Fwd: [MMouse]: Label Web Pages(and mm related, sorta)

1999-07-29 Thread JLANGDON4

I checked out that label www.trackstarrecords.com site...

It is pretty damn cool.  Thanks for the suggestion...


Re: [MMouse]: Label Web Pages(and mm related, sorta)

1999-07-29 Thread Runnerkid


Re: [MMouse]: Label Web Pages(and mm related, sorta)

1999-07-28 Thread X350125GO

southern's website:
well its not my favorite site, but it always has tons of tour dates, and 
theres a whole variety of band pages on it, pretty minimal stuff though.
but anyway, i just thought id let peeps know that they just put up a red 
stars theory page, being that the next album is on touch and go.  theres not 
much there yet, just a photo, the cover of the album, the songs, and the 
release date (september sixth).
xo brian
np:  rasco:  time waits for no man
   black heart procession:  two  

In a message dated 7/28/99 10:14:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< I was curious as to every one's favorite record label webpage according to
 content and design.  It seems you can always find good info on Suicide
 Squeeze, Doghouse, Tree, and Temporary Residence Limited but others seem
 almost useless.  What do the rest of you modest mouse listeners feel?
 xoxo andy