while vactioning here in europe i made a separate email address from this 
modest mouse list and holy shit, this is the first time ive seen it in three 
weeks. i have like 800 emails here. so im trying to go through them and 
respond to some important ones...

ok, bright eyes. all you chicago area fans should come see them. theyre 
playing my house in two weeks - june 14th. its going to be a fun one, email 
me for info and directions. i dont know if theyre playing any other illinois 
shows on this leg of tour, so this may be your only shot (the tour page at 
saddle creek doesnt have an il date). i just figured id post this since they 
seem to be getting talked about (again). and if youre from chi town and want 
to come for other shows, we got engine down, planes mistaken for stars, 
aloha, gods reflex, and a bunch more lined up. its only 2 hours 
south...totally worth it for a rockin house show.

bloomington il - there aint much here. one record store called deadpan 
alley. its on downtown normal (which is connected to bloomington). sorry if 
thats been talked about already, but like i said - 800 emails.

london - i just got here today, anyone know of any good record stores? im 
over in kensington high (which seems really cool), but am looking to get out 
and record shop. anything else anyone would suggest here? im going to the 
newl opened tate modern art museum here in a day. bacons three studies is 
here so im fucking stoked. hopefully freud, close, schiele, androghtko will 
be representin as well.

what to buy? i would suggest the new dj cam. i just picked it up 
here...awesome french hip hop that you can get in the states easily enough. 
but the best record ive picked up this year was the new full length by the 
holy childhood. i saw em at the empty bottle in early may and they 
completely blew me away. so fucking amazing. total blues-style indie rock 
and roll...awesome harmonies, one of the leo brothers wrote all the songs 
and sings (so you at least know the lyrics are amazing), and they even cover 
that sorrow song "sometimes i feel like a motherless child." seriously the 
best thing ive heard all year. its on gern blandsten records.

hey, clownsfrightenme (ryan)- you and chispa and enfold broke down at my 
house last summer. 12 germans on my living room floor. im steve. the tall 
guy who listened to bonnie prince billy with you in my room. that night was 
absolutely insane. i just figured out who you were. cutter from prn, 
right??? awesome. i feel like a detective. i should email you....whats the 
deal with scott and bloodlink now? the website is down...or it was. i want 
that sleeping body discgraphy! you should email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
cuz i check that one.

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