Re: [MMouse]: unsubsribe!!!

2000-05-24 Thread Sabenross


Re: [MMouse]: please take me off the list

2000-05-24 Thread Sabenross

i no longer have time to read the list ---thanks for taking me off it---

Re: [MMouse]: People who smell bad

2000-05-18 Thread Sabenross

the hippies nowadays are just as phony as everyone else ---i dont know how 
they were in the sixties but i know the ones that went to dead tours and now 
phish tours are usually "clicky" in their own way---sometimes people are nice 
sometimes they arent ---alot of phish fans i've met are nice but usually 
kinda dumbhas anyone else noticed this?i'm not an indie rock elitist 
fuck i just happened to come across modest mouse cause i thought they sounded 
like built to spillh i dont know where i was going but i know i'd 
have  sex with a nice hippie girl even with the petchulie(sp?) smell ---i'd 
shave her legs first thoughbye--steven 

In a message dated 5/18/00 11:32:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  I would have to disagree with your assertment that the majority of mouse
 > fans are hippies. Stupid indie-rock fucks, yes. Hippies? No.
 i really doubt that the majority of modest mouse fans are hippies,
 definitely.  i know i'm not.  i'm a treehugger, but i'm no humanitarian. 
 to me the definition of a hippy is humanitarian + treehugger.  i don't care
 about people, i'm too busy hugging a tree and saving a forest!  i dunno...i
 don't see "hippy" on the list at all.  if you wanna call any group of
 people who like a certain band..go on the phish list.
 - amy (hates stinky hippies!)

Re: [MMouse]:philly show on monday

2000-05-18 Thread Sabenross

---hey what's up ?
---just seeing who's all going to the tla show on monday and wanted to know 
if anyone wanted to hook  up and hang out before the show or whatever-
my girlfriend just broke up with me on friday so the only thing i'm 
looking forward to is having a good time at the mouse show!!---she listened 
to crap like dave matthews so it'd be nice to meet some of the  those nice 
modest mouse women out therehopefully i can distract my slight heartbreak 
for a night
-i'm hoping a little group might want  to get together and hang out or 
somethingi dont know if every one drinks or whatever but i guess that 
isnt mandatory it just depends on what or if any of you out there want to do 
anything -i'm flying solo on this on and sometimes shows are enjoyable 
like that but its also nice when you're hanging out with decent 
folk--anyone interested?-if they want to email me off the list that's 
cool or on the list is cooli probably  wouldnt know either 
way-steven(god ---this reads like a fucking 
singles ad or something)

Re: [MMouse]: k.smith

2000-05-08 Thread Sabenross

--yeah ---the old one had a shitty back issue selection but i did find some 
decent shit in the bargain bins ---steven

In a message dated 5/8/00 4:52:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< i actually live in the town that the kevins comic shop is in and where all 
 the films wereuhfilmed.  In chasing amy they even mention my old 
 school.  I have met Jay on several occasions, all of which he appeared to be 
 under some kind of influence.  I met kevin a few times and he is ok.  And 
 actually i was at the mall last weekend and saw the guy from clerks who is 
 checking all the eggs...i think his name is walter...he works at the comic 
 shop also.  The newly renovated comic shop is kinda cheesy and does not 
 actually have much in the way of comic books, BUT they do have many 
 B-movies and old cartoons.  

Re: [MMouse]: opening in philly

2000-05-08 Thread Sabenross

---its supposed to be califone and stinking lizaveta---at least that's what 
the posters say(i got a cool modest mouse poster last week at smashing 
pumkins which was the biggest highlight of that 

Re: [MMouse]: the modest mouse tee shirt giveaway

2000-05-08 Thread Sabenross

but the question is, did you guys enter the contest?---i fucking did and am 
gonna wear it proud as i can if  i get it!!!--steven

In a message dated 5/8/00 9:59:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< In a message dated 5/8/00 6:41:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
 << pardon my asking, but what the hell is "wrong on s many levels" about 
  t-shirt giveaway?
  If you don't get it, then nevermind. >>

Re: [MMouse]: k.smith

2000-05-08 Thread Sabenross

kevin smith is great!!--he seems really nice too---if you're ever in the 
jersey area, then you need to check out his comic storesometimes he'll 
even be working the cash register---i havent made it out to his new store 
yet, but its supposed to be pretty cool also check out his comics --most 
comic stores usually keep them in stock so just go in and ask your local 
comic store for some kevin smith bookshe's done some really funny books 
for oni press and some daredevil comics for marvel.---and he has a couple of 
cool websites and for  
the big kevin smith plugs --alright 

In a message dated 5/7/00 7:19:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 me! me!
 today i graduated. my school had kevin smith speak. his speech was titled,
 "you are smart and everyone else is really stupid", which ticked off more
 than a few of the older people there. he was completely awesome
 though... i laughed the entire way through. his word of advice for us
 young graduates (among other unmentionable things) was, "do not be that
 guy"... heh heh heh. i thought it was funny. perhaps another  sign for
 me. maybe i won't really wear my buffalo shirt to the  show... anyone into
 kevin smith movies? i think they rock. and he was talking about how some
 people approached him to maybe write another superman, (i think the
 director john peters) but they wanted him to take away the superman suit
 and the flying away from superman, and have superman fight a big spider a
 third of the way into the movie. he turned it down, and then some time
 later wild wild west came out (by john peters) and lo and behold, there's
 some retarded scene where the hero fights a big spider. anyway, he's a
 really good speaker.. a good sense of humor. i wonder if he's coming out
 with another movie anytime soon... ? 

