Cross, posting - this is great!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Antoine Musso <>
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 5:19 AM
Subject: [Wikitech-l] CI and cross repository dependencies


We often have the case of a change to an extension depending on a
pending patch to MediaWiki core.  I have upgraded our CI scheduler -
Zuul - a couple weeks ago and it now supports marking dependencies even
in different repositories.

Why does it matter?  To make sure the dependency is fulfilled one
usually either:

* CR-2 the patch until dependent change is merged
* write a test that exercise the required patch in MediaWiki.

With the first solution (lack of test), once both are merged, nothing
prevent one from cherry picking a patch without its dependent patch.
For example for MediaWiki minor releases or Wikimedia deployment branches.

When a test covers the dependency, it will fail until the dependent one
is merged which is rather annoying.

Zuul now recognizes the header 'Depends-On' in git messages, similar to
'Change-Id' and 'Bug'.  'Depends-On' takes as parameter a change-id and
multiple ones can be added.

When a patch is proposed in Gerrit, Zuul looks for Gerrit changes
matching the 'Depends-On' and verify whether any are still open. In such
a case, it will craft references for the open patches so all the
dependencies can be tested as if they got merged.

Real world example

The ContentTranslation extension is tested with the Wikidata one and was
not passing the test.  Wikidata created a patch and we did not want to
merge it until we confirm the ContentTranslation one is passing properly.

The Wikidata patch is
Change-Id: I0312c23628d706deb507b5534b868480945b6163

On ContentTranslation we indicated the dependency:
+ Depends-On: I0312c23628d706deb507b5534b868480945b6163

Which is the Wikidata patch.

* received the patch for ContentTranslation
* looked up the change-id and found the Wikidata
* created git references in both repo to point to the proper patches

* zuul-cloner cloned both repos and fetched the references created by
the Zuul service
* run tests

That confirmed us the Wikidata patch was actually fixing the issue for
ContentTranslation. Hence we CR+2 both and all merged fine.

Please take a moment to read upstream documentation:

Wikidata/ContentTranslation task:

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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