
2000-04-20 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

are you fucking kidding me? "their first 2 albums suck" what the shit is
that?  their first 2 albums are the only good shit they have done.  their
first one "ten" was one of the reasons i came to like good music so
much.  it was so original and unlike the rest of the stuff i was hearing
on the radio.  i have since quit listening to the radio unless its a good
classic rock station, but compare smashmouth and matchbox20 to early
pearljam, and you have a blowout.  there is no comparison. 
oh yeah, not liking a band's best material, and not hearing the rest of it
doesnt really mean you know what you are talking about. 

ben A. of the 21st century
"im trying to drink away the part of the day that i cannot sleep away"

[MMouse]: beer me!

2000-04-11 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

hey, i like beer and i like mouse music, i also like morrissey music and
dance around the house to it in my tighty whities with the windows
open. (on occasion i do this while drinking myself into oblivion.)
im not saying that drinking is good, (i am), but i like it and that is
what i will do.  you can watch. have fun.

ben A. of the 21st century
"i'm trying to/ drink away the part of the day that i cannot sleep away"

"17.  Favorite beer?
the best beer is NO BEER!!! drinking is for jack asses."

how can you like modest mouse then?

...i know i'm gonnna get it for this.


1999-12-04 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

hi. here are my faves for 99.  i am kind of broke, so there is a lot of
stuff that i dont have yet. here is what i did get that was good. 

flaming lips- soft bulletin

superchunk- come pick me up
my morning jacket- tennessee fire

jim o'rourke- eureka

braid- please drive faster 7"

built to spill- keep it like a secret

a bunch of elvis costello rekkids that i got for 3 bucks apiece, and a
stack of elton john rekkids that my friend's mom gave me.  

ben A. of the 21st century


1999-12-02 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

with carbon dating.  it is only accurate if the object is less than 1
years old, i think.  when its older than that, the measurements that have
to be made are too small and therefore, creat a lot of error in the
readings.  or something like that.  

ben A. of the 21st century  "do me"


1999-12-02 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

the forces of nature havent changed.  carbon dating is based on carbon
being one of the building blocks of the universe.  do you think the laws
of physics can just change over time?  there is a certain order to the
makeup of matter, and that is one of the many things that we are sure
about.  also, according to people who were there, and liked to write stuff
down, julius caesar was killed in 44 B.C. that's over 2000 years ago. 

ben A. of the 21st century


ben A. of the 21st century


1999-12-01 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

there is this thing called a fossil record.  its where you can take a
bunch of fossils and look at them, and tell that each one is an evolved
version of the last.  that's how we got here now, and johnny, you can't
physically evolve as a person.  it takes thousands of years and
thank you for your cooperation and concern. 

ben A. of the 21st century


1999-12-01 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

hey, i am tired of school too.  just didnt want you to feel alone. 
has anyone here seen "dogma"?  its great stuff.  makes you think about
religion.  also in the beginning it talks about the poem in through the
looking glass about the walrus and the carpenter and how they represent
christianity (the carpenter) and the eastern religions (the walrus) they
then proceed to fool the oysters into following them and then eat them.
i will have to read it for myself though.  

ben A. of the 21st century
dont go home tonight, go out and find the one that you love and who loves