Re: [MMouse]: s/k

2000-05-06 Thread Sabenross

In a message dated 5/6/00 4:18:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 the new sleater kinney rox my sox,

Re: [MMouse]: shirts? who needs shirts? let's make like mike reno!

2000-04-29 Thread Sabenross

LOVERBOY RULES!!--(does anyone know who mike reno 
is?)-head bands will come back my friend---THEY WILL!!! when they do i 
will be right there with bandanas tided around my  parachute 

In a message dated 4/28/00 5:48:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< so i was thinking about this whole shirt business, and it sounds neat, but 
 you know, it's been done.  i mean, britney spears's got shirts, the 
 backstreet boys have shirts,  metallica's got shirts, too so that's you 
 not very indie rock.  and of course, from personal experience, i know that 
 least the girls against boys list made shirts.
 so i'm thinking, we don't want to debase ourselves to a level of 
 commonplacers, right? i  mean, we all want to show how indie-rock we are, 
 let people know just how in place our self-content sense of irony is, don't 
 we?  so here's the plan, in a word:
 in two words:
 sweatbands, wristbands.
 and then we all grow curly mullets.
 and never worry about the sweat or hair, or sweaty hair in our eyes, or 
 slippin' our grip.
 and like mike reno, we'll be "lovin' every minute of it - ALRIGHT!"
 turn that dial all the way, shoot me like a rocket into space,
 otherwise, i second the "you can really get it on" on the back.  though 
 not forget - we could have neon yellow cotton headbands that say "get it 

Re: [MMouse]: TLA show

2000-04-26 Thread Sabenross

i'm in!!hopefully some of us will get to hang outand if any one is up 
for getting together alittle before the show that'd be cool with me---

Re: [MMouse]: Shirt idea

2000-04-25 Thread Sabenross

i like this idea you can get shirts pretty cheep at kmart or some place 
along those lines i bought a couple of ringers at target a couple months 
back for about 6-8 dollars apiece-i was actually intending on making some 
of my own shirts anyway--- but this is a good idea--steven

In a message dated 4/24/00 5:45:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< heres an idea
 everyone go out and BUY YOUR OWN shirt, send it to the guy, and he'll
 screen the logo for ya. instead of us all deciding we want ringers, pinks,
 jerseys etc, you can go get your own and have a logo on whatever color ya
 damn well choose. seems like a logical solution to all these "i want x
 color" emails.

Re: [MMouse]: Shirt idea

2000-04-24 Thread Sabenross

how 'bout having "do you connect"(as in blue cadet3) somewhere on it that 
is if the whole lyric thing is included---that's  my contribution to the 
whole shirt idea-steven

Re: [MMouse]: BTS(again)

2000-04-23 Thread Sabenross

In a message dated 4/23/00 12:51:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Sidenote; I went to see Built To Spill last night in Philadelphia and
 it didn't live up to the expectations people kept setting for me.  They're
 not *that* good live.  Why the big hub-bub about them?  Did I catch them on
 an off-night?
  - Matt
---its weird when people have a totally different experience at the same 
show--i thought it was greati didnt care much for Sensefield ---i 
thought they sorta sucked-DOUG did say he was sick but most of time i 
couldnt tellonly on timetrap(i think) he didnt seem  to want to sing the 
lyrics---so it might have been an off night but mostly i thought every song 
sounded alot like the album versions--oh well i thought it was 

Re: [MMouse]: bts in philly tonight(sat)

2000-04-22 Thread Sabenross

--hi --- if any of you out there are going to the builttospill show tonight 
then hopefully i'll be able to meet/talk to some decent folks---if you see 
someone wearing a blue tshirt with a red cobra symbol(from G.I.JOE) then 
that's me ---i'm steven-be sure and say hi!---most likely i'll be 
upstairs(drinking whichever beer is the cheepest) but i might make it onto 
the floor---bye!!

[MMouse]: philly's troc

2000-04-20 Thread Sabenross


 every show that i have ever seen at the troc, they have checked me for 
things.  once they found my cassette recorder and took it, but gave it back 
after the show.
 also, for you smokers going to troc shows now:
 smoking is no longer allowed anywhere at the troc.  they will though, stamp 
your hand twice for smoke breaks.
 ---when did the no smoking thing go into effect? i cant remember the last 
show that i saw there, but it wasnt that long ago--it would get pretty 
smokey but i kinda expect that at a rock showthey should at least let you 
smoke upstairsoh well--they do have a ton of good shows coming up 

Re: [MMouse]: e-mail of silence for Kurt.

2000-04-06 Thread Sabenross

In a message dated 4/6/00 4:13:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
kurt or kurdt would sometimes spell his name like this ---i think somewhere 
in nevermind he even spells it both ways---i'd have to check though-i 
think the kill yourself and numbering were supposed to be 
tongue-in-cheekeveryone thinks they are better than everybody 
else-and nobody always "gets" everybody elses sense of 
<< Well I would like to say that this was on some mental level (be it small) a
 nice attempt at a post. However I've never seen Kurt spelled with the letter
 "D", make a numbered list to four without the number "3," spelling the name
 of the person the poll is about wrong, or having a informal poll with the
 choice of "kill himself" in a moment of silence for another artist that
 commited suicide.
 If I was you I would spit in the mirror at my reflection. Seek some help...
 Adam Kind

Re: [MMouse]: hot idie girls

2000-04-06 Thread Sabenross

--this is my first time saving anything in the month or less that i've been 
getting these mailings---but there are some extremely beautiful girls out 
there who are mm fansdamn! if only my girlfriend looked like these 
beautiful young ladies and was into the mouse-hopefully i'll meet some of 
you if you're at the philly showjust wanted to pay a compliment to all of 
you-- ---byesteven 
Official Hot Modest Mouse Girls Site: