[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n775

2000-04-10 Thread melissa

hey.  sorry rob.  i misinterpreted what you said and i really really really
apologize.  i read it again later and i realized what i had done.  i am very
very very sorry.  i still don't like anyone who thinks that you have to have
listened to a band for X amount to be a real fan, but rob, you are no longer
on my list and never should have been so i am sorry. i will try to read
better next time.

asking for forgiveness,

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n775

2000-04-10 Thread melissa

i don't know if it's congenial to respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with disgust, or if
he will even see this or give a damn, but i have to say something here.

THEM!!!it is almost entirely beyond my control living in po-dunk
southern fucking indiana that i didn't hear about the mouse until just over
a year ago.  sure, i couldh've spent hours on the internet, searching and
longing for a band whose sound made me forget the world exists, but that is
not the way i do business.  that does not mean that you are anymore of a fan
because you've listened to them longer.  they can affect me the same way if
not more because my heart is not cold and dark and obsessed with my own
image of "hey, i've been into the mouse a long time and if anyone".
listen bozo, who fucking cares about you?  i would hope the others here
would stand behind me in saying, not your stupid ass, Rob.


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n775

2000-04-09 Thread Blesbok8

So this is my first post...does anyone know if the mouse is playing near 
lexington, ky? The last list i saw had them playing in cleveland, which is 
like 8 hours away. Also, anyone else heard the new pedro the lion album? It's 
quite good.

-Fancy Matthew