RE: [MMouse]: re: modestmouse in cleveland/ticketmaster

2000-05-14 Thread jpeeters

>I doubt Modest Mouse will sell out the Agora Ballroom in >Cleveland.
>Guided by Voices didn't sell it out this past December (on >a
Friday night
>no less).  Anyways, if you want to be sure go ahead and >order
>Ticketmaster.  As long as you do that within a day before I
>think you'll
>be fine.  They'll put it on will-call.  You'll just have to
>show your
>credit card and ID at the door I think.  Mine is in the >mail...I'm

hey, you're right. they haven't sold out yet. i got my ticket
today in fact. 

>Fvckclevo, if you want to meet up at the show that's cool. >I
dunno what
>shirt I'll wear or stuff like that.  I have brown curly >hair,
>eyebrows.  I'm skinny white and tall.  Hmm, sound like >every
other indie
>rocker on the list.  OK well whatever email me back we can >figure
>something out.  Say meet at the bar at 10:32 or something. >Ha!

! hey, i'd like to meet you guys too. i've enjoyed meeting people
from the list at shows. it's fun. you get to put faces to email
names. i don't know when i'll roll in but... i'm 5'10, straight
dark brown hair, tie-dyed shirt. if there's a meeting spot eventually
let me know. if not, i'll just ask every tall guy with curly
brown hair i see if his name is tyler. well, probably not. heh


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RE: [MMouse]: cleveland modest mouse show

2000-05-14 Thread jpeeters

>i just checked to see if they were sold >out
>clevelandit said that they were on sale still...but how
>reliable is that 
>website??  i would just go to a regular ticketmaster place >and
ask them

yeah, i'm not really sure how updated that site is, and i know
the venue is only about 700 people i think. i was going to try
to get the ticket will call, where they reserve it for you at
the door (because there's no way i'd get in the mail by tuesday).
anyone know if this is a bad idea or not? i'd really hate to
drive all that way and then get screwed over. man, i should've
planned better. i just didn't think they'd be so good live, from
what i had heard. 


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[MMouse]: agora venue/ohio

2000-05-13 Thread jpeeters

have they sold out yet? anyone know? 


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[MMouse]: chicago show playlist and random blather about the show

2000-05-13 Thread jpeeters

alright... this is what i was able to decifer from what i had
hastily scrawled on my arm in the dark, whilst dancing. (forgot
the fucking paper):

(and in no particular order)

styrofoam boots/it's all nice on ice, alright
doin the cockroach
all night diner
perfect disguise
out of gas
cowboy dan
paper thin walls 
custom concern
third planet
dark center of the universe
a different city
what people are made of

did i forget anything people?

and they played two other songs i had never heard before

it was a good show, but not too many people were dancing. i think
it's a chicago thing. didn't matter... i still got my groove
on. in mah buffalo shirt. heh heh. mmm.

some guy with crazy dreds was helping jeremiah with the drums
during a few songs... anyone know who that was? and who's that
other guy on guitar?

at one point isaac..covered himself with a big piece of tin foil.
that's about all i can say about that.. 

girls were randomly yelling out I LOVE YOU to them, which was
annoying. i was yelling for them to play the damn thong song...
at one point isaac was like, "who here has heard the thong song?"
and like four people raised their hands/yelled out. and he was
like, "you guys gotta start watching more MTV!" and sang the
'thong-tha-thong-thong-thong' part of the song. i was all HELL

there were a lot more preps there than i thought there would
be. huh. 

oh and what's the name of that 'shot through the heart...blah
blah give love a bad name' song? he opened the show
pretending to sing that...funny. 

man, he did a lot of the screaming into the guitar thing/writhing
on stage. i think at one point he either fell into the audience
or jumped into it and kept playing. i couldn't see. you would
have to ask z.a.c.h specific details about that..

he also, *i think*, receited a short poem at the end. but i couldn't
make out the words, so maybe they were song lyrics. 

i had heard that they sucked live, but they must have been brushing
up on their technique or something because they were great. shoulda
played gravity rides everything or stars are projectors tho...m.

