[MMouse]: Re: Austin bands

2000-08-15 Thread MrHevyfoot

<< No votes for Brown Whornet?  They blow me away every
 time I see them; even when they played "Tom Sawyer"
 and "Home Sweet Home" for the 80's cheese rock show.must-see live show.
 --I totally forgot about Brown Whornet.  uppetAnd HUG  >>

never heard any of these bands, but theres no way any of them were better 
than the MOTARDS. the reds and young losers are good now too. pretty sure the 
motards and cryin' out louds are broken up though. but the first song on the 
motards Rip Off single is the most badass song ever.

[MMouse]: Re: Austin Bands

2000-08-14 Thread Ashod23

<< Three Austin bands that will rock your world:
 1.  Sexy Finger Champs
 2.  PONG!!!
 3.  Orange Mothers
 ...and Pocket Fishrmen would have made it four if only they were still 
 together >>

1. Spoon
2. Fivehead
3. Experimental Aircraft