[MMouse]: books

2000-06-25 Thread StrAmidala

Ohh i just finished the book Geek Love by Katherine Dunn... very strange but 
a great book!  I love the writing style of ms dunn highly recommended!
Also I love the book Even Cowgirls get the Blues  one of my favorites of 

jessica "wishing she was bonanza jellybean or at least had a cool name"

[MMouse]: jellybean, del ruby, and all the gang

2000-04-12 Thread StrAmidala

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

Jessica Dobson/Orange California/19

2.What is your favorite mouse song?

for the week its Neverending Math Equation
3.What are five records you couldn't live without

fiona apple - when the pawn...
modest mouse - Lonesome Crowded West
Smile - Girl Crushes Boy
Built to spill - if i could have at least one i would be satisfied
bjork - post

4. Putting records on the internet for free download:  bad or good?


5.  Ebay, bad or good?

no opinion

6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he voting for himself or

nah i think his hot ass is just what the girls want

7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?


8.  First live show?

Live with Pj harvey and veruca salt opening

9.  Worst live show?

poptopia 98 in LA 

10.  Favorite sound?

the violin!

11.  least favorite sound?

my sister when she is bothering me

12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses on the internet

hehe i'm going to have to say good... i hope

13.  What book should every person in america read?

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues - Tom Robbins...it's just funny

14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

good as long as the band can stay good

15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to see?

i don't really care about what people are wearing

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic bad/good?

its more interesting... so good

17.  Favorite beer?


18.  Favorite color?


19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

i hope something cool

20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells tons about a person)?

american beauty
being john malkovich
bottle rocket
fight club... i love edward norton

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n692

2000-02-18 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 02/18/2000 9:51:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< did anyone see the black and white episode about- god was a midget and 
died then back to work as usual


[MMouse]: atheist or agnostic

2000-02-17 Thread StrAmidala

okay i'm completely confused right now... i always though agnostic was when 
you believe in some kind of god but you aren't quite sure what god or gods... 
but i'm not sure if thats right now from some of the statements... what does 
agnostic mean?? am i right or wrong or just simplifying the whole term...
just curious

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n672

2000-02-09 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 02/08/2000 10:14:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< ~Which Orange county?? There are about 3 that i know
 of... and i think i need to see this show. (if it were
 to be true)~
`jacqueline >>

Orange County, Southern California... the one that has disneyland in it... 
and the venue is actually in or at least just outside of Orange City. its a 
popular fruit.

[MMouse]: this ain't no picnic

2000-02-07 Thread StrAmidala

<< <<  the point is, i heard that weezer, pavement and the mouse were 
  going to be there...  >>
 if this is true, ill walk there from boston. But when is this, cause i know 
 weezer is doing nothing till march, and pavement has said they don't want to 
 play any more shows for a while.  >>

i too live in Orange County and have heard of this show going on... last year 
it was on July 4th so i am assuming it will be the same this year... i can't 
wait! i hope this rumor is true!

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n636

2000-01-02 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 01/02/2000 3:56:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< anthony: why do you have that tape on your nose?
  dignan: exactly!!! >>

one of my favorite all time lines is "when did grace get so cynical"


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n613

1999-12-12 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 12/12/99 3:11:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

okay  thanks

oh yeah i forgot sixth sense, blair witch project, and the matrix was really 
good as well... ah shoot i love every movie i watch even the really dumb 
ones... my sisters always tease me cause when i was young i was obsessed with 
Killer clowns from outer space hehe... it was such a bad movie it was 
great!... and the movie jack frost is great but its not the jack frost 
with micheal keaton its the killer snowman jack frost hahah i love bad 
movies sometimes but i really love good movies too
bonanza jellybean

