[MMouse]: epic site is UP.

2000-05-30 Thread Damon Kalar

looks like.they finaaly

setup the epic site kids.


major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: briancells

2000-05-24 Thread Damon Kalar

From: tyler drosdeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: philly rawk / "indier than thou"

God this list seems to be losing years and braincells quite quickly.


here here.  that's me!


major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: album delay

2000-05-22 Thread Damon Kalar

i think the idea of the ma being delayed is




the website says june 13th,  there are posters at  shows and music stores

just cuz some shumck on the air says modest mouse is delaying the records,
doesn't mean it's true!

come on people i thought we were smarter than that.


disclaimer and clauses:  if album herein "the moon and antarctica" is truly
delayed, i reserve the right of anullment of provisions made herein and
above.  and would also reserve the right of a retraction and a writ of
clearer intent.

that is all.

major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: davîd garza

2000-05-21 Thread Damon Kalar

somebody was singing david garza.

major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: sexy post

2000-05-17 Thread Damon Kalar


just kidding.  i thought that post was funny.

and i'm glad other people did to.

but i'm not backing down, fuckers.




major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: jeremiah

2000-05-17 Thread Damon Kalar

did anyone notice how much more jeremiah is ROCKING ASS this tour?

he seriously is a big part of the show now, betwix head banging and stick
spinning against drunkmnen outburts of th e thong thong thong song and
tinfoil, i don't know WHO is the attention freak now.


ps. WHERE IS MY DREAM GIRL?  i'll never see her again.

major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: sexy post

2000-05-16 Thread Damon Kalar

was anybody on the lists:

a girl

at the metro show 5.13.00

has black hair, down half way threw the show, up the rest

was wearing a white tshirt, black pants, and a black satchel type bag?

with a friend with long curly black hair dressed all in black.

and looking at a boy with a grey tshirt and blue jeans.

if you were, i saw you looking at me.  and i liked it.


major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: vanilla cokes and shit

2000-05-11 Thread Damon Kalar

alll y'all cokes and vanilla suckas

y'all gotta try this

get a tootsie roll

wrap strawberry taffy around that shit

(prefferably the kind with the sugar clumps in it)

and just start totally chomping, no sucking, biting.

you'll freak.

love damon

major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: road trips

2000-05-10 Thread Damon Kalar

so kids

i' going to minneapolis and chicago this weekend

and i was talk ta someone

and they'e going to chicago from kansas city

and i was wonderin'

how many of ya'll are driving (or and otehr means) mopre that 30 miles

to a modest mouse show this spring/summer?

just a thought.

also, how many kids are going to the metro/chicago show?


major deal, dude.

[MMouse]: WedrenStar@aol.com

2000-05-01 Thread Damon Kalar


as far as "selling out," remember, it's much cooler to say "buying in."
second, if you think that any of this stuff screams "radio-play me!" than you
have a serious misconception of the fickle tastes of american pop audiences.
should we consider that korn's first album was a sell-out for doing so well?
i mean, i hate 'em and all, but who would've predicted that as blowing up and
being the next big thing, to the extent that it predicated much of the
popular shit to follow for the next five years (limp bizkit, slipknot, et
al)?  and if you think that modest mouse is suddenly making music to be sold
moreso than before, i would point out that in terms of trying to describe any
of their music as being "radio friendly", polar opposites still has this
album beat hands-down.
but it's all irrelevant.  it's your opinion.

thank you, i totally agree.  finally someone who can say what i'm thinking.
and i love the new term "buying in"  it might not be new, but it's new to

and, thank you for proving that some indie rock kids do like shudder to think.


if it's a life of possiblities that you've
got to live, well don't be surpirised when
they don't remember you or simply
don't want to


2000-04-30 Thread Damon Kalar

From: david carmack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i would just like to say they have sold out and i think it sucks

listen i would like to argue the whole "selling out" thing.  if yer parents
ever get a job they like, and make money doing it. (dot dot dot)
they sold out.  bitch.



if it's a life of possiblities that you've
got to live, well don't be surpirised when
they don't remember you or simply
don't want to

[MMouse]: hint on getting new cd

2000-04-22 Thread Damon Kalar

 How do all you guys have copies of the new record on Epic?  Any
hints on how
I could get my hands on a copy?  Thanks.

