Hi, I hope I did this right....I've been on the list for awhile now, but 
never posted anything.  I was wondering if anyone on this list knows anything 
about Cane's Ballroom in San Diego where Modest Mouse is playing June 7th.  
I'm from Boston and am completely absorbed with depression on missing the 
show here.  And I just happen to be going to San Diego soon to see 
family....so I'm praying to all possible gods that I will be able to catch 
the mouse there.  I was just wondering what else Cane's Ballroom is near, 
what the area is like, etc. cause I'm thinking the only way I'll get to go is 
if my younger cousin can go ('cause then it counts as family bonding time) 
and she's younger, and my aunt may be overprotective.  So, if anyone can give 
me any info, thanks alot.  I was also wondering, even though it was awhile 
ago....if anyone on the list went to Elliot Smith at the Roxy whenever that 
was...a week or so ago, and what they thought.  Cause I was there.
Nice to meet all of you,

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