[MMouse]: movies

1999-12-12 Thread StrAmidala

okay i'm not going to rank them because there would be 7 number ones so i 
will just list my favorite movies this year:

american beauty
fight club
being john malkovich
sleepy hollow
star wars episode one 
south park
toy story 2 ( it was hilarious! )
stealing beautythis is an older movie but i watched it a couple days for 
the billionth time and its goood

movies i really want to see:

joan of arceven though i hear its bad i still want to see it

Bonanza Jellybean

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n603

1999-12-07 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 12/7/99 1:13:05 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< sorry this is not about modest mouse, but does anyone else besides me 
 to the new fiona apple about 20 times a day? so amazing!
  -shayne >>

i do i think i am going to ruin the cd... i've been toning it down a little 
lately but i have listened to it A LOT!...

favorite 15 cd's i own (some are super old and some are not) :

1. Modest mouse -- interstate 8/lonesome crowded west hehe tie
2.  fiona apple -- when the pawn
3.  built to spill -- keep it like a secret
4.  The Beatles -- Sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band
5.  Bjork -- Post/homogenic (couldn't decide)
6.  Weezer -- blue album
7.  jimmy eat world -- clarity
8.  ella fitzgerald -- compilation of hits
9.  that dog -- retreat from the sun
10. digable planets -- reachin'
11. Sunny day real estate -- how it feels to be something on
12. jejune -- this afternoons malady
13. tricky -- maxinquaye
14. sleater kinney -- call the doctor
15. promise ring -- very emergency
okay i'm sure i'm gonna hate this list soon cause i will realize i forgot 
something but oh well
bonanza jellybean

[MMouse]: Re: I wanna be your riot grrl

1999-12-03 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 12/3/99 2:40:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Am I the only person in the world who thinks that Sleater Kinney sounds 
 I mean this quite literally) like screaming pigs? >>

yikes thats harsh... do you live on a farm???  cause i don't think i have 
ever heard a pig scream and i don't think i want to.

a girl who obviously has good musical taste,
  bonanza jellybean

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n597

1999-12-03 Thread StrAmidala

In a message dated 12/2/99 10:55:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< #18: sleater kinney--the hot rock (which i disagree with. i hate that 
album) >>

okay that album is the best!!!... i like call the doctor a little bit more 
but it still is an awesome album!

jessica "bonanza jellybean"

[MMouse]: hawke

1999-11-25 Thread StrAmidala

<< ethan hawke wrote one of my favorite books.
 it's called "the hottest state"
 nirra >>

i read that book!!! it was pretty good... not my all time favorite but it was 
good all the same... sort of sad to me but thats just me.

jessica "bonanza jellybean" cowgirl

[MMouse]: books

1999-11-24 Thread StrAmidala

<< Mmm... beyond Breakfast of Champions, I'm not much of a Vonnegut
 expert/fan. >>

okay i thought Slaughter-House Five was EXCELLENT! i'm reading the book Even 
Cowgirls Get the Blues right now and its great! i want to be Bonanza 
Jellybean when i grow up... It is such a hilarious book though!! oh and i 
loved the play Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf IT IS AWESOME! but heck i 
love all books i read... i'm easily ammused... and i have a spelling and 
grammer difficulties but oh well
jessica "bonanza jellybean" cowgirl 

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n562

1999-11-21 Thread StrAmidala

<< "Nobody sees it when youre lying in your bed and I wanna crawl in with 
 but I cry instead.  I want you warm but it will only make me colder when 
 Those are the saddest lines Ive ever heard  written by the beautiful and 
 talented Fiona Apple.

isn't that album great!!... i am so obssessed with it... i used to not care 
for her that much but now i lover her!... she is so amazing

jessica "bonanza jellybean wannabe"

[MMouse]: sex less

1999-01-17 Thread StrAmidala

 >I was reading this article that said something about how Smiths fans have
 >less than people who don't listen to the Smiths.

HAHAHAHA what is sex??  I've decided to become a nun... if you think 
about the possibility it is really the best alternative for me personally... 
when people ask why i don't have a boyfriend and I usually never have an 
answer and really don't care for the question at all, well now i can just say 
"HELLO! i'm a nun!!" although my lack of faith may pose a problem but i will 
find a way around it. 

Jessica "Bonanza Jellybean" Dobson