[MMouse]: nothin like fuck for christmas.

1999-01-03 Thread Magicbeetl

...mmm. fuck are really great.  star, did yer copy of pretty...slow come in a 
really pretty little hand colored cardboard box with sweet tarts & crayons & 
a coloring book & some other stuff? that was the best surprise ever.  funny 
story though, i took the album with me to dc to visit my boyfriends parents 
last christmas...& i accidentally left the box on top of the gift that i was 
gonna give to his mom...& like his whole family was sitting in the living 
room while she opened the bag...& she pulls out the box...& goes "fuck, 
pretty slow?...wow...carrie, this is...err, really sweet of you? oh, & theres 
a nice picture frame in here too."   umm. yeah. it was pretty awful & 

xo cb.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n231

1999-01-03 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 1/3/99 6:47:15 PM Mountain Standard Time, modestmouse-

<< Jesus Christ!! Give the kid a fucking break already.  I don't remember him
 saying "Hey guys, let me ask you this real homosexual question, and only
 people who like to get it in the ass can answer."  So what if he said
 'gay'?  I highly doubt he was making reference to our sexuality.  If I was
 a lesbian, I wouldn't be offended by this.  I'd have better things to do
 with my time.  Like trying to get laid.
This whole argument took place on the Guided by Voices listserv about a year
ago, and I'm sorry, but I have to agree with folks who say it's just plain
offensive to misuse the word "gay" to mean off-kilter or bent out of shape.
Gay refers to sexual orientation, and some folks can get really pissed if they
think they're being dissed by giving gay a negative connotation.
By the way, my fave MM songs are probably "Cowboy Dan," "Do the Cockroach",
"Heart Cooks Brain", and a million others.  Least favorite are most of the
stuff on the Blue Cadet 3 7" and the Birds vs. Worms 7".  But, no, that
doesn't mean I want to sell either one!

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

Re: [MMouse]: like.. stuff and stuff

1999-01-03 Thread Robin Hood

yeh russ well i think yr opinion on dirty fingernails is fookin GAY!
dirty fingernails has flava bitch.. can you not taste it? 



>2: my worst favorite modest mouse song, if you didnt get it from that
>descriptive thing i wrote, is  dirty fingernails. runner up is dog
>paddle, with Exit does not exist to show. and ill tell you why
>dirty fingernails is too screamy, crap. just like the kind of stuff i
>make up on the spot. yeah big woop.. dirty fingernails. i cant relate
>this to anything. its like writing a song where i scream the words "non
>whitening toothpaste" over and over. 

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[MMouse]: get up kids

1999-01-03 Thread Dustin Summers

Was anybody else running for cover at the get up kids show?
And were was Reggie and the Full Effect??

Re: [MMouse]: favorites, etc.

1999-01-03 Thread Lescalleet

this has been an interesting introduction to this group.
my problem?  i'm a newbie.  i'm here because of the hype.
i've only heard one MM song.  i liked it, but don't know it's name.

so, what should be my first MM purchase?
is there an essential MM record?



Re: [MMouse]: Away

1999-01-03 Thread Musicman

> Cowboy Dan (because its catchy and, well, just plain absurd. I laugh everytime 
> I think of being "a major player in the cowboy scene"...good stuff)

I really like the line "I didn't go to the city the city came to me 
and I want out desperately". I mean, I would never be a part of the
scene described in the song, and cowboy dan sounds like yr average 
white redneck genetic fuckup, but I can relate to that kind of 
alienation, and what it causes in yr life. I actually feel kind of 
sad when I think of cowboy Dan.
Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: worst

1999-01-03 Thread Musicman

> blasphemy to say.  i think mine is "summer" cos the lyrics are so cheesy 

No way, summer is great. 

maybe, one of the instrumentals off the fruit...?
Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: MMouse

1999-01-03 Thread Musicman

Um, late scapegoat?

whenever you see fit would definitely be up there

the first song off the   first album, the last song on the I8 first 

Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

[MMouse]: Re: fuck and louis theroux

1999-01-03 Thread WedrenStar

i saw fuck open for modest mouse (at what was one of modest mouse's first 
"headlining" shows  . . . anyone who has heard the young and the restless 
radio interview from right before the release of the fruit that ate itself ep 
has heard isaac talk about it . . .), and i thought they were phenomenal.  i 
bought "pretty . . . slow", which is an incredible album.  "baby loves a 
funny bunny" is fairly good, too, but since signing to matador, in my 
opinion, it's been mostly downhill.  "pardon my french" and "conduct" both 
pretty much disappointed me.  but the song shotgun hours, off of pretty. . 
.slow, is one of the greatest songs ever written.
but i guess you'd have to hear it.  
anyhow, pretty . . .slow and babylovesafunnybunny are prolly mildly more 
difficult to get ahold of than the matador releases, but well worth the 
search (rhesus records mailorder would have them.  how to get ahold of rhesus 
records, however, is another matter all together.)

