[MMouse]: NO MOUSE CONTENT RE: Three Kings

1999-10-29 Thread Mark Robbins

Well..i go for this point for point..

<> Actually..we spent very little money
on Bosnia.  The only thing we supplied were the bombs, everything else was
paid for by NATO or other European countries..as its been for the past five
decades or so...were like the hessians..if you pay for the battle well fight
it..and take the credit for the vicotry..since we never lose.

This sentiment is shared perhaps by every other person in the world..so..if
were all ignorant..and we know that were all ignorant..doesnt that mean that
were not ignorant anymore?  Thats an excuse..and a flimsy one at that.


This is what corporations would like you to believe..they give people
jobs..if it weren't for them they would be forced to beg..and on and on and
The fact is that its a total lie, profit margins wouldn't be hurt that badly
if they paid a decent(no ones looking for 20 bucks an hour..but how about a
minimum HOURLY wage..no more paying by the week..or the soccerball)wage.
What would happen, is that instead of the CEO making 4000 times what the
average worker in his company makes(no that is not a point for exageration
that IS a real figure) they'd only make 400-500 times what the average
worker makes(the average worker being paid about 12.50 an hour) Boo hoo for
the CEO's of the world..i think they will survive.
Yes..children do have to work in order to support their family "over there".
Doesn't that bother you?  Considering how easy such a situation would be to
change(that is..in our next IMF loan just tell them that they have to
implement a minimum wage standard..or else they dont get the money..) why is
nothing being done?  Because people don't realize how easy it would be to
change...WE ARE THE MAJORITY..the big majority(the people who genuinely care
about humanity that is..) why do we let a couple of punks push us around?
Once again..mark no understand..


Actually..i kind of liked Al Gore's energy(no joke) when i saw him on
C-Span..i almost even felt a little inspired..


Actually..you probably will see it..within the next twenty years is my
guess..as money becomes totally meaningless..science fiction realities
a'commin and what not..


What makes you feel safe now?  The knowledge that if your purse is
stolen..you can go to the police for help..or that if your walking the
streets alone some crack addict is going to be so scared of going to prison
that he wouldn't kill you for the change in your car..yeah..you go with
that.  Your not safe..youve just been tricked into thinking you are.  Ill
end with some pretty scarry logic..some of you probably already know.  The
chances of the police actually arresting a criminal(country wide average) is
20%..only one out of five cases are ever solved..then looking at the number
convicted..1 in five drops to 1 in ten..and the number that actually serve a
prision sentance..about one in twenty..
The only way saftey can ever be assured is if we simply erradicate the
causes..money, power, greed, arivace.  Stop giving people easy ways to
measure worth..and youll do a lot more to stopping crime than hiring a
couple hundred thousand police officers..

sweetness follows.


1999-01-02 Thread grrr

are you saying we don't fight the battles?  there were american troops
there, you might remember...in bosnia, that is.  and in desert storm for
that matter.

agreed.  it is a very flimsy argument.  not even worth noting really.

but the point is that the companies CAN pay less than they "should".  and
because greed is about as prevalent as ignorance (if not more so), they
will pay less.  i think it's ridiculous, too.  but they're not changing
their ways here, so why would they do it anywhere else.  

just because i'm more realistic, doesn't mean i'm compassionless.  of
course it bothers me, it's a damn tragedy.  but what are YOU or I going to
do?  start your own company and pay the workers twice the amount any other
company is paying.  i dare you.

don't get your hopes up.

we are the majority, but we are the majority with little connection to the
political or economic arena.  doesn't the average person have enough to
worry about in a day without pondering the status of all of the other
people of the world.  it's great if that is your job, but geez, i hardly
make enough money to pay for college and rent and food and all the other
little costs as it is-i don't have enough time in the day to get all of my
work for classes done and to study for tests.  i'm not going to go home at
night and think "oh god, some people have such a horrible life.  i should
give my home to all the homeless people and share everything i have."  

i don't see it, sorry.

i know the stats, but i don't feel threatened walking home alone at night.
i don't live in a big city, but there is crime there and several girls
have been attacked recently.  i guess i just don't feel the fear.  maybe
i'm naive.

oh please, you think you can get rid of power greed and avarice?
impossible i say.  honest to god impossible.  people wouldn't allow it.
if the human race didn't find these ways of measuring worth effective,
they wouldn't exist.  plain and simply, it's never going to happen.

sweetness follows.