[MMouse]: whenever you see fit

1999-06-07 Thread Javag369

sometimes modest mouse lyrics make me wanna cry...they're so right and just 
lovely. (thanks for putting the whenever lyrics on there)

[MMouse]: RE:whenever you see fit lyrics

1999-06-07 Thread wyatt tuzo

>Oh, by the way: which is the best Built to Spill album? I'd like to know
their music...

plaaase dont rekindle that discussion. sorry, im just sick of hearing
people argue about petty differences in opinion.

i could sit down and interpret the lyrics for you, but sorry. im too
tired right now. 
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Re: [MMouse]: Fwd: lyrics for Whenever You See Fit

1999-06-07 Thread y-a-r-s-r-e-v-e-n-g-e

heres the best i can do .. isaac is tabbed in

Whenever You See Fit:

you and me
whenever we go wrong
nothing is clearwake up early and you live to regret
and you tell the truth  and your talking on the telephone
whenever you see fitlooking at yourself like your all alone
wake up early and you live to regret
spend some time
whenever you go wrong
wake up early and you live to regret
tell the truth
wake up early and you live to regret
whenever you see fit
wake up early and you live to regret
well youre talking on the telephone 
everythings wrong   looking at yourself like your all alone
and everything you ever did
wake up early and you live to regret
everythings wrong
talking on the telephone
talking like taco bell
you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
you and me
whenever we see fit
nothing is cleartalking on the telephone
looking at ourselves like were all alone
and everything you ever said
wake up early and youll live to regret it
wake up early and youll live to regret it

they just repeat this stuff


[MMouse]: Fwd: lyrics for Whenever You See Fit

1999-06-07 Thread Reptile

Hi there...

It's me, the Brazilian fan. heh.
Anyway... do any of you have the lyrics for Whenever You See Fit? This
song is excellent, but unfortunately none of the MM pages I've visited has
the lyrics for it... I'd be glad if you could help =)

Oh, by the way: which is the best Built to Spill album? I'd like to know
their music...

   p. giglio - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq#: 3319721 
  .x. broken hearts want broken necks .x.

[MMouse]: rent my opiate #2

1999-06-07 Thread Jacob Parker

Liz wrote:
all i have to say is thet the earth is not an empire. all people care about
are politcs and land ownership and who's fucking who over when it's humanity
fucking itself over.

hmmm... sentence #1 holds water. #2, well, politics is/are like religion: 
both seem much crooked, and then much like the media and its distant cousin 
the internet. I suggest that you all read Marilyn Manson's article in 
Rolling Stone (well, it interested me), and, oh, take a sociology course in 
college if you're so destined but get recommendations for an insightful, 
entertaining professor/instructor...
otherwise, you be muddled by an old fart much like society looks at the body 
and not the bunny brain- cute. "You are not your body"(Douglas Coupland). 
and, liz, i'm not being negative at ya... only thing wrong is you need to 
explain your modifiers- they're a little cryptic/misleading. also, i just 
want a small, modest house, small yard... cuz you know overpopulation will 
be the demise of us all or maybe just the ice caps melting engulfing the 
world and us all... will braid matter then? (sorry for the semi-waterworld 
also, look for the new flaming lips import single 'race for the prize' (from 
'the soft bulletin') if you enjoyed zaireeka, for it will be 2-disc with a 
personal favorite of mine 'driving to work (in the year 2025)' and another 
from zaireeka.

wishing i had a friend to hold onto and a liberal arts or private school to 
afford, oh, and a summer job away from this fucking state of Oklahoma mind,


"all i wanted to do was sing the saddest song, and for you to sing along"-- 

and to think i'm getting paid to take time out of my day to write this 
poop... yep

and, hi, carrie. hope these people aren't eating you alive

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Re: [MMouse]: show me the perfect free market, and I'll show you aBridge I'm...

1999-06-07 Thread Fishisfast

This is a kind of long one, but I tend to ramble... Sorry...

> Sorry for sending this, but I felt the need to reply to the uneducated,
>  libertarian (the least-aptly named "political group" I've ever come
>  across) propaganda recently posted to the list. 

So, I'm uneducated, eh? We'll come to that later. The libertarian party is so 
named because it is the only party which recognizes the sovereignty of the 
individual, in other words, liberty.

>  Get rid of public
>  education?  What a moron.  I assume you were privately educated,
>  apparently with little success.  Remember not everyone's mommy and daddy
>  are rich, some people need public education.  

Actually, I am a recent graduate of a public (government) school. An 
interesting point, by the way; socialist institutions, like the government 
schools, will always by nature stagnate. Right now our public schools, 
especially those in poor areas, are failures. A family living in a poor 
neighborhood is so bogged down by property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, 
excise taxes, that they are forced to send their children to the horrible 
schools that happen to be in the area thanks to compulsory education laws. 
Their children may soon learn that a life a crime pays, which is not a hard 
lesson to learn when attending schools that are based on theft, the 
redistribution of wealth. Meanwhile, the rich kids in the suburbs get the 
public schools that are mediocre (rather than hellish) or private schools. 
Oh, the poor are so much better off now, huh? Education can only improve if 
it is subjected to the free market and economic laws such as competition, 
where invariably the quality goes up and the cost goes down. The only way for 
a socialist institution to accomplish this is espionage and theft.

>  I've drafted a slogan for
>  you, you can use it if you like:  "More inequality, more inequality."
>  Also, I often find these simple words of wisdom should be pondered and
>  absorbed by libertarians:  Money does not equal merit.  

Equality cannot be achieved by humanity. The best that can be done is to have 
a government which looks at humanity not as a mass of people to be divided 
into groups but as individuals. The rights of the individual, every 
individual must be preserved, and beyond that government should have no 
function. If our government wishes to help the poor, minority groups, etc. 
(which it does not; politicians just enjoy the power), it cannot deprive 
other groups (even the rich... and I know being rich is just eeevil) of their 
rights in doing so. One group of people cannot have more rights than another. 
Every individual must have equal protection. Group rights can only be secured 
by these means.

>  Also, I'm
>  curious, why aren't there any poor libertarians?  While framing a
>  response to this one, consider how much each response relies on
>  stereotypes.  Finally, have you ever tried a political view that wasn't
>  fed to you by a silver spoon from your parents?

Why aren't there any poor politicians? 

Also, while my personal life has nothing to do with a philisophical 
discussion, my parents are moderate republicans, which is worlds away from my 
views, and they use stainless steel. I tried their view for a bit, you see, 
because 12 years in a socialist institution tends to make you a socialist. 
However, upon discovering how to think in my own terms rather than those set 
by the government schools, I soon realized that capitalism--real 
capitalism--is the only just government. It is the only for of government 
which recognizes that every individual has rights that must be protected, and 
the rights of one group cannot be sacrificed for the rights of another. 

Ernie the Slave Machine