by the way, has anyone on here seen the bravo/bbc show "louis theroux's weird 
weekends?"  it's genius!  apparently, he used to be with michael moore's tv 
nation, which is a pretty good indication of the tone of his show.  weekends, 
though, is a bit less attacking in tone, and he appears more sincere.  
anyway, he's my new hero.  highly recommended.


[MMouse]: new Modest Mouse 7"

1999-01-03 Thread eric satnik

hello y'all
I talked to Isaac for a while last tuesday, Dec. 29, and he said:

Isaac said that the band has been slacking off too much and that he 
really wants to focus on finishing up the many works-in-progress that 
they have been playing off and on the last couple years.

a really long version of some new song (I think he was talking about a 
song that goes "Everyone is afraid of their own life/if you could have 
anything you want you'd still be dissapointed am I right./Nobody really 
knows the one's they love/if you knew everything I thought, I'll bet 
you'd wish that I'd, just shut up")  is going to be out on a 7" in a 
month or so.   

In any case, Modest mouse is either on vacation or hard at work 
recording new stuff.  Those who really know, don't post on the modest 
mouse newsgroup. 



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Re: [MMouse]: religious allusions/affiliations

1999-01-03 Thread Novocain Stain

i read somewhere that he doesnt have any kinda stance on religion
he isnt into god.. i know that. 
because i read it somewhere. its just something to sing about. 
i know people who assume that a band, i.e Neutral Milk Hotel, is into
jesus because they sing about jesus. but thats just not true and stuff. 


[MMouse]: like.. stuff and stuff

1999-01-03 Thread Novocain Stain

hey kids thanks for the 33 emails. its about time someone talked and
stuff on this list. 
i just wanna say a few things bceause its america and i have the right

a: gay . gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay
i say this not because im trying to offend someone. or because i have a
thing against homosexuals. because i dont. i say it because its fun to
piss off people who are overly concerned about being PC. 

2: my worst favorite modest mouse song, if you didnt get it from that
descriptive thing i wrote, is  dirty fingernails. runner up is dog
paddle, with Exit does not exist to show. and ill tell you why
dirty fingernails is too screamy, crap. just like the kind of stuff i
make up on the spot. yeah big woop.. dirty fingernails. i cant relate
this to anything. its like writing a song where i scream the words "non
whitening toothpaste" over and over. 
dog paddle is pretty much the same way. 
exit does not exist gets me in a bad place because i dont like one
syllable every measure. 
this song redeems itself with the line "as a matter of fact i dont
recall this photo being taken"

3: whoever said bankrupt on selling talks about st peter meant to say
uh... sytrofoam boots. no big woop. normally i would never say soething
this anal but im in a little bit of a bad mood. 

4: whoever said their favorite song is some song they heard isaac do at
a concert in east bumfuck is pretentious. and since this is america im
entitled to my opinion. and since this is also america  youre allowed to
flame me for that. but what kinda bullshit answer is that. "oh wait my
favorite modest mouse song is the 5 seconds of feedback that isaac made
come out of his guitar right after he said "goodnight" back in 89 when i
saw them in my uncles basement"

i think thats it. sorry for being so crabby. you guys are really nice
and all. i like a list thats not always trying to show each other who
has the bigger modest mouse cock. if you understand what i mean. 
doot n dooot. 


[MMouse]: religious allusions/affiliations

1999-01-03 Thread MrNatural1

i was just wondering if anyone out there knows what isaac's and/or the rest of
the band's take on religion and christianity are, because in a few songs
(especially on "lonesome crowded west") isaac sings about christ, etc.  are
his comments sardonic or his he just preaching what he believes? if anyone
knows (or has any ideas), it would be interesting to hear what you have to


Re: [MMouse]: Favorite song?

1999-01-03 Thread D. C.

