i am not about to apologize for me screaming out "talking shit".  nor will i apologize 
for my friend doing the same thing.  i wanted to hear a song and so i let them know 
about it.  if i hurt your precious ears in the process too bad, wear earplugs.

why go to a concert if you don't want to hear loud noises?


On Tue, 23 May 2000 16:27:59   Spazedog00 wrote:
>In a message dated 5/23/00 8:06:36 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
><<    If I had heard your shrill femme-chords shrieking out "talking shit" 
> one more time I'd have had an aneurysm.
>       - Matt >>
>i hate people who dotn know how to have a good time at shows 
>sounds like youre an indier than thou grade A asshole mark and if youre ever 
>in new york dont even think about bringing your shit otherwise you might not 
>make it back to wherever you came from 
>*gary*  will smith doesnt have to curse to sell records 
>           well i do so fuck him and fuck you too 

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