On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, bthurmon wrote:

> Howdy,
> I'm in quite a predicament, and I figured someone out there might be able to 
> help...those in the Nashville area may be in the same boat as I.
> This upcoming Saturday, two great bands are coming to Nashville, TN.  In fact 
> they are playing right across the street from one another.  Man or Astroman? 
> on one side, and Trans Am the other.  I cannot decide which one to see.  I 
> figured someone out there has seen one or the other (or both) of these bands 
> during their current tour.  If you would be so kind, let me in on your 
> reaction to the show (playlist, old stuff/new stuff/mixed, energized, etc).  
> This would be my first time to see either band, so you can see the pickle I'm 
> in.

Wow, that really is a problem!  Two good bands that are good live.  
However, I would recommend seeing MOAM simply because their show is ALWAYS
amazing.  They have a really unique show that rocks you harder than
almost anything else.  Plus, the ending is great (you'll know what I mean
if you see them...)

Just one man's opinion.  And for the record, I like Trans Am a lot, too -
you just have to make these tough decisions sometimes :)

James F. Flynn
* Insert favorite quote of the moment here.

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