>Perry Ferrell...what a jackass. (actually now that he mentioned that I
>can kind of hear it sometimes...though I try my best not to).
Once a great jackass told me that MM were the Cranberries all over 
again!!! ;)

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[MMouse]: GAY!

1999-01-03 Thread jayne 666

Okay fuckin knock it off.  I am bisexual myself and when I first read 
that person's question, I was like, "Hey, I don't like that use of the 
word 'gay' there."  But then I remembered that I am still working on 
trying not to use it as adjective myself.  I sometimes describe things 
as 'gay' , mainly because I use a lot of slang and don't pay attention 
to what I'am saying sometimes, but that's not the point. Do you see what 
I'm  saying?  Because our generation grew up and heard the word 'gay' to 
decribe things that are lame or stupid, we use that word too sometimes 
WITHOUT THINKING.  That's no excuse for using it, but at least it 
explains it.  That person probably didn't mean any harm, they were just 
using slang.  I mean, that dude that said it has been warned, so lets 
just drop it now.

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Re: [MMouse]: worst

1999-01-03 Thread ryan

Yeah, I love Summer too.  It really is such a true song for me.  I've
decided my favorites are make everyone happy/mechanical birds and

Re: [MMouse]: Unisex #1 Song

1999-01-03 Thread thewordisbeef

>If I was
>a lesbian, I wouldn't be offended by this.  I'd have better things to do
>with my time.  Like trying to get laid.


go away

RE: [MMouse]: Crash

1999-01-03 Thread Mark Robbins

I concur..anybody know what the people from the trees are up to these days?

because the rocks in my head fit the holes in hers..

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 6:28 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Crash

Apparently Issac enjoys smokin a little crack now and again.  RAD, Crack is
cool I think.  Hey, Im realy tired of even seeing this political arguement,
wanna know why,  Cuz I don't give a fuck about it, so there.  Hey the new
Smog album is terrible, sorry if anyone likes it, they can have my copy.
Uhm, Penis.  Anyhow, listen to Destroyer, if you dont youre a dumbass, hehe
j/k.  I love the Deftones aswell young lady, they are also my second
Bands I miss
The Cars
uhm,   and uh NWA

Jonathan "girls are beat, they're good for nothin, fuck em" Jonathan
p Zutant

[MMouse]: favorites, etc.

1999-01-03 Thread emily salvatierra

least favourite mm song, huh? hmmm...thinking...
this is the sort of thing that fluctuates. when i first heard "the 
lonesome crowded west", it was trailer trash. that's still one of my 
least favorite, just beacuse 1) i listened to it way too much last 
summer 2)i don't know...this sounds a little pretentious, but i like the 
darker, heavier, lonlier mm stuff. trailer trash was too simplistic and 
nostalgic for me. 
shit luck: i'm a sucker for loud, noisy, angry songs about ill-fated 
modes of transportation and the like...
teeth like god's shoeshine: so complex it almost gives me a headache. 
love the transitions and the part about orange julius remind me of a 
tftai: makes me wanna bust a move.
whenever you see fit: very emotional. i like the "wake up early and 
you'll live to regret it" phrase. i say that to myself every morning 
before falling back asleep...heheh. also, the last dual-guitar-solo 
thing at the end gives me the shivers. beautiful.
dramamine: encompasses almost everything i dig about modest mouse in its 
sound. the lonley, reverb-drenched guitar, the indescribable vocals and 
lyrics. plus, the harmonic bends get me every time.
there are many more, but i am too tired to list them.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread dylan

not looking for a fight, just answers...d

>Sorry, pal, I'm not the one who you'll get to go caddy. But, I'm sure, others
>are more than willing... hence: Oh christ, here we go again.
>that not even the best of us/know the way out
>On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:
>> Well pardon me for flogging a dead horse if that's what you are
>> implying.but I don't have the time to spend reading this list all the
>> time and this is the first I've heard of any such nonsense.  Apparently I'm
>> not as hip to the gossip as you areso maybe you could enlighten me.
>> Tell me what you know.d
>> >Oh christ, here we go again!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >We're all so clogged/with dead ideas...
>> >J.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:
>> >
>> >> Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
>> >> rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

Re: [MMouse]: Isaac and imagination

1999-01-03 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah? what song is that?


