ahhh.. i meant to write this email a long time ago.. but i just got so
bogged down with schoolwork and whatnot that it slipped my mind, yet its
still a truism (if thats a word)
but i get so bogged down with listening to boots and rarities and shit
that a lot of times i forget about the songs that made me love the
mouse. cna you remember what it was like when you first understood the
genius of modest mouse? i was listening to talking shit about a pretty
sunset about a week ago and i just got this overwhelming nostalgic
feeling, the feeling of hearing a great band for the first time. theres
something about the music.. the feel.. the aura of everything that the
lyrics of the mouse seem to stand for that just hit me all at once.. an
overwhelming force.. 
this is why i like music in the first place. 
so i hope you can all remember that gleam you got in your eye when you
discovered the mouse. i feel like such a schoolboy when i get that
nostalgia boost... like the awe and my open mouthed gaze as i watched MM
play for the first time last november 5th at bard college. old list
members can remember i wrote like an 8 page review of the show. it was
so amazing. the band that would be king (i know.. thats half japanese
but whatever). 
take em all for the sadness and happiness that comes from hurting deep
down inside. 


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