wanna get snippy about it?
i am holding out on the boots page address because if too many people go
to it at once the bandwidth will get hogged, the people who HOST the
computer will notice and the boots will get taken down permanently.

(who just gave out the site name in the email to all the ebay bidders)

p.s. dont ever call me an elitist again. im giving out FREEE boots here
to DAMn the elitist man. ive met people with lots of boots who hoarde
them and brag about it, making all the people with nothing to trade sit
there and wonder what a live modest mouse sounds like, or whatever.
these are free boots. and if you ask me nicely, ive got about 1500 other
full length indie albums in mp3. i rarely hesitate to give out free
shit. if giving out free shit is elitist i think you need to reassess
your definition. grr. 

Anti Matter wrote:
> what is the address to your modest mouse boots page? you never say.
> what is this some elitist page that only certain people can see? geez...
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