> To the person who mentioned Isaac yelling to the imaginary guy
> at that show. Well...In an old song he sings "..and I know this is
> real life, and I am talking to the sofa, and the soda machine, and
> theyz givin off logic that I have never seen though"
> Maybe you were on to something?
> Jacob

[MMouse]: Isaac and imagination

1999-01-03 Thread XLEE800

To the person who mentioned Isaac yelling to the imaginary guy 
at that show. Well...In an old song he sings "..and I know this is 
real life, and I am talking to the sofa, and the soda machine, and 
theyz givin off logic that I have never seen though" 
Maybe you were on to something?  

Re: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread jsl04

Sorry, pal, I'm not the one who you'll get to go caddy. But, I'm sure, others
are more than willing... hence: Oh christ, here we go again.  

that not even the best of us/know the way out

On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:

> Well pardon me for flogging a dead horse if that's what you are
> implying.but I don't have the time to spend reading this list all the
> time and this is the first I've heard of any such nonsense.  Apparently I'm
> not as hip to the gossip as you areso maybe you could enlighten me.
> Tell me what you know.d
> >Oh christ, here we go again!
> >
> >
> >
> >We're all so clogged/with dead ideas...
> >J.
> >
> >
> >
> >On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:
> >
> >> Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
> >> rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d
> >>
> >>
> >>

[MMouse]: Isaac and imagination

1999-01-03 Thread XLEE800

To the person who mentioned Isaac yelling to the imaginary guy 
at that show. Well...In an old song he sings "..and I know this is 
real life, and I am talking to the sofa, and the soda machine, and 
theyz givin off logic that I have never seen though" 
Maybe you were on to something?  

[MMouse]: Crash

1999-01-03 Thread IGasoline

Apparently Issac enjoys smokin a little crack now and again.  RAD, Crack is 
cool I think.  Hey, Im realy tired of even seeing this political arguement, 
wanna know why,  Cuz I don't give a fuck about it, so there.  Hey the new 
Smog album is terrible, sorry if anyone likes it, they can have my copy.  
Uhm, Penis.  Anyhow, listen to Destroyer, if you dont youre a dumbass, hehe 
j/k.  I love the Deftones aswell young lady, they are also my second favorite 
Bands I miss
The Cars
uhm,   and uh NWA

Jonathan "girls are beat, they're good for nothin, fuck em" Jonathan 
p Zutant

[MMouse]: Rumors are like hemorrhoids

1999-01-03 Thread Philip Smoker

...when they flare up, they're a huge pain in the ass.

The Rumor was that a girl claimed that Issac had
forced himself on her at someone's house.  There was
drinking involved by both parties, if I'm not
mistaken.  I've heard so much bullshit beyond that and
I don't think anyone has any of the facts.  Some claim
that charges were filed, others say not.  If I
remember correctly, they were on tour with the Murder
City Devils, and the accuser was a friend of theirs in
some capacity.  Murder City Devils left the tour
shortly after the rumor began circulating, which is
not to say that they dropped out as a result of the
rumor.  One person alleged that the band claimed they
would never play with MM again.  At the time of the
incident, the Mouse didn't do press or anything else
of public acknowledgment, which only added fuel to the
fire.  One young lady that I believe was subscribed to
this list stated that the accuser was known in some
circles as an indie rock groupie, and that all of this
nonsense was in retaliation to Isaac turning her down
or something.  Others chimed in to say that wasn't
true.  So in other words, I haven't said much of
anything except to perpetuate the rumor.  There was an
article in some half-ass newspaper (The Stranger or
something, I can't remember the name), but even that
was short on facts and long on conjecture.  So there
you have it.

worse than a sewing circle,


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[MMouse]: Favorite song?

1999-01-03 Thread jsayre

  My favorite song is definitly "Dramamine".
  I was introduced to Modest Mouse through a mixed tape someone made me
with "exit does not exist" and "Tundra/Desert" on it.  I thought they
were pretty decent songs...  The beginning of "tundra/desert" is what
really made me think they had some serious lyrical potential, and the
percussion on both is amazing.  Not to mention the cool-ass guitar
squaks, and squeels of T/D.  They almost sound like some brass
instrument being poorly played.  Anyway...I found "this is a long
drive..." at a used record store and bought it expecting more of the
same up-beat, loud, screamy stuff, and was pleasently surprised when the
first song I heard was the brilliant, super-mellow "Dramamine".  I've
listened to tons of times, and never get sick of it.  The lead line is
excellent.  I also think "Broke", and "whenever I breath out..." are
great.  That is the best 7" ever recorded.  It lives on my turntable,
and spins quite frequently.
  "Teeth like gods shoeshine", and "Truckers atlas" tie for my favs on
"The lonesome crowded west".  When I first got this I thought it was
excellent, but I have since grown tired of it.  I still listen to "This
is a long drive..." several times a week though...can't get enough of
it!  I try to play it a work a alot.  A co-worker said Issac sounds like
Perry Ferrell...what a jackass. (actually now that he mentioned that I
can kind of hear it sometimes...though I try my best not to).
  I think my least favorite song would be "Karmas Payment"...I find it
hard to tolerate sometimes.  I used to hate "dog paddle", but now I like
it because he sounds like he's doing his best Brak from spaceghost impersonation.
  Sorry I wrote a book here.  I'm snowed in, and very bored.
Later on kids!,

