> i never said that eating meat was directly linked to the common cold/flu, but
> i've been sick probably about 3 times since i stopped eating meat.
> coincidence? probably not.

Probably so.  I live almost entirely on microwave food, frozen pizza,
meat, fast food, iced tea, coffee, cigarettes, marijuana, and the
occasional vitamin C pill, and haved lived this way for upwards of six
years, and I still only get sick at most once a year, and then usually
only for one day.

You wanna know the REAL best way to not get sick?  Stop taking
medicine.  I'm completely serious.  The more you rely on medicine to get
rid of minor illness/infection, the more susceptible to them you will
be.  Think of it this way - every time you let yr own immune system kill
a virus or infection, it gets stronger, because it learns how to deal
with that infection/virus.  If you get rid of them with medicine, yr
body learns nothing.  I mean, come on - if pharmaceutical companies
actually got rid of disease, wouldn't they go out of business?  And it's
blindingly obvious that the ONLY thing pharmaceutical giants care about
is making money, as evidenced by, for example, the way it seems like
every child or teenager in the country is on at least one kind of
anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, or whatever.  Funny, we used to get
along just fine without them... in fact, if historical accounts are to
be trusted, mental illness was LESS common before these drugs came
along.  HMMMMM...

np:the Supremes, "Reflections"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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