Re: [MMouse]: best line

1999-07-11 Thread EJZ12

"message read on the bathroom wall says 'i don't feel at all like i fall' and 
im losing all touch losing all touch building a desert"   ~custom concern

thats only one of my favorites, but im too lazy.

Re: [MMouse]: lyrics...forgot this one

1999-07-11 Thread EJZ12

"moves just like CRISCO DISCO 100 per cent listerine"

crisco disco,   ha

Re: [MMouse]: A Thought on Indie Snobbery

1999-06-10 Thread EJZ12

Um, yes actuall a lot of people read that wrong. I didn't say I was higher 
than anything. I'm saying that's why a lot of people don't like it when a lot 
of people start liking a band that they've liked for a long time. It's all 
because that person has gone out of their way to hear something that isn't 
like everything else. Also, if you will note, I said I was GENERRALIZING and 
it was your own fault if you stereotyped yourself. 
thank you

[MMouse]: A Thought on Indie Snobbery

1999-06-09 Thread EJZ12

OK so I can understand that when someone starts getting into a band later in 
their  career that they will get pissed off when someone critisizes them for 
not being a "real" fan. Now I am speaking generally here so if I offend 
anyone then it's your own fault for putting yourself into a catagory. I 
personally don't put myself into any type of stereotype because there is a 
huge range in my tastes. I understand when someone gets pissed that a 
newcomer likes their favorite band. I belive the original fans for the most 
part have gone out of their way to find music that isn't the radio play that 
the majority of people listen to. Then they usually find a certain gem that 
is their own that not many people know about.  Then this gem gets famous and 
the original fans usually are pretty mad because the newer fans merely turn 
on the radio, here a song that they like from the band, and go out to buy 
every single album from the band. I don't think it's only an indie thing. It 
happens with all kinds of "underground" music. It's more of a conformity 
thing than an "i liked them first" deal. At least thats how I feel. 
Alternative music became big a few years back. "Alternative" originally meant 
an alternative to mainstream. this became a contradiction once it became 
popular. Those are my thoughts. Flame me if you will. 

Re: [MMouse]: $$

1999-06-06 Thread EJZ12

capitalist, libertarian government? 
that is a contradiction of terms.

Re: [MMouse]: Braid

1999-06-06 Thread EJZ12

not true. when i talked to them at the Yale show in New Haven they said that 
they were going back in the studio after the tour.

[MMouse]: all this political junk

1999-06-06 Thread EJZ12

all i have to say is thet the earth is not an empire. all people care about 
are politcs and land ownership and who's fucking who over when it's humanity 
fucking itself over.

Re: [MMouse]: Ultimate Alternative Wavers Rules!

1999-06-02 Thread EJZ12

Rock on! My favorite!

Re: [MMouse]: built to spill

1999-06-02 Thread EJZ12

I have no trouble starting this war: Keep it like a secret is good. 
BUT when listened to in respect of Perfect from now on, it is crap. 
PFNO is a masterpeice.

Preach on my brother! Finally someone with sense. The new album is good, but 
in no way compares to the last 4 albums. (Yes kiddies, there's more than 2) I 
miss the old built to spill. I know I am going to get flamed for this but 
it's ok. I don't know any of you and i never will

[MMouse]: sorry

1999-04-29 Thread EJZ12

i believe everyone has the right to personal opinion. however, when one 
states their personal opinion they should refrain from insulting, ridiculing, 
and accusing others. i apologize for turning the list upside-down but it is 
natural for me to defend myself when I feel I am being kicked in the face for 
thinking in a different way than others. it seems words are interpreted in 
many different ways on the internet.  people seem to want someone to get out 
their aggression on , some kind of ego-boosting thing. anyway from now on i 
hope that if i post, and people don't like what i say,  they will respect 
that i have an opinion and ignore it.  once again, i apologize, i hope this 
list can go on without these ridiculous arguments. 