RE: [MMouse]: their opinions...more like air than lead

1999-01-03 Thread Bjorn Warloe

My favorite modest mouse song comes from the very first time I saw them
live, at Linfield College.  There were only about 40-50 people there and the
mouse drove down after playing the la luna in portland oregon.  They
proceeded to tear the roof off the place.  It was by far the best mm show of
the 6 I have seen.  My favorite part was when issac was playing harmonica
while stopping a rhythm on his guitar pedal and playing one note on the blue
guitar that got ripped off.  He had the guitar behind his back and he'd
reach back with one hand to pick the string when the note started to die
out.  In between harmonica riffs he made up a bunch of lyrics about being
able to do shit because he had a roll bar on his pick up truck, i.e. I can
get real drunk and drive real fast because I just got a new roll bar on my
pick up truck...  It was just a fantastic show, they played for almost two
hours as well.  Anyway I talked to isaac about it another time when they
played portland and he said the song didn't have a name, and he had made up
most of the lyrics on the spot.  If anyone has a tape of a song that was
similar to this, or just includes isaac improving with the harmonica I would
love to hear.


Re: [MMouse]: Unisex #1 Song

1999-01-03 Thread Autumn Sweater

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, ARGASM wrote:

>   Whoever used the word "gay", I think that you should think about 
> what you wrote and take it back and apologize because it is a stupid and 
> offensive adjective.  Sexual orientation has nothing to do with any Modest
> Mouse song nor do I think it should have anything to do with the degree to
> which someone thinks a song is "good" or "bad".  Anyway...

Jesus Christ!! Give the kid a fucking break already.  I don't remember him
saying "Hey guys, let me ask you this real homosexual question, and only
people who like to get it in the ass can answer."  So what if he said
'gay'?  I highly doubt he was making reference to our sexuality.  If I was
a lesbian, I wouldn't be offended by this.  I'd have better things to do
with my time.  Like trying to get laid.


1999-01-03 Thread zach x

I read somewhere that Issac was born and raised in Montana. Does anyone 
know where in MT? I'm from Montana too... Best thing to come from this 
state so far...

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[MMouse]: Portland show

1999-01-03 Thread Adrian Gaut

for all who are interested. modest mouse is playing the crystal ballroom in 
portland, or on november 30. tickets are not on sale (yet), and details are 
to be announced.

going nowhere but i'm guaranteed to be late,


FW: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread Robert Perry

it might be dead but it's a question nonetheless.

> --
> Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 1:57 PM
> Subject:  Re: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors
> Oh christ, here we go again!
> We're all so clogged/with dead ideas...
> J.
> On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:
> > Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
> > rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [MMouse]: home taping is recording music

1999-01-03 Thread Rustoleum

uh.. theres a program called ra2wav
you could take them and turn them into wav and then turn them into mp3. 
you can get that ra2wav at my little site

in a folder called soundapplications or something. 

(in the computer lab doing heinous work)

On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> no you can't save them that way..but there is a way that you could southern 
> engineer it anywaysbasically running and audio out cord from your 
> computer back into your line in on your computer and re recording it ..it's 
> pain and the sound would suck since it's real audio..but it's a solution..
> chris

[MMouse]: Away

1999-01-03 Thread KLINDAUER

Hmm.   Favorite song.   Hm.  Well, it changes often, but some of my 
favs are 

Positive/Negative (very seductive), 

Interstate 8 (beatiful), 

Bankrupt On Selling (for two reasons, (1) I have tried and I cannot sing that 
quickly without fucking it up, and (2) I love the part about St. Peter having a 

Cowboy Dan (because its catchy and, well, just plain absurd. I laugh everytime 
I think of being "a major player in the cowboy scene"...good stuff)

