Stuff I bought recently:

764-HERO: Salt Sinks & Sugar Floats
I like it.  It reminds me of Modest Mouse, but the vocals aren't quite as harsh.  And it's not as energetic and powerful.  But it's still good.

Nada Surf: Proximity Effect
I like this one, too.  It's a little more pop-rock than High/Low was.  But it's cool, especially "Mother's Day" and "80 Windows." 

Elliott Smith: Either/Or
It's good, just like all his albums.  He makes me happy.  Sometimes he makes me sleepy, too, but that's okay.  He's fun to listen to when I'm sad.

They Might Be Giants: Factory Showroom
I like John Henry and Flood more, but this one is still pretty good.

Superdrag: Regretfully Yours
They talk about cigarettes a lot.  It's good.  I like it more than Headtrip In Every Key.  "Sucked Out" is much different from most of their music.

Built to Spill: "Center of the Universe" import single
There are a couple acoustic songs on here, with just Doug.  And there's a song, "Now and Then," that makes me happy and sad at the same time.  I don't know why.  It just does.  I love that song.

Owsley: Owsley
It sounds kind of like Fountains of Wayne, but a little more electric.  It's fun music, though.  Not quite as good as FOW, but it's good for a change of pace.

Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese Dream
I had never heard this CD before.  But everyone says it's their best one.  I concur.

Red Stars Theory: But Sleep Came Slowly
I like it, but it's kind of tiring.  I like to listen to it when I try to go to sleep.  It's just kind of mellow and...boring.

Treepeople: Actual Re-enactment
I bought it because Doug Martsch used to be in the Treepeople.  I knew he left before they made this album, but I thought it would still reflect his style.  It does, kind of, but I don't really care for it much.  It's okay. 

Where Is My Mind?: Pixies tribute album
I haven't heard of most of the bands on here, but I like it.  I don't have any Pixies albums.  I basically bought this because I like "Velouria," and I knew Superdrag and Nada Surf were on here.  I ended up liking most of the songs, though.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my recent purchases.

boring, but it's more action than youse guys have given in the last day

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