after the show was over isaac came back out alone, crouched down
and played the guitar for a while. everyone was really quiet,
just watching him and not moving. then he stopped and like looked
up and said, "uh..the show's over...that's it" and kept playing
and no one moved to leave. then after a bit he got up and walked

there were shirts on sale that said modest mouse with some sort
of simple goemetric design on the front...are those new? i have
no idea. 
alright, that's about all the energy i have tonight to write.

take care people,


--- Original Message ---
Sat, 13 May 2000 22:16:16 EDT
can anyone tell me what the playlist for the show is???

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RE: Re: [MMouse]: virgin suicides/American Psycho

2000-05-10 Thread jpeeters

--- Original Message ---
Wed, 10 May 2000 23:56:34 EDT
>>hI saw both Virgin Suicides and American Psycho. And
I read both the 
books too. 
  I thought American Psycho was not good at all.>> 

i agree. it was wasn't really good. if you want to see it, wait
till it comes out on video. i did read somewhere though that
the lead actor was able to make himself spontaneously sweat for
takes. over and over. creepy! i saw frequency the other day and
i thought it was gonna be rellly bad but i actually liked
it a lot.

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re: [MMouse]: road trips

2000-05-10 Thread jpeeters

--- Original Message ---
Damon Kalar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote on 
Wed, 10 May 2000 16:11:31 -0600
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RE: Re: [MMouse]: Re: bloodhound gang

2000-05-09 Thread jpeeters

--- Original Message ---
Tue, 9 May 2000 09:48:53 EDT
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RE: [MMouse]: I'm sure this has been talked about

2000-05-08 Thread jpeeters

hey... someone wrote quite a detailed post about this to the
modest mouse message board, which you can get to from bruce willen's
modest mouse page (www.crystal-night/~bwillen). it was written
like last week so you'll have to searcg for it. i would go look
at that. you're colleen's boyfriend? did she get the tape ok?
i have this groundless, intense worry that somehow i fuck up
tapes and they get to people with parts missing or playing in
reverse or something. 


--- Original Message ---
Sun, 7 May 2000 23:05:47 EDT
and I hope I'm not opening any old wounds here (or something),
but I was 
wondering about this date rape allegation with Brock?  Can someone
fill me in?

Oh yea, Stars Are Projectors is one of my favs on the new record.


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[MMOUSE]: offtopic/jenny to zach

2000-05-04 Thread jpeeters

> :> Next, I'd like to offer a truce between steve and
> :> jenny who seem to be arguing for little or no
> :> reason. 
steve was right; this has nothing to do with anyone else so you
can't really 'offer a truce'. i took the email he sent me the
wrong way for personal reasons. i posted to the list also for
valid personal reasons i'd be glad to fully explain if you wanted
to hear them. but, yeah, i was wrong. steve and i have talked
about this. it was a joke. end of story.   

> :>One, no one likes to read people getting in a
> fight.
> :> 
> :> Two, saying you introduced someone to modest
> mouse
> :> in
> :> this line of work is like telling Michael Jordan
> you
> :> taught him everything.
> :

uh, no. how amazingly bold of you to march in and give your opinion
on something you don't know anything about. i am in fact the
reason he got into them. so,'ll just have to deal
with it i guess.  


also, line of work? uh, no again. line of work would be me working
in a major chicago hospital in a month as a RN providing healthcare
for sick/injured/dying people. listening to cd's, buying them,
talking about them and going to shows is a fucking hobby (one
i love, i admit). well, unless yer working for a record label
or something. then i guess that's a line of work. 

just my opinion of course,


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RE: [MMouse]: Re: Bizarre Observation

2000-04-18 Thread jpeeters

mmm...what people are made of. now that's a damn fine song. i
wanna clap along.  

how exactly do you mean though? the songs are somehow like the
book/movie? it's an interesting concept, i'll grant you that.


--- Original Message ---
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 21:44:44 EDT
Replace life like weeds with what people are made of 


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