Tundra/Desert (I like songs that start out slow then go fast, completely 

All Night Diner (huh huh, he says ejaculation, huh huh huh)

Gods shoeshine (so damn complex, there are like 12 different songforms in 
there, holy shit)

Doin the Cockroach (MM's most ass shakin dance tune ever, hehe)

Okay, I'm running out of gas (no MM reference intended) so ill go now


Re: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread dylan

Well pardon me for flogging a dead horse if that's what you are
implying.but I don't have the time to spend reading this list all the
time and this is the first I've heard of any such nonsense.  Apparently I'm
not as hip to the gossip as you areso maybe you could enlighten me.
Tell me what you know.d

>Oh christ, here we go again!
>We're all so clogged/with dead ideas...
>On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:
>> Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
>> rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d

Re: [MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread jsl04

Oh christ, here we go again!

We're all so clogged/with dead ideas...


On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, dylan wrote:

> Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
> rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d

[MMouse]: hot stuff - flavor for yr oatmeal, waking up yr taste

1999-01-03 Thread Philip Smoker

>had way better live talent, like the guy who could
>swallow big things.

If swallowing big things is such a great talent...
oh nevermind, it's just too easy.

RE: 5/29/98
I've listened to this show many times, and I always
thought (whether by assumption or conjecture) that
some guy was climbing over the railing of the balcony
or something.  Whatever it was, it was apparently
endangering himself and the people around him, so
Isaac made mention of it.  I've envisioned a scene
similar to that concert in the movie The Doors where
the guy yells, "I love you, Jim!!!" before
belly-flopping out of a balcony and presumably into

RE: Duster
I recently completed a trade where the guy tossed in a
Duster/Paul Newman show from Seattle.  I regret to say
that I haven't listened to it yet, but I think he said
it was a soundboard.  I can tape it off for the
interested party, if they would like.

I gots no love and I thought you knew it
fool, you know how we do it,


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Re: [MMouse]: home taping is recording music

1999-01-03 Thread Bill Wright

There is a programit's called "Virtual Audio Cable" (I think).  You can
use it to stream audio from a program to disc as a wav file.  With this
wave file, you can take over the world.  Or, convert it to mp3.  -BILL

At 07:43 AM 11/5/99 -0500, Matt  Evanosky wrote:
>does anyone on the list have enough computer savvy to know whether one can
>download realaudio tracks to save them like an mp3 file..?
>or is that why mp3s are available and realaudio is annoying..
>i found a virtual concert website, with apples in stereo and upon further
>inspection , 2 timid rodent shows from last yr in chicago...
>if my blatant lack of computing skills is too offensive , please disregard
>this pointless post...
>thinks that the state was pretty great, but viva variety had way better live
>talent, like the guy who could swallow big things.

bill wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[MMouse]: Rumors Rumors Rumors

1999-01-03 Thread dylan

Does anyone know about this fucked up rumor about Isaac being a
rapist..where it came from etc? What the fuck?---d

Re: [MMouse]: The Promise Ring & Burning Airlines

1999-01-03 Thread Doosu2323

i thought the promise ring were very bland and boring...kinda the typical 
brand of wuss rock that seems to be sweeping the indie rock world 
lately..their sound was cluttered and besides a couple of their older "hits" 
they didn't do much for me live...

burning airlines on the other hand was definitely worth seeing..much more 
energetic and brought some good ol' fashioned dc rock much more 
interesting to watch and much better sounding live..although not nearly as 
smooth as the cd of course..

thats my two cents
chris ( who's looking forward to seeing snapcase on monday so he can finally 
see a band that's not afraid to have some balls and isn't bitten by the 
terrible boring indie lo-fi bug)

Re: [MMouse]: home taping is recording music

1999-01-03 Thread Doosu2323

no you can't save them that way..but there is a way that you could southern 
engineer it anywaysbasically running and audio out cord from your 
computer back into your line in on your computer and re recording it ..it's 
pain and the sound would suck since it's real audio..but it's a solution..

[MMouse]: The Promise Ring & Burning Airlines

1999-01-03 Thread DJ Pugsley

Hello Hello The Promise Ring and Burning Airlines are
gonna be here soon and I just wanted to know what to
expect from the show...
I have heard really good reveiws and really bad
I want more input. 

Isaac talks to imaginary people because he is so
fucking crazy.you gotta love him.

I love you
Todd Appleton
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: [MMouse]: A question about a particular show.

