- usw. Dateien in die IMG-Datei eingebunden.

Ich verwende die frei verwendbare "Community"-Version von MS Visual 2015.

Als Zwischenlösung könnte die Aufnahme einer zusätzlichen Option dienen. 
Es wird, hoffentlich, sowieso noch weitere Erkenntnisse zur Verwendung 
mehrerer Zoom-Level für GPS-Geräte geben. Im Moment ist es deshalb 
einfacher, an einem Programm wie builddemfile weiter zu testen.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

2017-10-22 Thread Frank Stinner


at first:
yes i mean the DEM-flag in TDB-file like Andrzej Popowski wrote.

at second:
unfortunally it seems, that the corner left-top for TRE-file and 
DEM-file should be the same. The height-data organized in subtiles with 
64x64 points. The most right sub-tile is a problem, but my workaround 
is, to use a normal tile with 64 points width. That's why, the DEM is at 
most a little bit widend then the TRE.
The data in a sub-tile are organized as a bitstream. That's why, we can 
not split a subtile in parts.

I belive, we must "compile" a DEM for anything TRE new.

at third:
Yes, the best way is, to build in the algorithm in mkgmap. But i'm not 
familiar with java. It would be useful, if anybody translate my 
description (my german is a little bit better than my english :).

For easy test:
builddemfile --dem=12345678.dem --hgtpath=path2zipped_hgt_files 
--tre=12345678.tre --dlon=0.00027761

I build the program with the MS-Visual-Studio 2015.

at fourthly:
I build also a DEM-file for the overview-map, but with --dlon=0.005.

at fifthly:
Probably can a DEM-file several Zoomlevel. But for Mapsourec/Basecamp it 
is not necessary. It seems, we need that for a GPS-Device. My Oregon 
show DEM only for Zoom <= 800m.


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mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Polygons deformed [Antwort]

2012-12-24 Thread Frank Stinner
The problem is the Garmin-Data-Format.

Garmin use only 24 Bit for longitude/latitude. This is for the highest 
zoom. If you reduce the zoom, then use garmin internaly only 23, 22, ... 
The biggest number with 24 Bit is 16.777.215. Use this for 360°. From this 
it follows that 360°/16.777.215 is the minimal distance. What means that 
for example for the equator? 360° stands for around 40.075 km 
circumference of the earth. The minimal distance is for a latitude of 0° 
around 2,4m! For higher latitude it is of course higher.

I think, there is no way. 24 Bit for longitude/latitude is to less. But 
more Bits are more memory consumption and bigger maps.

See also on my web-page "Linien- und Polygonvereinfachung" 
http://technik.stinnerweb.de/Gps/garmin1.html. It is in german, but the 
pictures are language-independed ;)

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Option --index but no "Find Place" in Mapsource [Antwort]

2012-11-26 Thread Frank Stinner
Sorry, but i have no success

Just I use mkgmap 2379 with the default-style. My Optionfile is: 


I think, the Registry is ok:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Maybe the order of the options is important???___
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Option --index but no "Find Place" in Mapsource [Antwort]

2012-11-23 Thread Frank Stinner
No success:

SCHWERWIEGEND (BoundaryUtil): .\63240001.osm.pbf: boundary directory/zip 
does not exist: Gps\Data\bounds_20121019.zip
SCHWERWIEGEND (LocationHook): .\63240001.osm.pbf: LocationHook is disabled 
because no bounds files are available. Dir: Gps\Data\bounds_20121019.zip

"\Gps\Data\bounds_20121019.zip" is an absolute path (beginning at the 
"Gps\Data\bounds_20121019.zip" is an relativ path (beginning at the 
current directory).

The first path is real that what i mean.

By the way, the Java-File-class accepts all this variants (on a 

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] Option --index but no "Find Place" in Mapsource

2012-11-23 Thread Frank Stinner
I use mkgmap 2373 with the default-style. My Optionfile is:


The Commandline is: java -Xmx1500M -jar p:\gps\bin\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar -c 
mkgmap.opt -c input-files

OSM-Data are a little part from the germany_20121118.osm.pbf (splitted in 
63240001.img ... 63240008.img)

All is fine but i expected, that in Mapsource the Menu "Find place" (in 
german "Orte suchen") is usable. But this is greyed out. I don't find my 
mistake. Have you everywhere a simple example for that or is that an error 
in mkgmap?

With best regards___
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