That shirt idea is awesome.  Right on.


hey phil

i got a hint

wait until june 13th, when i comes out, and then -

buy it -

i don't wanna sound sarcastic or mean. just wait. personally, i'm already
giddy/antsy with delight.

and the kids that already have it, ruined it for themselves


if it's a life of possiblities that you've
got to live, well don't be surpirised when
they don't remember you or simply
don't want to

[MMouse]: tshirts

2000-04-20 Thread Damon Kalar

i like the shirts idea a lot.

what would they have on them?

like things we agrue about, i.e. god, selling out, and issac's sideburns?

that would be cool, i'd wear one.


if it's a life of possiblities that you've
got to live, well don't be surpirised when
they don't remember you or simply
don't want to

[MMouse]: don't call me daughter

2000-04-19 Thread Damon Kalar

-and then while everyone is thinking about that, remember on the eMpTV
- unplugged show with the pearl jam, towards the end when eddie climbs
up on
- the stool and scrawls FUGAZI on his arm, you know why, cause he's
- punkrawkthats why

you retard.  he wrote "prochoice" on his arm.

man, i'm sick of everyone bustin pearl jam's nuts.  ps, they "sold out"

why can't you people just be happy when these people make money
anybody's buddy that buy's the whole "sold out" thing, and that's bad, can
suck my cold lunch.


if it's a life of possiblities that you've
got to live, well don't be surpirised when
they don't remember you or simply
don't want to

[MMouse]: some lyrical questions

2000-04-16 Thread Damon Kalar


during dark center its not antisocial
i pretty sure its

"well on the ocean and on the interstate
it's funny as hell, but no one laughs well they get there"

and its not dying and not meaning it
i'm pretty sure its

"a guys says something and he didn't mean it"

i also think issac's boss is finding blind spots (in car, like)

just some minor things, thanks for writing it out tho.


if she spins fast enough
then maybe the broken pieces of heart heart
can stay together but ain't no gyroscope can spin forever

[MMouse]: a trial for the list

2000-04-13 Thread Damon Kalar


okay, the beginnning of heart cooks brain.

what does isaac yell in the back ground

damon thinks it's:

"so what?  it's a land main, a gold mine."

what do you think?


-- money can't buy love, but love can't buy shit.

[MMouse]: i take it back

2000-04-13 Thread Damon Kalar

i asked the question about heart cooks brain before i read the fuckin liner

i AM a fucking idot.


-- money can't buy love, but love can't buy shit.


2000-04-11 Thread Damon Kalar

"17.  Favorite beer?
the best beer is NO BEER!!! drinking is for jack asses."

how can you like modest mouse then?

...i know i'm gonnna get it for this.

[MMouse]: totally on subject

2000-04-10 Thread Damon Kalar

 1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
--  damon kalar, st. cloud, mn, i'm 21
 2.What is your favorite mouse song?
--  grey ice water
 3.What are five records you couldn't live without.
--  moby animal rights, my 6.18.99 bo0t from russ's page,
everything else can go
4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
--  for my friends.
5.  Ebay, bad or good?
--  good for me, bad for russ
6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?
--  i voted for russ
7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
--  yes
8.  First live show?
--  hehe, page and plant @ the target center
9.  Worst live show?
--  this shitty creed/type band from my town, miniscusblehk
10.  Favorite sound?
--  my fender hotrod deluxe at 12
11.  least favorite sound?
--  any sound a girl makes when she's mad
12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
--  why not ask for boys too? yes, they should.
13.  What book should every person in america read?
--  george carlin, brain droppings
14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
very very good. even IF their sound changes
15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to see?
--  i wouldn't
fucking great asshole
17.  Favorite beer?
--  bud ice
18.  Favorite color?
--  black and blue
19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
--  odelay
20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells tons about a person)?
--  brain candy,  fugazi instrument, better off dead, rubin and ed,
back to the future 2

fighting is cool,

i'd just like to say that i hate girls that call themselves feminists, then
call guys "easy"

[MMouse]: scared as fuck

2000-04-04 Thread Damon Kalar

that story on the website is fuckin


i was at work all day thinking bout it and i am seriously

fuckin freaked out.

"isaac, is edgar graham real?"  -- me may 12th


[MMouse]: high fidelity cameo

2000-04-03 Thread Damon Kalar

i though the guy (during the beta band part)

was none other than

iam williams from doncaballero.

i shouted it in the theater and everyone looked

anyone else thing so?



[MMouse]: major label winner

2000-03-29 Thread Damon Kalar

this whole argument about the mouse and a major label is

 too little too late 

jesus, they signed months ago and ya'll are going on like it happened st.
patty's day.

chill the fuck out and be happy for them,

for now they can maybe ---

buy a house??