1999-01-03 Thread Aaron

Did someone answer this already?

Ryan McDaniel wrote:
> Did anyone go to the Modest Mouse show on 5.29.98??  Now I know this was quite 
>awhile ago.  Some of you may have this on disc or MP3.
> Right after the first song, Isacc starts talking like he sees something.  Then says 
>that somebody is eating a leg.  He yells at this "person" to "Fuckin knock it off, 

Yeah, I was there.  Isaac saw some guy in the balcony who was doing
something weird. I couldn't see it from where I was standing because I
was on the floor.

[MMouse]: Unisex #1 Song

1999-01-03 Thread ARGASM

Whoever used the word "gay", I think that you should think about 
what you wrote and take it back and apologize because it is a stupid and 
offensive adjective.  Sexual orientation has nothing to do with any Modest
Mouse song nor do I think it should have anything to do with the degree to
which someone thinks a song is "good" or "bad".  Anyway...
I think the greatest Modest Mouse song is easily "Teeth Like
God's Shoeshine", not only for the musical diversity, but also for the
lyrical diversity.  Is it about politicians?  Is it about religion?  Is
it about feeling small in such a large world?  Is it about the social
structure?  Or is it about basic human feelings?  I think it encompasses
all of those questions and that is why i think it is their best song...so


[MMouse]: home taping is recording music

1999-01-03 Thread Matt Evanosky

does anyone on the list have enough computer savvy to know whether one can
download realaudio tracks to save them like an mp3 file..?
or is that why mp3s are available and realaudio is annoying..
i found a virtual concert website, with apples in stereo and upon further
inspection , 2 timid rodent shows from last yr in chicago...

if my blatant lack of computing skills is too offensive , please disregard
this pointless post...

thinks that the state was pretty great, but viva variety had way better live
talent, like the guy who could swallow big things.

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n229

1999-01-03 Thread T. Craig

I probably shouldn't be spreading rumors, but a friend of mine (who is on
the list and probably could clarify this *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) was
talking to Isaac while he was tuning his guitar before there show
(12/29/98 Re-Bar, Seattle).  I suspect he was talking about that All-City
7" that is supposed to come out, but I really didn't press the issue.

Theo C.
University of Washington
--=>ICQ# 1127582
"Different strokes for different folks, 
 and for some folks no strokes at all."  -Jamil A. Hassan

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, amna akbar wrote:

> really? i thought they were going on vacati9no. or has it already been
> recorded? on UP? 
> neat
> On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, T. Craig wrote:
> > Recorded version of Dark side?  I don't know, but I hear they are coming
> > out with a new 7" pretty quick here (and they have a total of 5 new
> > songs...after dropping 3 songs).  Biggest Modest Mouse Buttrock
> > song..that's gotta be "Shit Luck".  
> > 
> > Theo C.
> > University of Washington
> > --=>ICQ# 1127582
> > "Different strokes for different folks, 
> >  and for some folks no strokes at all."  -Jamil A. Hassan
> > 
> > On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, amna akbar wrote:
> > 
> > > is there any recorded version of dark center of the unvierse???
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n229

1999-01-03 Thread amna akbar

really? i thought they were going on vacati9no. or has it already been
recorded? on UP? 

On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, T. Craig wrote:

> Recorded version of Dark side?  I don't know, but I hear they are coming
> out with a new 7" pretty quick here (and they have a total of 5 new
> songs...after dropping 3 songs).  Biggest Modest Mouse Buttrock
> song..that's gotta be "Shit Luck".  
> Theo C.
> University of Washington
> --=>ICQ# 1127582
> "Different strokes for different folks, 
>  and for some folks no strokes at all."  -Jamil A. Hassan
> On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, amna akbar wrote:
> > is there any recorded version of dark center of the unvierse???
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n229

1999-01-03 Thread T. Craig

Recorded version of Dark side?  I don't know, but I hear they are coming
out with a new 7" pretty quick here (and they have a total of 5 new
songs...after dropping 3 songs).  Biggest Modest Mouse Buttrock
song..that's gotta be "Shit Luck".  

Theo C.
University of Washington
--=>ICQ# 1127582
"Different strokes for different folks, 
 and for some folks no strokes at all."  -Jamil A. Hassan

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, amna akbar wrote:

> is there any recorded version of dark center of the unvierse???

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n229

1999-01-03 Thread amna akbar

is there any recorded version of dark center of the unvierse???